
4055 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   商法演習Ⅲ  
      脇田 将典  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 法学部演習室4番  

    Afra Afsharipour & Martin Gelter, Comparative Corporate Governance(Edward Elgar, 2021)所収の論文のうちいくつかをを講読することで比較会社法について学ぶ。

    Students read some of the articles in the book above to learn comparative corporate law.

  •   商法演習Ⅶ  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 法学部演習室3番  


     株主第一主義の原点は、50年前に米国の経済学者Milton FriedmanがThe New York Timesに発表した論稿と言われている。しかし、(1)Milton Friedmanの見解はどのような前提要件の下で正しいのか、(2)この50年間の経済情勢の変化に応じてどのような調整を行うべきか、といった論点が浮上している。


    The debate between shareholderism and stakeholderism, i.e. whether the purpose of a company’s existence should be limited to maximizing shareholder value and how much consideration should be given to the interests of other stakeholders, has become one of the most important central issues in corporate governance reform around the world in recent years.

     The origin of the shareholder-first principle is said to be an article published in the New York Times 50 years ago by the American economist Milton Friedman. However, discussions to date have raised questions such as (1) under what preconditions is Milton Friedman's view correct?, and (2) what adjustments should be made in response to changes in economic conditions over the past 50 years.

    Based on our understanding of the current state of the debate in other countries, this seminar will examine the state of the discussion in Japan.

  •   租税法演習Ⅰ  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    本授業は、EUの租税法を本格的に研究することを目的とするものである。EUにおける議論は、租税法においては様々な分野において先進的なものであるが、本授業は、特に法人税と付加価値税(Value Added Tax)を中心テーマとして位置づける。とはいえ、これらを勉強する中で、付随的にEUの法形成過程にも触れることになる。多くの英語文献に触れることにより英語読解能力の涵養も図る。This Seminar teaches some basic methods of studying EU tax law. The main topic is corporate income tax adn value added tax of EU. You are required to read many English theses.

  •   会社法Ⅰ  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  


    This course teaches corporate law. Main topics are corporate governance, stocks and finance. Each lecuture is based on discussion between a teacher and students.

  •   行政法法曹実務演習  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  


    This course aims to enhance understanding of administrative law through intensive reading of the precedents and statutes.

  •   民法演習  
      池田 悠太  
      後期 水曜日 4講時 法学部演習室4番 / 後期 水曜日 5講時 法学部演習室4番  


    In this seminar, we examine several academic articles in order to think more widely and more deeply about the law of real rights.

  •   商法法曹実務演習  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This seminar aims to provide students opportunity to acquaint with judicial reasoning as well as to acquire the basics of Corporate Law.

  •   日本政治外交史演習Ⅰ  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


  •   社会保障法演習  
      嵩 さやか  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  




     資料の配布等は、対面で配布のほか、Google Classroom を利用します(クラスコード:4vnkwpa)。

    In this seminar, participants are required to give some presentations on social security law and discuss with the other students. The aim of this seminar is to understand actual questions around social security systems and enhance the abilities of logical thinking and presentation.

  •   民事訴訟法法曹実務演習  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    This seminar teaches the basics of the Civil Procedural Law especially from practical points of view. The textbook in Tohoku Lawschool is used in this seminar: K.MIKI/K.YAMAMOTO, Law School; Civil Procedural Law.
