
4409 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   比較政治学基礎演習  
      横田 正顕, 譚 天  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



  •   比較政治学Ⅰ  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  


    In recent years, the discussion of political systems in comparative politics has shifted its focus to differences within democracies, with institutional theory at its core. Looking at realpolitik, the deadlock of representative democracy has been pointed out in many developed countries, and the search for remedies and alternative forms of democracy have become an issue. On the other hand, the study of non-democracies, especially authoritarian regimes, has been advancing rapidly and is becoming a major industry in comparative politics, but such studies cannot be separated from the fact that authoritarian regimes are on the rise and democracy is in retreat in the real world. In light of these contemporary developments in the theory of political regimes, this lecture aims to systematically depict the challenges facing politics around the world through the various analytical methods of comparative political science.

  •   比較政治学演習Ⅰ  
      前期 火曜日 1講時  


    Since the "Trump Phenomenon" and BREXIT in 2016, the phenomenon of political runaway under the framework of liberal democracy or de facto regression to authoritarianism has been observed in many parts of the world, and the crisis of democracy has been pointed out in an alarming manner. The year 2024, by the way, marks the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese Carnation Revolution of 1974, the so-called start of the "third wave" of democratization. In order to understand the state of the "emerging" democracy that emerged during this period, it will be necessary to first go back to its origin, the "wave". In this exercise, we hope to academically dismiss the "third wave" through a close reading of two books by two researchers or practitioners with deep knowledge of democratization issues.

  •   行政学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The goal of this seminar is that students will obtain academic knowledge and skills through reading and discussing books and articles about social sciences including public administration, policy studies, and political science. In this term, we will read some books on democracy and public policy.

  •   比較政治学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 火曜日 1講時  


    t has been pointed out that the crisis of democracy in recent years is largely related to the transformation of the capitalist economy, and the most important keyword when considering this is "neoliberalism. In this exercise, we will examine what exactly is this economic theory or idea called "neoliberalism" and how it affects non-economic aspects, especially politics, and changes our living environment, referring to the views of political philosophers and economists.

  •   行政学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The goal of this seminar is that students will obtain academic knowledge and skills through reading and discussing books and articles about social sciences including public administration, policy studies, and political science. In this term, we will read some books on democracy and public policy.

  •   比較政治学Ⅱ  
      後期 月曜日 1講時  


    While Japanese interest in Spain and Portugal tends to focus on the history, customs, and cultural traditions of the Golden Age, mainly "geographical discoveries," the fact that both countries since the modern era have been blessed with events that can be called a treasure house of modern political science has not been given much attention. In the recent European crisis, both countries, along with Italy and Greece, have attracted attention as the epicenter of the crisis, but the views of these countries are generally those of the core European countries or those that amplify general prejudices, and are not based on objective and dispassionate analysis. In this lecture, I will explore the uniqueness of Iberian political science through a comparative examination of the political history of both countries since the modern era, covering some of the central topics of contemporary political science.

  •   比較政治学演習Ⅰ  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    One of the core elements of so-called fascism is political propaganda, which is not only a one-way, above-the-belt propaganda, but could only be influential if it was processed and deployed in an effective manner that suited the society of the time. In this exercise, we would like to deepen our discussion on the political representation of fascism and the characteristics of propaganda, focusing on the case of Nazi Germany and examining it in comparison with Stalinism, the New Deal, and Japanese imperialist fascism

  •   政治学  
      金子 智樹、ロート アントワン アルミン、譚 天、高 暁彦  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA202  


  •   中国政治論  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  





     This lecture focuses on the process of nation-state building in modern China. It will examine the transformation of the character of modern Chinese nationalism and analyze the political structure of the Chinese communist regime.
