
理科教育法Ⅱ / Teaching Method (Science) II

前期 金曜日 5講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 4. 担当教員/Instructor : 石上 正敏. 学期/Semester: 前期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SAL-EDU313J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.





Course Title

Teaching Method (Science) II




Based on the various current situations surrounding science education, we will try to understand the basic knowledge and skills for advancing classes, such as the content of subjects, educational methods, and evaluation methods, and to acquire practical teaching skills. In addition, we aim to develop teachers who teach and practice by sharing the idea of acquiring the scientific background necessary for each person to live better. In the class, we aim not only for classroom lectures, but also for the lesson structure that emphasizes the independent participation of students and the two-way relationship between the person in charge of the class and the students, and between the students themselves.




・Deepen the practical knowledge and understanding of the teacher's work necessary to be in charge of teaching practice
・To acquire the minimum knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary for teaching the subject
・Understand the social environment and legal system surrounding science education, and gain a sense of the qualities and abilities required and the social mission.



1 ガイダンス
2 教員の仕事について
3 学習指導要領等の法的な理解
4 学習指導要領,各校種における理科の内容と構成
5 理科教育に関わる今日的な課題と社会的要請
6 理科教員に求められる資質と能力
7 理科教育の目的と理科教員にもとめられるもの
8 我が国の理科教育史の概要-学習指導要領の変遷を中心に-
9 最近の内外の理科学力調査
10 年間指導計画の作成
11 理科教員に求められる授業実践と教材研究
12 学習指導案の作成
13 学習指導案の作成・演習
14 授業の進め方
15 学習評価と授業改善
16 実験観察・探究活動とICT・地域素材等の活用
17 理科の安全管理
18 初等理科教育の理解
19 模擬授業実践演習(高校物理)
20 模擬授業実践演習(高校物理)の事例検討会
21 模擬授業実践演習(高校化学)
22 模擬授業実践演習(高校化学)の事例検討会
23 模擬授業実践演習(高校生物)
24 模擬授業実践演習(高校生物)の事例検討会
25 模擬授業実践演習(高校地学)
26 模擬授業実践演習(高校地学)の事例検討会
27 まとめ,優れた教師とは?


Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

There is no order in taking Teaching Method (Science) II and Teaching Method (Science) I. If you only want a high school science license, you can get it with Teaching Method (Science) II.

1 Guidance
2 About the job of a teacher
3 Legal understanding of curriculum guidelines, etc.
4 Curriculum guidelines, science content and structure for each school type
5 Today's issues and social demands related to science education
6 Qualities and abilities required of science teachers
7 The purpose of science education and what is expected of science teachers
8 Overview of the history of science education in Japan - Focusing on changes in the curriculum guidelines -
9 Recent research on domestic and international science and scientific ability
10. Creation of annual instruction plan
11 Lesson practices and teaching materials research required of science teachers
12 Creation of lesson plans
13 Create a lesson plan (exercise)
14 How to proceed with a class
15 Learning evaluation and lesson improvement
16 Experimental observation/inquiry activities and utilization of ICT/regional materials, etc
17 Science Safety Management
18 Comprehension of elementary science education
19 Practical exercises for simulated classes (high school physics)
20 Case study of practical exercise in mock classes (high school physics)
21 Practical exercises for simulated classes (high school chemistry)
22 Case study of practical exercise in mock class (high school chemistry)
23 Practical exercises for simulated classes (high school biology)
24 Case study of practical exercise in mock classes (high school biology)
25 Practical exercises for simulated classes (high school geology)
26 Case study of practical exercise for mock classes (high school geology)
27 Conclusion,What is a good teacher?

​The number of each item does not indicate the order of implementation of the class. Also, the time required for each item is different.
The annual plan is appropriately subject to change.


1 授業への出席時数が一定の条件を満たしていること
2 筆記試験,課題レポート,学習指導案,模擬授業実践,授業時の提出物などを総合的に評価し,内容が満足できるものであること


If the following 1 and 2 are satisfied, the evaluation is made based on the content of 2.Details will be explained in the first guidance.
1 The number of hours attending classes meets certain conditions
2 Comprehensive evaluation of the written test, assignment report, learning guidance plan, mock class practice, submissions for class, etc., and the content must be satisfactory.



Books required/referenced

・High school science textbooks (everything you used)
・Junior high school curriculum guidelines(MEXT)
・High school curriculum guidelines, Science edition(MEXT)
・Explanation of Junior high school curriculum guidelines, Science edition(MEXT)
・Explanation of high school curriculum guidelines, Science edition(MEXT)



Preparation and review

Create and submit assignment reports and learning guidance plans.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness



授業実施方法 対面
GoogleClassroom クラスコード b2fvexo


・There is no order in taking Teaching Method (Science) II and Teaching Method (Science) I. If you only want a high school science license, you can get it with Teaching Method (Science) II.
・If you are considering taking the course, please be sure to attend the first guidance session, as there will be detailed explanations of grade evaluation and important explanations for taking Science Education Method II.
・As guest speakers, we plan to invite active high school teachers to give lectures and advice.
・Classes will take place from 16:30 to 18:00 on Fridays of the 5th semester. Since this is a 4-credit course, classes will take place on September 10-13, 2024.

Face-to-face lessons
GoogleClassroom Classcode b2fvexo

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