
地域環境学特論 / Special Lectures on Regional and International Environment

前期集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 岡 洋樹. 履修年度: 2024.



授業題目/Class Subject

The Construction and Perception of the Environmental World: History, Language, and Technology

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)


授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

In contrast to the natural sciences, which consider the environment as the physical nature that surrounds humans, the humanities and social sciences consider the environment as a world created by humans (Umwelt). In this lecture, lecturers specializing in history, linguistics, and anthropology will discuss a variety of topics related to the social and cultural environment. Through this, students develop an understanding of the humanistic nature of the environment.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)







1. ニッチ構築:環境改変の生物学的起源
2. 技術の制約条件としての環境:旧石器時代ユーラシア大陸の石器製作技術の時空間動態



授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

6, Aug. 2024 Tuesday
Introduction (8:50-10:20)
Prof. Hiroki Oka
From the perspective of area studies, environmental use shows a variety of forms depending on the time and place. This is because the environment is not merely the physical nature that surrounds people and its society, but the environmental world (Umwelt) that human constructs, segments, gives meaning to, and illuminates as the arena of livelihood. Therefore, it has a very human aspect, and it is sometimes a place of destruction and confrontation. Human beings use technology to construct the environmental world, but at the same time, they cannot transcend the constraints of that world. The "Introduction" explains the purpose and content of this lecture.

Regional environment in history (10:30-12:00, 13:00-14:30)
Associate Prof. Daisuke Sato
The discourse that regards Japan's Edo period as an "ideal type of ecology" and a "recycling-oriented society" has become popular among the population, partly due to the rise of interests in the environmental problems in recent years. In reality, however, their livelihoods relied on excessive pressure on natural resources, and it was also a time when environmental problems occurred frequently beyond a single region. In this lecture, the reality of the environmental issues in Edo era Japan is discussed through interpreting contemporary archival sources.

Conflicts over environmental use in Mongolia (14:40-17:50)
Prof. Hiroki Oka
The steppes of Northeast Asia have historically been the land of nomadic pastoralists. For more than 2,000 years, nomads stood side by side with the settled agricultural civilizations of the south, and their use of the environment was very different from that of agricultural peoples. At the same time, however, there was a high demand for agricultural products such as cotton, silk, grain, and other in all aspects of nomad’s livelihood, which complicated the historical relationship between the two. In this lecture, we will examine the relationship between Mongolian nomads and settled farmers, who have different views of the environment, and what kind of characteristics they have given to the history of Northeast Asia.

7, Aug. 2024 Wednesday
Environment and national integration of multi ethnic China. (10:30-12:00, 13:00-14:30)
Associate Prof. Toshihiro Ueno
Today's China is home to many ethnic groups, including the Han Chinese. After the collapse of the dynastic rule dissolved its integration in the twentieth century, The reintegration of the region was an important issue in nation-state building in China, and the Communist Party of China (CCP) led the unity of the party, government and military forces strongly promoted this goal. The distortion occurred in this process triggered the ethnic problems on the one hand, It also affected the occurrence of environmental problems since the end of the century. In this lecture, we will consider the relationship between the humanistic environment and environmental issues related to China's national integration.

War, history and memory in the regional environment. (14:40-17:50)
Associate Prof. Yumi Ishii
What and how people remember and forget differs depending on the country and region. This is thought to be because the living environment, social environment, and political environment influence memory. In this lecture, based on oral history research on the Sino-Japanese War, we will consider the relationship between memory and society (environment) at various levels such as family, region, and country, and reinterpret "collective memory" from the perspective of individual stories.

8, Aug. 2024 Thursday
Region and Language: Nation, Nationality, Language (10:30-1200, 13:00-14:30)
Associate Prof. Kenji Yanagida
In the real world, national boundaries, ethnic boundaries, and linguistic boundaries do not coincide. In any region, language must be carefully treated when studying the peoples and cultures of the region. For example, words such as "dialect" and "language family" are linguistic terms, and reading or writing these words without knowing their meaning in linguistics can lead to serious errors in your research. In this lecture, we will consider the relationship between multiple language variants and the relationship between nations, ethnicities, and languages.

Niche construction and environmental constraint (14:40-17:50)
Associate Prof. Tamura
1.Niche construction: the biological origin of environmental modification
In evolutionary biology, niche construction is the process of modifying the environment and changing the selection pressure, as exemplified by the construction of a beaver's nest. Humans are said to have an outstanding ability to build this niche, and some researchers believe that it played an important role in the evolutionary process of mankind, but it can also be positioned as the basis for "environmental destruction" in modern times. We will introduce examples of niche construction in humans and non-human animals, and discuss the action of environmental modification from a perspective that includes non-humans.

2. Environment as a Constraint on Technology: Spatiotemporal dynamics of stone tool making technology in Paleolithic Eurasia
Even before the spread of modern humans, there has been spatiotemporal diversity of stone-tool making techniques on Earth, and various interpretations have been presented as to what causes this diversity. Among them, the "environment", including fauna, flora, and geology, has been regarded as an important factor. Focusing on the Eurasian continent, including Northeast Asia, we will discuss the environment as a limiting factor for stoneware production technology.

9, Aug. 2024 Friday
Free discussion (10:30-12:00)

Examination (13:00-14:30)

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)


授業時間外学修(E)/Self study

Students should deepen their understanding of the content of the lecture by reading the references introduced in the lecture.

成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)


成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

Grades will be evaluated by a written test conducted at the end of the lectures.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

高橋美貴・佐藤大介 2023「近世東北に於ける土砂流出・堆積問題と流域ー近世後期の仙台藩領を事例としてー」『日本史研究』733
岡洋樹 2010「清朝の外藩モンゴル統治における新政の位置」『歴史評論』No.725、16-26頁
毛里和子 1998 『周縁からの中国:民族問題と国家』東京大学出版会
大西広(編著)2012 『中国の少数民族問題と経済格差』京都大学学術出版会
棚瀬慈郎・島村一平(編著)2015 『草原と鉱石:モンゴル・チベットにおける資源開発と環境問題』明石書店

ピーター・トラッドギル(土田滋訳)1975『言語と社会』岩波新書、ISBN: 4-00-412099-5
ロレト・トッド著(田中幸子訳) 1986『ピジン・クレオール入門』大修館書店、ISBN: 978-4-469-21134-4
Paul Connerton, How Societies Remember, Cambridge University Press 1989(芦刈美紀子訳『社会はいかに記憶するかー個人と社会の関係』新曜社、2011年)

Vamik Volkan Blind Trust: Large Groups and Their Leaders in Times of Crisis and Terror, 2004

F.John Odling‐Smeeほか(2007)『ニッチ構築―忘れられていた進化過程―』共立出版
Nishiaki, Y., Tamura, K., et al. (2021). Spatiotemporal variability in lithic technology of Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic Asia: A new dataset and its statistical analyses. Quaternary International, 596, 144-154.

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