

後期 月曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 内原 卓海. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-LIN621E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.



授業題目/Class Subject

Introduction to Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This course will overview various research issues in second language vocabulary acquisition with the primary focus on the four main themes: (1) corpus linguistics & vocabulary research, (2) psycholinguistics & vocabulary research, (3) vocabulary assessment, and (4) vocabulary development. It will explore the definition of research, the development of research questions and hypotheses, data collection & analysis, and validation of research instruments, taking examples from current L2 vocabulary studies. Students are expected to read the designated textbook (Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies: Durrant et al., 2022) as preparation for class participation, present the assigned chapter, and actively participate in discussions. As a final assignment, students are required to select one theme from among the four areas covered in the class and prepare a research plan (including preparation of materials necessary for data collection, description of data collection procedures, and description of data analysis).

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

1. To learn major research methods in second language vocabulary acquisition;
2. To understand, evaluate, and critique the research design and the interpretation of findings in published articles on the area of interest related to the themes introduced in this course:
3. To prepare an annotated bibliography and write a literature review for a research paper, following accepted standards for vocabulary research.
4. To design your own research: state a research question, determine an appropriate design type, and select appropriate data collection & analysis procedures.

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

1. Read an assigned chapter thoroughly so that you can answer questions from your classmates. In advance you may see the instructor if you have any questions from an assigned chapter.

2. Based on your reading, make a concise summary of the chapter, focusing on several important issues, and include a few discussion questions about second language vocabulary research (e.g., methodology, design).

In Class
A student’s presentation will be about 80 minutes long.
1. Question & Answer Session: 10 minutes
Students and the instructor will ask a discussion leader some questions about key terminology and concepts. The discussion leader will be responsible for answering them concisely and clearly.

2. Summary of the chapter: 35 minutes
The discussion leader will briefly summarize the assigned chapter with a focus on several essential issues on second language vocabulary research. This summary should NOT exceed 35 minutes.

3. Discussion Session: 35 minutes
The discussion leader will have other students discuss the questions which s/he has prepared for in advance, but will not have to get the whole class to draw a conclusion for each question. The goal is to activate our knowledge of second language vocabulary research.

Introduction to the course (Chapter 1)

Conducting vocabulary research: Corpus-linguistics approach (Chapter 2 & 3)

Methods & key topics in corpus linguistics (Chapter 4 & 5)

Conducting vocabulary research: Psycholinguistics approach (Chapter 6 & 7)

Psycholinguistic methods & key topics (Chapter 8 & 9)

Conducting vocabulary assessment research (Chapter 10 & 11)

Methods & key topics in researching vocabulary tests (Chapter 12 & 13)

Conducting vocabulary development research (Chapter 14 & 15)

Methods & key topics in vocabulary development research (Chapter 16 & 17)

First research proposal presentation

Working across areas (Chapter 18)

Introducing empirical vocabulary studies (1): Corpus-linguistics & psycholinguistics

Introducing empirical vocabulary studies (2): Vocabulary assessment & development

Second Research proposal presentation (1)

Second Research proposal presentation (2)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Participation/Discussion Leading 15%
Research Proposal 85%
1) Proposal 40%
2) 8 annotated bibliographies 30%
3) Proposal presentation 15%


1) Proposal: Students are expected to select an area of interest relevant to one of the four themes introduced in this course (i.e., corpus linguistics & vocabulary research, psycholinguistics & vocabulary research, vocabulary assessment, and vocabulary development) and write up a research proposal (2000-2500 words excluding references and Appendixes). Follow the APA 7th Publication Manual Guideline (but, single-spaced) and use Times New Roman with font size 12. The reference list should include at least 5 journal articles that are directly relevant to your proposed study.

The proposal should include the following sections (weight for each section):
a. Introduction (10%): Provide a justification for the need to conduct your study with references to back up your claims. It is important to convince the readers and reviewers why you need to conduct the study of your interest. Your study can be practically, theoretically, or methodologically driven.
b. Literature Review (20%): Provide a concise summary of relevant studies and point out issues that emerge from the review. This is where you demonstrate your understanding of the relevant field (e.g., what has or has not been done) and critically evaluate earlier studies from theoretical, practical, or methodological standpoints. Your literature review should be structured in a way that leads to the rationale and justification for the need to conduct your study.
c. Method (50%): Describe research questions, participants, a research design (e.g., within- or between-participant), instruments (e.g., vocabulary tests, training materials), data collection procedures, data analysis procedures (e.g., scoring), and statistical analysis procedures (if relevant). Try to demonstrate the knowledge you have built from taking this course and readings you completed to support the decision you make. I strongly recommend that you should develop a sample of materials and submit them in Appendixes (attached to the main manuscript).
d. Expected Results (10%): Provide the results you expected to find concisely. You may want to draw on relevant references to generate hypotheses or predictions of the results.
e. Expected Implications (10%): Provide theoretical, practical, or methodological implications you expect from the findings of your proposed study.

2) Annotated bibliographies: An annotated bibliography is a list of books, chapters, articles, and documents with each reference followed by a brief summary and the annotation. For further information, visit the following site of Cornell University Library:
How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography

The annotated bibliography has to focus on the topic each student has selected in the proposal above so that they can familiarize themselves with the topic and formulate a thesis or an argument for their research proposal. The bibliography must include at least 8 articles from major international journals written in English (e.g., Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Applied Linguistics, Language Teaching Research, Language Testing, Language Assessment Quarterly, Applied Psycholinguistics, Second Language Research, Reading in a Foreign Language). Each annotated bibliography should be one page single-spaced (12 points, Times New Roman).

3) Proposal Presentation: You are expected to give a proposal presentation twice. The second presentation will be evaluated and it should be the revised version of the first presentation based on the feedback you receive from the students and instructor. The expected structure of the presentation and evaluation criteria are the same as for the research proposal (see above). The time given for each presentation is subject to change depending on the number of students enrolled for this class, but it may be around 15 minutes in total (1st trial: 5 min presentation + 10 min Q&A; 2nd trial: 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

Durrant, p., Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Kremmel, B., & Sonbul, S. (2022). Research methods in vocabulary studies. John Benjamins.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

Students are expected read assigned chapters, prepare for presentations, and complete annotated bibliography (90~120 minutes per week).

その他/In addition

REQUIREMENTS: Auditing Students
Auditing students are exempt from completing assignments related to research proposal (proposal report, annotated bibliographies, and proposal presentation), but they are required to actively participate in classroom discussions and take the role of a discussion leader (at least once).

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