

後期 月曜日 1講時. 単位数: 2. 科目区分: 展開講義. 授業形態: 講義. 対象学年: 2,3,4年次対象. 履修年度: 2024.








In-person method.


Google Classroomを通じて連絡する。クラスコード:godxklk

Contact through Google Classroom. Class Code: godxklk


Google Classroomを通じて告知する。

Notification will be made through Google Classroom.



While Japanese interest in Spain and Portugal tends to focus on the history, customs, and cultural traditions of the Golden Age, mainly "geographical discoveries," the fact that both countries since the modern era have been blessed with events that can be called a treasure house of modern political science has not been given much attention. In the recent European crisis, both countries, along with Italy and Greece, have attracted attention as the epicenter of the crisis, but the views of these countries are generally those of the core European countries or those that amplify general prejudices, and are not based on objective and dispassionate analysis. In this lecture, I will explore the uniqueness of Iberian political science through a comparative examination of the political history of both countries since the modern era, covering some of the central topics of contemporary political science.



数回おきに、Google Classroomを通じて授業の内容に関わる小テストを実施する。小テストの結果は最終成績の一部となる。講義資料のPDFはGoogle Classroomにアップロードする。

1. 導入:イベリア半島政治の並行性
2. 帝国の興亡と国民国家の失敗
3. 自由主義議会制の展開
4. 「硬い民主制」と「柔らかい独裁」
5. イベリア半島と「戦争」
6. 2つの権威主義体制①
7. 2つの権威主義体制②
8. イベリア半島の「再」民主化
9. 体制移行と移行期正義
10. 民主化と欧州統合
11. アイデンティティの政治と地域主義の展開
12. 南欧型社会モデルと福祉国家の建設
13. 政党政治の変容①
14. 政党政治の変容②
15. 総括と試験

The following topics will be covered (the initial schedule may be slightly changed during the course of the lecture).

Every few times, a quiz will be given via Google Classroom on the content of the class. The results of the quizzes will be part of the final grade. PDFs of the lecture materials will be uploaded to Google Classroom.

1. introduction: parallelism in Iberian politics
2. the rise and fall of empires and the failure of nation-states
3. the development of liberal parliamentary systems
4. "Hard Democracy" and "Soft Dictatorship
5. the Iberian Peninsula and "war"
6. two authoritarian regimes (1)
2. two authoritarian regimes (2)
8. the "re "democratization of the Iberian Peninsula
9. Regime Transition and Transitional Justice
10. democratization and european integration
11. politics of identity and the development of regionalism
12. the southern european model of society and the construction of the welfare state
13. Transformation of Party Politics (1)
14. Transformation of Party Politics (2)
15. summary and examination


(1) To understand the characteristics of European politics broadly based on the knowledge of the politics of the Iberian Peninsula. (2) To develop the ability to describe political phenomena and identify problems using the concepts and analytical frameworks of political science. (3) To deepen one's awareness of the problems facing Japan today, based on examples from overseas.





Quizzes...The score for each quiz will vary depending on the number of questions, but the final score will be compressed and considered as 30% of the total.
Final Report...Specific instructions will be given on the last day (or a few days prior to the last day). 70% of the total.

Quizzes...The score for each quiz will vary depending on the number of questions, but the final score will be compressed and considered as 30% of the total.
Final Report...Specific instructions will be given on the last day (or a few days prior to the last day). 70% of the total.

Unless otherwise modified, the final report will be in the form of an answer with a time allowance of more than 24 hours from the presentation of the assignment. Uncredited quotations from other works or online sources, plagiarism, and reproduction of answers from generative AI will be considered a form of cheating.

In addition, since the work of answering questions can be done under considerably more relaxed conditions than in in-person tests, the grading will likely be severe, and there is no chance that a follow-up exam, etc. will be approved unless there are extraordinary circumstances. It is recommended that students who do not perform well on quizzes voluntarily withdraw from the course.



References on individual topics will be introduced in the lectures as appropriate.



Students are encouraged to look at supplementary materials such as books and Youtube videos introduced in class for a deeper understanding of the course content. In such cases, it is advisable to keep a very brief world history text at hand or use a historical dictionary to make up for any gaps in your knowledge.




The examination for this class will be in the form of a report. Students who register for the class and do not submit the report will be treated as "failing" rather than "abstaining". Those who wish to abandon the credit must cancel their registration by the due date.

In the 2023 class, the average score of the final grade for those who submitted reports was 66.7 on a bare point basis.

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