
3347 件ヒット (0.046秒):

  •   事例研究(監査制度)  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    Understand the implications of financial statement auditing and society by reviewing cases of corporate fraud and then reviewing the actual measures taken. In addition, from a practical point of view, we will consider how we should respond as auditors when facing similar fraud.

  •   監査3  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  


    The audit of financial statements can be divided into two categories: “General remarks” and “Procedure methodology” (Audit Procedure Methodology / Reporting). In this lecture, I will mainly deal with practical issues related to the general “General remarks”, and will organize and discuss issues on each theme. The purpose of this lecture is to effectively achieve understanding the basic concept and understanding the purpose of the system through the presentation of items to be considered through self-learning and group discussion.

  •   財務会計の理論と実証  
      後期 木曜日 1講時  


    / The purpose of this course is to provide a theoretical background on the function of financial accounting, reviewing systematically empirical research. While accounting students generally study the process by which companies disclose financial statements based on accounting standards, they do not have many opportunities to learn about how financial statements work and what consequence they have. Such knowledge of the functions and economic consequences of financial accounting will be significant for us to understand the usefulness of financial accounting and deal with accounting information on practice. The academic research of financial accounting has developed economic theories and examined these theories empirically based on data such as financial statements and stock prices, which are called archival research in financial accounting. In this course, we will review the early research that provided the basis for much of the research to date, with a focus on empirical research in financial accounting and related fields. And then, we will also cover various research topics that have developed and expanded from that research. In the lectures, students will understand the process of hypothesis development based on the research question and theoretical background of each study, and discuss the implications of the empirical analysis results and issues for the future.

  •   財務会計論特論  
      後期 木曜日 1講時 会計大学院演習室  


    / The purpose of this course is to provide a theoretical background on the function of financial accounting, reviewing systematically empirical research. While accounting students generally study the process by which companies disclose financial statements based on accounting standards, they do not have many opportunities to learn about how financial statements work and what consequence they have. Such knowledge of the functions and economic consequences of financial accounting will be significant for us to understand the usefulness of financial accounting and deal with accounting information on practice. The academic research of financial accounting has developed economic theories and examined these theories empirically based on data such as financial statements and stock prices, which are called archival research in financial accounting. In this course, we will review the early research that provided the basis for much of the research to date, with a focus on empirical research in financial accounting and related fields. And then, we will also cover various research topics that have developed and expanded from that research. In the lectures, students will understand the process of hypothesis development based on the research question and theoretical background of each study, and discuss the implications of the empirical analysis results and issues for the future.

  •   会計職業倫理  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  



    We study the actual condition and cause of injustice, and the necessity of Accounting Professional Ethics. And we understand the basic theory, institution, and business about the Accounting Professional Ethics.

    We will be the Accounting Professional, we maintain the strong Ethics, and we make the excellent auditors, tax accountants, consultants, accountants.

  •   監査2  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


    The course focuses on a financial statement audit conducted by CPAs and audit firms. Students are expected to extend their basic auditing knowledge to deeper knowledge and skill through the standards (Auditing Standards Board Report issued by JICPA), case materials, and audit research findings. I will distribute actual fraud case material so that students can think about how learned knowledge is applied in the real world and how you would make judgments and decision-making if you were auditors.

  •   事例研究(会計職業倫理)  
      後期 木曜日 6講時  



    In the Accounting, we realize the Accounting Professional Ethics with the understanding of case study ,why we need it, and what is the content.

    We will be the Accounting Professional ,we maintain the strong Ethics ,we make the excellent auditors, tax accountants,consultants, accountants.

  •   監査計画の編成法1  
      後期 水曜日 7講時  


    I will lecture on the basic framework of how assessing and identifying a corporate 's risks as an audit procedure is exactly what it is, focusing on the ISA315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement. ISA315 deals with the auditor’s responsibility to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements, through understanding the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control.

  •   監査計画の編成法2  
      前期 火曜日 7講時  

    リスク評価手続により識別したリスクにして、どのようなリスク対応手続を設計すべきかについての基本的な枠組みを、監査基準報告書330「評価したリスクに対応する監査人の手続」(監基報330)を中心に講義する. 監基報330は監基報 315「重要な虚偽表示リスクの識別と評価」に従い識別し評価した重要な虚偽表示リスクに対応した、監査人の運用評価手続と実証手続の立案及び実施に関する実務上の指針を提供する.

    I will lecture on the basic framework of what kind of procedures should be designed to the risks identified, focusing on the ISA 330 The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks.

    ISA330 deals with the auditor’s responsibility to design and implement responses (tests of controls, substantive procedures) to the risks of material misstatement identified and assessed by the auditor in accordance with ISA 315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement.

  •   監査実務Ⅰ  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    The audit of financial statements can be divided into two categories: “General remarks” and “Procedure methodology” (Audit Procedure Methodology / Reporting). In this lecture, I will mainly deal with practical issues related to the general “Procedure methodology”, and will organize and discuss issues on each theme.

    In this lecture, you will learn "Procedure methodology" based on the report of the Auditing Standards Committee, which is based on the International Auditing Standards.
