
382 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   神経言語学Ⅱ  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 531講義室  

    This course overviews how language is represented in the brain and discusses its implication for language education. Topics to be covered in this course include speech perception, reading, lexical processing, syntax, semantics, discourse and bilingual language processing. Major neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, EEG/ERP, MEG and NIRS will be also introduced.

  •   教育情報デザイン論講義Ⅰ  
      伊藤 文人  
      後期 金曜日 4講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   対照言語学Ⅱ  
      中村 渉  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 531講義室  

    今日の機能主義的言語理論には、機能的談話文法(Functional Discourse Grammar)、役割指示文法(Role and Reference Grammar [RRG])があるが、今回は、生成文法、理論的前提を部分的に共有する認知文法(Cognitive Grammar)との相違を


    Today's functionalist linguistic theory includes Functional Discourse Grammar) and Role and Reference Grammar [RRG]). In this class, I will mainly introduce RRG, highlighting the differences between generative grammar and cognitive grammar (a linguistic theory that shares some of its theoretical premises).

  •   言語学基礎講読Ⅱ / Linguistics (Introductory Reading) II  
      小泉 政利  
      後期 金曜日 1講時  


    Students will learn the basics of cognitive neuroscience of language by reading an introductory textbook written in English.

  •   第二言語習得論Ⅱ  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 CALL教室 M301  

    This class builds on prior knowledge of Bilingual Acquisition and Comprehension discussed in the first half of the textbook 'Handbook of Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Approaches [Second Language Acquision I]. This class explains the process of 'Production' and 'Control' in Second Language Acquisition. Furthermore it explains 'Aspects' and 'Implications' of Bilingualism. This course provides an intensive and thorough explanaition of Production, Control, Aspects, and Implications of Bilingualism.

  •   実験心理学各論(神経・生理心理学) / Neuroscience and Physiological Psychology(Special Lecture)  
      坂井 信之  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    This course aims to help students with their understanding about human neuron systems and about neural mechanisms underlying human cognitive functions such as learning, memory and emotion.

  •   第二言語語彙習得論Ⅱ  
      内原 卓海  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    This course will overview various research issues in second language vocabulary acquisition with the primary focus on the four main themes: (1) corpus linguistics & vocabulary research, (2) psycholinguistics & vocabulary research, (3) vocabulary assessment, and (4) vocabulary development. It will explore the definition of research, the development of research questions and hypotheses, data collection & analysis, and validation of research instruments, taking examples from current L2 vocabulary studies. Students are expected to read the designated textbook (Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies: Durrant et al., 2022) as preparation for class participation, present the assigned chapter, and actively participate in discussions. As a final assignment, students are required to select one theme from among the four areas covered in the class and prepare a research plan (including preparation of materials necessary for data collection, description of data collection procedures, and description of data analysis).

  •   学習心理情報学  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  

    本講義では人の能力やこころに深く関与する「脳」を研究対象とする脳科学分野と心理学から、いくつかのトピックを選び、基礎的な知識から最新の知見まで紹介する。この分野は脳科学・心理学・生物学をはじめとして医学・工学・物理学等が結集してその解明に突き進んでいる学際的なフロンティア領域であり、幅広くその応用が期待されている。授業では知覚・認知心理学 記憶、推論、問題解決、意思決定などの人の高次認知における、内的資源(情報処理機構、経験的知識、生得的制約)と外的資源(状況、他者)の利用、およびその間の相互作用についての、最新の脳科学的知見をもとに、「人の知」や「心」とその個人差について理解を深めるために、関連する論文を読み、その論文の抄録を発表できるようになることを目的とする。In this lecture, several topics will be introduced from basic knowledge to the latest findings in the field of neuroscience and psychology, which focus on the "brain" that is deeply involved in human abilities and mind. This field is an interdisciplinary frontier area where neuroscience, psychology, biology, medicine, engineering, physics, and other disciplines are coming together to elucidate it, and it is expected to have a wide range of applications. In this course, students will learn about the use of internal resources (information processing mechanisms, empirical knowledge, innate constraints) and external resources (situations, others) in higher-order human cognition, such as memory, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making, and the interaction between them. Deepen the understanding of "human knowledge" and "mind" and their individual differences.

  •   分子・細胞生物学特選科目Ⅵ / Neural Computation (First Peirod)  
      筒井 健一郎  
      前期後半 木曜日 5講時  


    From the perspective of neuroinformatics, we understand brain functions from the sensory and motor levels to the cognitive, memory, and emotional levels at multiple scales: the cellular level, local circuit level, and large-scale circuit level.

  •   心理学  
      細田 千尋  
      2セメ:文系 工農/4セメ:理(地)工農  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC200  

    本講義では人の能力やこころに深く関与する「脳」を研究対象とする脳科学分野と心理学について、いくつかのトピックを選び、基礎的な知識から最新の知見まで紹介する。この分野は脳科学・心理学・生物学をはじめとして医学・工学・物理学等が結集してその解明に突き進んでいる学際的なフロンティア領域であり、幅広くその応用が期待されている。授業では知覚・認知心理学、記憶、推論、問題解決、意思決定などの人の高次認知における、内的資源(情報処理機構、経験的知識、生得的制約)と外的資源(状況、他者)の利用、およびその間の相互作用についての、最新の脳科学的知見をもとに、「人の知」や「心」とその個人差について理解を深める In this lecture, several topics will be introduced from basic knowledge to the latest findings in the field of neuroscience and psychology, which focus on the "brain" that is deeply involved in human abilities and mind. This field is an interdisciplinary frontier area where neuroscience, psychology, biology, medicine, engineering, physics, and other disciplines are coming together to elucidate it, and it is expected to have a wide range of applications. In this course, students will learn about the use of internal resources (information processing mechanisms, empirical knowledge, innate constraints) and external resources (situations, others) in higher-order human cognition, such as memory, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making, and the interaction between them. Deepen the understanding of "human knowledge" and "mind" and their individual differences.
