
170 件ヒット (0.04秒):

  •   博物館実習Ⅰ / Functions of museums and curators  
      黒栁 あずみ, 髙嶋 礼詩  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    現代のミュージアムの形態は多様であり、ひとつの単純なモデルで本質を表すことは難しい。ミュージアムの形態が多様ならば、 そこで働く学芸員も多様といえる。このようにミュージアムから学芸員を抜き出して類型的に語ることは難しい。このような時代に おいて、学芸員を志望する学生がミュージアムを訪ねることで、「ミュージアムとは何か」、「学芸員とは何か」を自ら問うことが重要といえる。そこで、この授業では、学生がミュージアムを訪問し、この課題の答えを模索し、考察する。

    Museums today are so diverse that it is difficult to express their essence in one simple model. Since museums are diverse, the curators who work in them are also diverse. In these times, it is important for students who wish to become curators to visit museums and ask themselves "what is a museum" and "what is a curator". In this class, students will visit museums to find answers to these questions and discuss them.

  •   博物館教育論  
      生島 美和  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  


  •   博物館概論 / Museology(GeneralLecture)  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    This course will cover the origins and history of museums, their purposes and functions, their operational content, as well as basic concepts related to museums. While we tend to think that museum collections are an accumulation of neutral, high-quality objects, they actually reflect a variety of perspectives. Based on this premise, in this course we will attempt to reexamine the museum from the ground up. The lecture will also provide the basis for other museum-related subjects. This is a lecture-centered course, using slides, but may include interactive components.

  •   多文化PBL  
      新見 有紀子  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC301  


    This course is held in cooperation with the SENDAI Young Entrepreneurs Group (SENDAI YEG), an organization of young entrepreneurs from local companies in Sendai. This course is an international collaborative course; international students and domestic students collaboratively learn through a group project. Students will visit a local company in Sendai, conduct research, and present solutions for a problem of the company. This class aims to be beneficial not only for students and local companies, but also the Sendai community through discussions and group work by international and domestic students that use their diverse perspectives. Through this course, students will be able to have a better understanding of business in Sendai, and to develop employability by enhancing professional competencies such as communication and problem-solving skills. Domestic students can improve their English language skills and cross-cultural competency. International students can gain an understanding of Japanese business culture and Sendai's local companies.

    The language used in this course will be primarily plain English, supplemented by Japanese.

  •   博物館資料保存論 / Museum preservation  
      水澤 教子  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course is a part of qualification for the curatorial occupation by the Japanese government. The lecture covers essential knowledge concerning appropriate methods and techniques for preservation and conservation of stored materials in the museum. The course also explores a variety of procedures on the part of the curatorial staff, including some philosophical aspects upon historical materials and documents.

  •   多文化PBL  
      渡部 留美  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC203  



    In this class, students will learn mainly about Japanese fermented foods and Sendai miso, and discuss the overseas expansion of Sendai miso. In the first part, students will introduce each other about fermented Japanese and international cuisines and seasonings. In the latter part, students will gain knowledge about Sendai miso through lectures by guest speakers and factory tours, and make suggestions on how to develop recipes and market Sendai miso to promote it to people in the countries and regions where the international students taking the course are from.

    In this class, domestic and international students study together in Japanese. By interacting with students from various backgrounds, students will acquire communication and collaboration skills.

  •   医療・看護政策論 医療・看護政策の形成過程及び政策的働きかけ Policy of Medical Service and Nursing Understanding process and development of medical service and nursing policies  
      松永 篤志, 岩本 萌, 大森 純子, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月28日 10/1/2024-1/28/2025  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 Every Tuesday 14:40~16:10  


    To attain knowledge required for nursing educators, researchers and CNSs on policymaking and legal systems and to gain capability of promoting advocacy, amendment, and recommendations of the policies relevant to nursing.

  •   博物館展示論 / Museum exhibit planning and design  
      水澤 教子  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course is a part of qualification for the curatorial occupation by the Japanese government. The lecture covers essential subjects for the museum exhibition, from both educational facets and scientific objectivity. Practical knowledge and techniques for effective displays in exhibition halls and respective exhibit booths in the room are introduced. Aspects as the message on the part of the curatorial staff are also discussed, through various examples of display materials and texts.

  •   多文化PBL  
      渡部 留美  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA406  



    Students from diverse cultural backgrounds will participate in discussions and cooperative projects to generate proposals for solving problems facing the Sendai shopping districts.

    Through this class,student will deepen their understanding of Sendai's industry and shopping district, and learn how to communicate, how to proceed with project work, and how to analyze data. Students will study solutions to problems in cooperation with other members, and acquire the ability to create presentation materials, make presentations in groups, and listen to other presentations.

  •   東洋・日本美術史研究演習Ⅱ / History of Oriental and Japanese Fine Arts(Advanced Seminar)II  
      杉本 欣久  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  



    This course provides programs of training to read information on the Japanese paintings in the Edo era.
