
494 件ヒット (0.047秒):

  •   フランス文学各論Ⅲ / French Literature (Special Lecture)III  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course delves into narratology, a literary theory that scrutinizes the structure and narrative functions within a story. Drawing upon Gérard Genette's treatise, we will explore key concepts and dissect how stories are constructed by examining specific literary works. Students will acquire the necessary methodology to scrutinize the subject matter and content of literary pieces through a comprehensive analysis of narrative forms.

  •   フランス文化学特論Ⅱ / French Culture(Advanced Lecture)II  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course delves into narratology, a literary theory that scrutinizes the structure and narrative functions within a story. Drawing upon Gérard Genette's treatise, we will explore key concepts and dissect how stories are constructed by examining specific literary works. Students will acquire the necessary methodology to scrutinize the subject matter and content of literary pieces through a comprehensive analysis of narrative forms.

  •   日本語構造論研究演習Ⅰ / Structure of Japanese(Advanced Seminar)  
      甲田 直美  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


    Through exercises, students will experience how the theory of narrative analysis can be applied to the analysis of the language of actual narrative works. Narratives include not only fictional narrative works but also narratives in everyday conversation.

  •   日本語学演習 / Japanese Linguistics (Seminar)  
      甲田 直美  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


    Through exercises, students will experience how the theory of narrative analysis can be applied to the analysis of the language of actual narrative works. Narratives include not only fictional narrative works but also narratives in everyday conversation.

  •   文学  
      嶋崎 啓、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    In this course, we will approach various literary works across a wide range of regions, languages, periods, and genres, including Japanese literature, Chinese literature, English literature, German literature, and French literature, from the perspective of "comparison" (reading and comparing multiple texts). Through the lectures, students will learn about the characteristics and significance of various literatures and the methods of literary studies.

  •   日本文学概論 / Japanese Literature (General Lecture)  
      横溝 博  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    When did Japanese narrative literature emerge and when did it end? This lecture will explore the development of the Ōchō Monogatari (tales from the Heian and Kamakura periods), such as the Tale of Genji, by examining various texts of the works, in relation to various literary genres surrounding narrative literature. The era of the dynasty tales extends from Heian to Muromachi. This lecture also explore the fate of narrative literature, using lost stories as clues.

  •   ナラティヴを考える  
      森本 浩一  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC101  

    近年、カタカナ書きの「ナラティヴ」という語をよく見かけるようになった。日本語にすれば「物語」だが、ストーリーとは少し違って「語ること」に焦点があたる言い回しである。何かを語る、つまり言語的・概念的に理解するというのは、しかし、現実か虚構かを問わず、私たちが世界内の出来事の連鎖について考えるときの基礎的な実践様式である。私たちは「物語」的な形式を通じて、フィクションだけではなく、現実そのものを作り出している、とも言われる。それはどういうことなのだろうか。この授業では、今日的なテーマであるナラティヴについて、多角的に考えてゆきたい。授業の前半では主にナラティヴの現実形成的な役割・効果について考え、後半ではナラティヴの表現様式に注目しながら、私たちになじみ深い「フィクションの物語」(文学、映画、マンガ等)に焦点をあてる。実際に自分でフィクションの言説を分析するレポートを書き、議論する機会も設けたいと考えている。/In recent years, the word "narrative" has become more common. In Japanese, it is translated as "monogatari," but it is different from story, because it contains the purpose of "telling." Telling about something, that is, understanding something conceptually with language, is the human's essential practice, in which the things and events are thought in the world, whether real or fictional. So it is said sometimes, that we create not only fiction but reality itself through the "narrative" form. What does that mean? In this class, I would like to think about this contemporary theme from double angles. First we consider the reality-forming functions of narrative, and subsequently the "fictional narrative" that are familiar to us (literature, movies, manga, etc.) . Then we'll focus on the way, how the narrative reveal the narrated world depending on its media. There will also be an opportunity for participants to write and discuss their own reports analyzing fictional discourse.

  •   言語芸術論Ⅱ  
      間瀬 幸江  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M303  

    戦争、災害、性暴力などさまざま「災い」の暴力を受け心的外傷を得た当事者(以後被災者という)が、災いそのものについて語るのは簡単ではない。被災者は無力化と他者からの離断によって声を奪われる。被災者の孤立した生の記憶媒体として、あるいは彼/彼女の声を受けとめる場として、文学や芸術が存在してきた。この講義では、戯曲『トロイ戦争は起こらない』の通読を縦軸に、被災と語りについての参考文献読解を横軸に、文学作品のなかに被災者の語りを読むための知的基盤を得ることを目指す。/ Victims who have suffered psychological trauma due to various "calamities" such as war, disasters, and sexual violence find it difficult to speak about their experiences. These survivors are silenced by disempowerment and alienation from others. Literature and art have existed as mediums for recording isolated lives of survivors or as spaces to acknowledge their voices. In this lecture, the aim is to gain an intellectual foundation for reading the narratives of survivors within literary works, with a vertical axis of reading through the play "La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (The Trojan War Will Not Take Place)" and a horizontal axis of interpreting reference materials about survivorship and storytelling.

  •   日本語構造論特論Ⅰ / Structure of Japanese(Advanced Lecture)  
      甲田 直美  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  



    This course deals with the foundations of discourse and conversation analysis. Do these two approaches simply study the same things, but in different ways? This course compares conversation analysis (CA) with discourse analysis (DA) as methodological approaches to the study of talk.

  •   文学  
      森田 直子  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC101  



