
1737 件ヒット (0.034秒):

  •   共生社会論  
      佐藤 雪野  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 CALL教室 M304  


    From multicultural and interdisciplinary perspectives, this course deals with psychological, cultural, social, and religious phenomena relating to individuals and groups occasionally with different ethnocultural backgrounds and identities. This series of lectures not only theoretically provides the cause or backdrop of cultural discord or conflict issues in general underlying social relationships of individuals and groups, but also attempts to find a clue to the solution of such problems on a case by case basis.

  •   多文化共生論特別講義B  
      佐藤 雪野  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    多文化共生論的アプローチの方法論的基礎を修得させるとともに、講座全教員がそれぞれの専門領域に即して、個別的・具体的な諸問題に取り組む際の研究の進め方を指導する。In this course, lecturers who study different fields from the perspective of multiculturalism will explain the current topics of their specialized fields, so that students can acquire necessary methods and skills for studies on multiculturalism.

  •   地域環境学特論 / Special Lectures on Regional and International Environment  
      岡 洋樹  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


  •   応用データ科学  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


  •   教育心理学講義Ⅱ  
      佐藤 誠子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   環境・動物福祉学  
      小倉 振一郎, 深澤 充  
      後期後半 金曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 後期後半 金曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    The paradigm of 20th century was mass production and mass consumer society. In contrast in 21st century, a great paradigm sift is undergoing to construction of recycling and sustainable society. This perspective has created and developed the concept of environmental conservation and animal welfare. In this course, students understand the knowlege of them and basic researches and technologies of livestock production.

  •   物理と対称性 / Physics and Symmetry  
      那須 譲治  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    Symmetry is one of the most essential concepts in modern physics. Here, we will study the mathematical basics of group theory. In particular, we will learn the representation theory of groups, which can be a powerful tool in understanding quantum mechanics and acquiring perspectives on physics and applications to quantum systems using group theory. We assume that the students have enough knowledge of linear algebra and the contents of Quantum Mechanics I.

  •   表象文化論Ⅱ  
      寺本 成彦  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    First, we will re-examine the history of the cinema from its beginning (Auguste and Louis Lumière, Georges Méliès) to the end of the1910's when D. W. Griffith complete the manners of narration by film. Secondly, we will exmanine a contrary tendance of cinema : deconstruction / reconstruction of the narrative by cinema. On this point of view, we will analyse Ballet mécanique (Fernand Légier, 1924), Entr’acte (René Clair, 1924), Man with a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929), Un chien andalou (Buñuel, Dalí, 1929).

  •   資源循環型環境システム論Ⅱ  
      劉 庭秀  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 CALL教室 M304  


    This course introduces the history of waste disposal, recycling issues and basic theories on environmental policy. In addition, this lecture deals with the feature of Waste Management in Asian countries, the effective utilization method of recycled material, and material flow. It also enhances to understand Integrated Waste Management and Recycling System through detailed case study, for example, ELV(End-of Life Vehicle), small home appliance, containers and packaging, waste incineration and energy recovery and so on.

  •   教育心理学基礎論  
      工藤 与志文  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 その他  

