

後期 月曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 佐藤 雪野. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-OHS709J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class Subject

多文化共生論の理論と実際(10)-B Theory and practice of studies on multiculturalism (10)-B

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

多文化共生論的アプローチの方法論的基礎を修得させるとともに、講座全教員がそれぞれの専門領域に即して、個別的・具体的な諸問題に取り組む際の研究の進め方を指導する。In this course, lecturers who study different fields from the perspective of multiculturalism will explain the current topics of their specialized fields, so that students can acquire necessary methods and skills for studies on multiculturalism.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

The aim of this course is 1) to understand variety of subjects and methods of studies on multiculturalism as well as 2) to acquire academic methods to approach various subjects in practice.

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

教員が順に4回ずつ以下のテーマに基づいて講義を行う。Each lecturer provides four-week lectures in an "omnibus" style.

オリエンテーション Orientation

中東欧研究の現状と課題 ⅤI(1)佐藤雪野
Current Status and Issues of Central and East European Studies VI (1) Yukino Sato

中東欧研究の現状と課題 ⅤI(2)佐藤雪野
Current Status and Issues of Central and East European Studies VI (2) Yukino Sato

中東欧研究の現状と課題 ⅤI(3)佐藤雪野
Current Status and Issues of Central and East European Studies VI (3) Yukino Sato

中東欧研究の現状と課題 ⅤI(4)佐藤雪野
Current Status and Issues of Central and East European Studies VI (4) Yukino Sato

Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (1) Koji Sakamaki

近代フランス詩概観 (2)坂巻康司
Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (2) Koji Sakamaki

近代フランス詩概観 (3)坂巻康司
Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (3) Koji Sakamaki

近代フランス詩概観 (4)坂巻康司
Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (4) Koji Sakamaki

Practice and Issues of Studies on Hawaiian History(1) Shihomi Meguro

Practice and Issues of Studies on Hawaiian History(2) Shihomi Meguro

Practice and Issues of Studies on Hawaiian History(3) Shihomi Meguro

Practice and Issues of Studies on Hawaiian History(4) Shihomi Meguro

総括 (1) Summary (1)

総括 (2) Summary (2)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

レポートによる。Evaluation is based on a submitted report.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

授業中に適宜指示する。Textbook and referendes will be designated in the course.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

自分の研究にどのように応用できるかという観点から、配布される資料や自分のノートをよく読み、問題意識を持ち質問などを考える。Students are required to read designated material in advance and to prepare for their active participation in the discussion on the research topic.

その他/In addition

レポートについては、引用の箇所と出典を明示するなど、研究倫理に準拠する内容と様式を求める。オフィスアワーはメールでの予約制とする。質問はメールでも受け付ける。For writing the reports, students are required to comply with academic manners such as revealing the quoted sources etc. Office hours: Make an appointment via e-mail or other means. Students can email their questions.

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