
2526 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   日本語教育学基礎演習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Reading)  
      島崎 薫  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course aims to deepen students' understanding of cross-cultural communication with non-native speakers of Japanese through conversation sessions, while also enabling them to communicate smoothly. Students will consider cross-cultural communication through the experience of participating in conversation sessions with learners of Japanese, reading papers, lectures, and discussions with other students.

  •   日本語教育学基礎実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Seminar)  
      島崎 薫  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    In this overseas internship program, students will visit Japanese language education sites overseas for two weeks during their long vacation to learn what kind of Japanese language learners are studying in overseas Japanese language education sites and what kind of classes are being conducted, observe and participate in Japanese language classes, and conduct workshops on Japanese culture with local student learners of Japanese. In addition to holding workshops to learn about the local language and culture, participants will also learn about the process of cross-cultural adaptation and attitudes toward cross-cultural acceptance in preparation for the on-site training. The content of the Japanese culture workshop will also be discussed during the pre-training. In the on-site training, students will not only observe and participate in classes, but also discuss the content of the Japanese culture workshop with local students, so that through communication with local Japanese language learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, they will deepen their understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things and the aspects and strategies of communication. The aim is to deepen understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things, communication styles and strategies, and to improve interpersonal and cross-cultural coordination skills through communication with local Japanese language learners with different language and cultural backgrounds.

  •   グローバル学習  
      宿利 由希子  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC302  



    "I want to make people laugh, but it's too difficult." "Everyone else is laughing, but I don't find it funny."... Are these difficulties related to "fun" due to personal preference, language ability, or socio-cultural background? In this class, Japanese and international students will think about the Japanese language and culture using funny talks, and learn about the diversity and commonalities between Japan and other countries of "fun" through comparing with other cultures and translation activities. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      バックレイ 厚子  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC102  


    Through collaborative learning between Japanese and foreign students, you will discover some unique aspects of Japanese language and culture from a contrastive point of view. By actively participating in discussions on the theme of how Japanese culture is reflected in the language with students from diverse cultural backgrounds, you will deepen your understanding of Japanese language and culture, and develop an appreciation of other cultures. Through student-led active learning, you will gain collaborative skills. In principle, Japanese is used in class; however, the use of English is allowed as a lingua franca.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      佐藤 勢紀子  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  


    Students will gain a multifaceted understanding of Japanese culture through exchanging opinions on Japanese language usage and communication styles with international students while explore the ways to promote smooth multicultural communication.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      バックレイ 厚子  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA303  


    Through collaborative learning between Japanese and foreign students, you will discover some unique aspects of Japanese language and culture from a contrastive point of view. By actively participating in discussions on the theme of how Japanese culture is reflected in the language with students from diverse cultural backgrounds, you will deepen your understanding of Japanese language and culture, and develop an appreciation of other cultures. Through student-led active learning, you will gain collaborative skills. In principle, Japanese is used in class; however, the use of English is allowed as a lingua franca.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      宿利 由希子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  

    「彼女はにっこりした」「彼女は微笑を浮かべた」…このような表現から、どんな女性をイメージするだろう。「にっこりする」「微笑を浮かべる」は英語ではどちらも “smile” だが、日本語母語話者は“smile” する、異なる人物をイメージすることがある。また、日本語母語話者は、このような表現と人のイメージの関係を(時に操作的に)利用して情報伝達をしている。この授業では、日本語母語話者学生と外国人留学生がことばの「操作性」を材料に日本語や日本文化について考え、他言語との違いや共通点を学び、また協働作業を行う。


    What kind of woman do you imagine from such expressions as "kanojo ha nikkori sita” or “kanojo ha bishou wo ukabeta” (both mean “she smiled")? "Nikkori suru" and "bishou wo ukaberu" are synonyms for the English word "smile.” From expressions indicating the same action, native Japanese speakers may imagine different images of the person. And they use this relationship between representation and personhood to convey information, sometimes manipulatively. In this class, Japanese and international students will think about Japanese language and culture, and

    learn the differences and commonalities between Japanese and other languages through collaborative work using such “manipulability” of language as a material. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)

  •   グローバル特定課題  
      山本 喜久江  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA203  





    1.Learn basic theory and concepts of intercultural communication.

    2.Experience communicating with people from different backgrounds and adjust to different cultures through discussions and experiential learning with other classmates, including other international students.

    3. Practice some useful cross-cultural tactics with classmates.

    You will learn Japanese culture and other cultures through some theories and much discussion, hence you will be able to apply what you learned in your real life.

  •   日本語教育学基礎演習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Seminar)  
      島崎 薫  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this course is to learn about various foreigners living in Japan, such as foreign students attending Japanese language schools, technical intern trainees, and foreign care workers, and to deepen understanding of their linguistic and cultural backgrounds, their environments, and the problems and challenges they face. Students will learn through activities that involve actually interacting with foreigners living in Japan and visiting actual sites such as inviting guests to class for discussions and interview activities, and going out for fieldwork outside of class time.

  •   異文化理解基礎論  
      小原 豊志  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    In the increasingly borderless international society of today, at the same time we observe the co-existence and amalgamation of different regional cultures, social phenomena which lead to violent conflicts are also evident. In this course, which will take place in omnibus format, we will attempt to provide a general and comprehensive overview of such phenomena.
