
876 件ヒット (0.037秒):

  •   理科教育法Ⅱ / Teaching Method (Science) II  
      石上 正敏  
      前期 金曜日 5講時  


    Based on the various current situations surrounding science education, we will try to understand the basic knowledge and skills for advancing classes, such as the content of subjects, educational methods, and evaluation methods, and to acquire practical teaching skills. In addition, we aim to develop teachers who teach and practice by sharing the idea of acquiring the scientific background necessary for each person to live better. In the class, we aim not only for classroom lectures, but also for the lesson structure that emphasizes the independent participation of students and the two-way relationship between the person in charge of the class and the students, and between the students themselves.

  •   理科教育法Ⅰ / Teaching Method (Science) I  
      千葉 研一  
      後期 金曜日 5講時  



    《令和6年度においては、理科教育法Ⅰは後期開講(金曜日 16:30~18:00)となり、令和7年2月に集中講義(4日間)も実施予定〔期日が確定後に明示する〕。》

    The development of natural science in modern society is remarkable, and new discoveries and

    research results are being created every day. In this course, we aim to develop superior leaders who will support Japan in the future in the field of natural science and examine in a practical manner the historical changes in science education in Japan, such as the basic concepts of science, method of teaching material research, general method of teaching, and analysis of lessons.

    For further understanding, we actively promote student-focused classes and activities such as

    discussion, group work, debate and aim to improve judgement and questioning ability to foster

    leadership skills and help students to acquire the methods of solving scientific challenges.

    In addition, we distribute materials according to the content of the lecture every time and conduct lectures and interactive lessons using experiments and audiovisual equipment depending on the situation.

    Students are required to write mini-reports and take quizzes throughout the course.

    《There is no order between Teaching Method (Science) I and Ⅱ,so they are independent

      deployments. In 2024 AY, Teaching Method (Science) I is scheduled to start in the second half (on Friday 16:30-18:00) and intensive lectures are planned in February 2025. ( It will be clearly indicated after the date is fixed.)》

  •   地理歴史科教育法Ⅰ / Teaching Method of Geography and History Studies I  
      浅川 俊夫  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Learn the points of the teaching contents of geography subjects in National curriculum for high schools, their specific development, and the handling of teaching materials. Base on that, develop practical teaching ability to create a class plan and do a trial lesson.

  •   道徳の理論及び指導法B  
      齋藤 雅俊  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  


  •   農業科教育法Ⅱ  
      北柴 大泰  
      前期集中 その他 連講 未設定  



    Teachers in agriculture course need to understand basic principle of agricultural education and to develop practical teaching method. The purposes of this lecture are to develop practical skills and inquire mind in globalized world. This course lectures teaching plans of each agricultural class through making full use of agricultural materials.

  •   地理歴史科教育法Ⅱ / Teaching Method of Geography and History Studies II  
      下山 忍  
      後期 火曜日 1講時  


    Learn the points of the teaching contents of history subjects in National curriculum for high schools, and the handling of teaching materials. Base on that, develop practical teaching ability to create a class plan and do a trial lesson.

  •   公民科教育論  
      新福 悦郎  
      通年 水曜日 5講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   数学科教育法Ⅰ / Teaching method of mathematics I  
      黒木 玄, 理学部非常勤講師  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    The purpose of this course is to understand how to teach mathematics. We will learn contents and points to notice in textbooks and Curriculum Guidelines of mathematics. We will also consider educational problems of mathematics in middle and high schools.

  •   特別の支援を必要とする生徒に対する理解  
      佐々木 健太郎  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  


    Those who take this lecture will learn about inclusive education system in Japan and how to support students with various educational needs.

  •   特別の支援を必要とする生徒に対する理解  
      佐々木 健太郎 所属:尚絅学院大学  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  


    Those who take this lecture will learn about inclusive education system in Japan and how to support students with various educational needs.
