
3477 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   言語学概論Ⅱ / Linguistics (General Lecture) II  
      木山 幸子  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    According to our inner motivations, language is used for various purposes with various others in various situations. The study of pragmatics concerns the processes where a linguistic expression can have many different meanings depending on the context, situation, and interpersonal relationship. This course surveys some familiar language phenomena in terms of pragmatics, through which students understand core theories of pragmatics and the major empirical findings which examined those theories.

  •   語用論Ⅱ  
      中本 武志  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 CALL教室 M305  



    This course is an introduction to basic concepts and principles of modern pragmatics.

    Assuming no prior knowledge of pragmatic analysis, it covers fundamental phenomena such as implicature and politeness.

    Many of the examples come from English, Japanese and Chinese.

  •   日本語教育学基礎実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Seminar)  
      島崎 薫  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    In this overseas internship program, students will visit Japanese language education sites overseas for two weeks during their long vacation to learn what kind of Japanese language learners are studying in overseas Japanese language education sites and what kind of classes are being conducted, observe and participate in Japanese language classes, and conduct workshops on Japanese culture with local student learners of Japanese. In addition to holding workshops to learn about the local language and culture, participants will also learn about the process of cross-cultural adaptation and attitudes toward cross-cultural acceptance in preparation for the on-site training. The content of the Japanese culture workshop will also be discussed during the pre-training. In the on-site training, students will not only observe and participate in classes, but also discuss the content of the Japanese culture workshop with local students, so that through communication with local Japanese language learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, they will deepen their understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things and the aspects and strategies of communication. The aim is to deepen understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things, communication styles and strategies, and to improve interpersonal and cross-cultural coordination skills through communication with local Japanese language learners with different language and cultural backgrounds.

  •   哲学  
      森本 浩一  
      2セメ:文系 工農/4セメ:理(地)工農  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA307  

    人間はことばを用いて「世界がどうなっているのか」について考え、またその考えたことを他者と共有する動物である。というよりも、ことばをやりとりすることを通じて、はじめて私たちの「世界」というようなものが開けてくる。人間はどのようにしてことばを手に入れたのか、ことば自体はどんな要素や規則から成っているのか、それが指示する対象(物や出来事)との関係はどうなっているのかなど、ことばに関する様々な問いかけが、古代以来なされ続けてきた。この授業では、ヨーロッパ思想の歴史を追いながら、ことばに対するそうした問いかけの幾つかのトピックに焦点をあてる。特に、古代のレトリックや現代の語用論に注目し、コミュニケーションの観点から言語を考えることの重要性について考えたい。 /Humans are animals that use language to think about "what the world is like" and to share such thoughts with others. Rather, it is through the language exchange that our "world" reveals itself to us. Since ancient times, various questions have been asked concerning language, such as how humans acquired language, what elements and rules does the language consist of, and how it relates to the objects (things and events) to which it is directed. In this class, while tracing the history of Western thought, we will focus on some of the topics of such questions about language. In particular, we will pay special attention to ancient rhetoric and modern pragmatics from the perspective of communication.

  •   言語構造論  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



  •   対照言語学Ⅱ  
      中村 渉  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 531講義室  

    今日の機能主義的言語理論には、機能的談話文法(Functional Discourse Grammar)、役割指示文法(Role and Reference Grammar [RRG])があるが、今回は、生成文法、理論的前提を部分的に共有する認知文法(Cognitive Grammar)との相違を


    Today's functionalist linguistic theory includes Functional Discourse Grammar) and Role and Reference Grammar [RRG]). In this class, I will mainly introduce RRG, highlighting the differences between generative grammar and cognitive grammar (a linguistic theory that shares some of its theoretical premises).

  •   言語学・日本語科学  
      小泉 政利、ナロック ハイコ  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  


    This class will be taught by different faculty members for the first 8 sessions and the second 8 sessions.


    In the first eight sessions, students will learn about the research goals, research objects, analytical methods, and basic concepts of modern linguistics.


    In the latter sessions, after continuing the general introduction to linguistics, students will learn in some more detail about a specific area of research, grammaticalization.

  •   日本語変異論研究演習Ⅰ / Variation of Japanese(Advanced Seminar)  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    In this course, we will examine the meanings of words. We will take up synonyms in modern Japanese, analyze the differences between synonyms based on concrete example sentences, and consider the meaning of words through discussion.

  •   文化と社会の探求  
      小島 奈々恵  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA203  

    Students will deepen their understanding of oneself and others through discussions with others with different backgrounds. Better interpersonal relationships will be built by trying to understand each other, and at the same time, we will discuss ways to discuss, stress coping methods, mental and physical health, etc.


  •   言語学・日本語科学  
      小川 芳樹  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA305  



