

前期 木曜日 5講時. 単位数: 2. 科目区分: 展開講義. 授業形態: 講義. 対象学年: 2,3,4年次対象. 履修年度: 2024.









In-person method.


Google Classroomを通じて連絡する。クラスコード:j747x5m

Contact through Google Classroom. Class Code: j747x5m


Google Classroomを通じて連絡する。

Notification will be made through Google Classroom.



In recent years, the discussion of political systems in comparative politics has shifted its focus to differences within democracies, with institutional theory at its core. Looking at realpolitik, the deadlock of representative democracy has been pointed out in many developed countries, and the search for remedies and alternative forms of democracy have become an issue. On the other hand, the study of non-democracies, especially authoritarian regimes, has been advancing rapidly and is becoming a major industry in comparative politics, but such studies cannot be separated from the fact that authoritarian regimes are on the rise and democracy is in retreat in the real world. In light of these contemporary developments in the theory of political regimes, this lecture aims to systematically depict the challenges facing politics around the world through the various analytical methods of comparative political science.



授業の形態にかかわらず、Google Classroom上で授業内容に関連する小テストを不定期に出題(計5回程度を予定)して期限までに提出してもらい、成績に含める(成績評価方法参照)。講義資料はPDF化してGoogle Classroomにアップロードする。

1. 導入:デモクラシーと非デモクラシー
2. 政治体制の社会的・経済的帰結
3. デモクラシーの文化的・社会的・歴史的推進力
4. デモクラシーの経済的推進力
5. デモクラシーの制度的推進力
6. 非民主的体制の諸類型
7. 権威主義体制の制度構造
8. 権威主義的統治の手法
9. 権威主義体制の持続性と不安定性
10. 政治体制の移行の原因と過程
11. 政治体制移行後の諸課題
12. 政治体制と国際環境
13. ポピュリズムの台頭と「デモクラシーの危機」
14. 現代デモクラシーの後退と崩壊
15. 総括と試験

The following topics will be covered (the initial schedule may be slightly changed in the course of the lecture).

Regardless of the form of the class, quizzes related to the class content will be given irregularly on Google Classroom (about 5 quizzes in total are planned) and submitted by the deadline to be included in the grade (see Grading Method). Lecture materials will be converted to PDF format and uploaded to Google Classroom.

1. introduction: democracy and non-democracy
2. social and economic consequences of political regimes
3. cultural, social, and historical drivers of democracy
4. economic drivers of democracy
Institutional Drivers of Democracy 6.
6. various types of undemocratic regimes 7. institutional structures of authoritarian regimes
Institutional structure of authoritarian regimes 8.
8. methods of authoritarian rule
9. durability and instability of authoritarian regimes
Causes and Processes of Political Regime Transition
Issues after Transition of Political Regimes 12.
Political Regimes and the International Environment
13. the rise of populism and the "crisis of democracy
14. retreat and collapse of contemporary democracy
15. summary and examination



(1) to systematically organize and understand the specific case groups treated during the lectures, (2) to deepen one's awareness of the problems facing Japan today based on cases from other countries, and (3) to acquire the ability to describe political phenomena using political science theory and the ability to identify problems.





Quizzes...The score for each quiz will vary depending on the number of questions, but the final score will be compressed and considered as 30% of the total.
Final Report...Specific instructions will be given on the last day (or a few days prior to the last day). 70% of the total.

Quizzes...The score for each quiz will vary depending on the number of questions, but the final score will be compressed and considered as 30% of the total.
Final Report...Specific instructions will be given on the last day (or a few days prior to the last day). 70% of the total.

Unless otherwise modified, the final report will be in the form of an answer with a time allowance of more than 24 hours from the presentation of the assignment. Uncredited quotations from other works or online sources, plagiarism, and reproduction of answers from generative AI will be considered a form of cheating.

In addition, since the work of answering questions can be done under considerably more relaxed conditions than in in-person tests, the grading will likely be severe, and there is no chance that a follow-up exam, etc. will be approved unless there are extraordinary circumstances. It is recommended that students who do not perform well on quizzes voluntarily withdraw from the course.



○レイプハルト『民主主義対民主主義 [原著第2版]』勁草書房・2014年

No textbook is specified. Reference books will be introduced in class.


授業のレジュメ等でよくわからなかったところについて、参考図書をひもといて調べ、理解を完全なものにしておくこと。また小レポートのために読書して準備しておくこと。Google Classroomには授業に関連する動画や有益なウェブサイトのURLなども張り付けておくので、独習に役立てること。

Students are expected to complete their understanding of the course by consulting reference books on topics that they did not understand well in class resumes, etc. Students are also expected to read and prepare small reports. Google Classroom will have videos related to the class and URLs of useful websites for your self-study.




The examination for this class will be in the form of a report. Students who register for the class and do not submit the report will be treated as "failing" rather than "abstaining". Those who wish to abandon the credit must cancel their registration by the due date.

In the 2023 class, the average score for those whose reports were graded was 72.1.

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