
3827 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   物権法  
      池田 悠太  
      後期 木曜日 1講時  

    民法典の「第2編 物権」についての理解を得るべく検討を行う。

    This course will study Part 2 of the Japanese Civil Code, which contains the law of real rights.

  •   家族法  
      吉永 一行  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 法学部1番教室  


    法的制度の定義、要件・効果、制度趣旨といった基本事項を覚えるとともに、それらを用いて教科書に掲載されているような典型的な事例や有名な判例の事例の法的解決を説明できるようになることを目的とする。さらに、判例の読み方をはじめとする法律学の学習方 法についても認識を深めることも目的とする。司法試験受験などに対応するための高度の専門知識や解釈論の対立に立ち入ることは限られてしまうが、そうした学習を志す受講生に向けて、学習を深めるべきポイントの提示などの情報提供は適宜に行う。

    This lecture deals with Book 4 (Relatives) and 5 (Inheritance) of the Civil Code. Students learn basic matters such as the definition, requirements / effects, and the purpose of the institutions on civil law, and use them to explain the legal resolution of typical cases.

  •   民法総則  
      市川 英孝  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    This course teaches the basic knowledge of articles, cases and theories of the general provisions of the Civil Code in Japan.

  •   契約法・債権総論  
      櫛橋 明香  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  


    This course will study Chapter 1 and 2 of Part 3 of Japanese Civil Code, which contain General Provisions of claims and Various Provisions Contracts.

  •   信託法  
      田中 和明  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 法学部3番教室  


    The course will provide basic knowledge and ideas on trust and trust laws and will study the topics on "what is a trust" and "what kind of law is trust law?" In addition to the interpretation of the Trust Law and other laws related to trust, the course will explain various products handled in trust business and also discuss topics on how Trust Law and other laws related to trust apply to these products. We will also address the characteristics and problems of non-business trusts.

  •   知的財産法演習Ⅲ  
      松岡 徹  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


     This course aims to help each student to deepen his or her understanding of Patent Law through analysis of famous cases and papers related to some fundamental issues of Patent Law.

  •   民事訴訟法法曹実務演習  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    This seminar teaches the basics of the Civil Procedural Law especially from practical points of view. The textbook in Tohoku Lawschool is used in this seminar: K.MIKI/K.YAMAMOTO, Law School; Civil Procedural Law.

  •   商法総論・商行為法  
      後期 水曜日 1講時  




    【The course assumes that participants have already taken “Corporate Law I”, “Contract Law”, and “Property Rights Law”.】

    As a system that regulates the transaction activities of business organizations, etc., Commercial Code has a different color from Civil Code, as it is required to improve the transaction efficiency and maintain the transaction security. On the other hand, due to the rapid changes in the domestic and international trade environment, the Commercial Code has become a skeleton and the special commercial laws have become bloated, and there is a movement to recompile the Commercial Code.

    The purpose of this lecture is to examine the characteristics of merchants and commercial practices in light of the above issues, and to clarify the rationality and irrationality of the current Commercial Code.

  •   行政法Ⅱ  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course teaches the Administrative Complaint Review Act, the Administrative Case Litigation Act, and the State Redress Act.

  •   行政法Ⅰ  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  



    This course teaches the basic principles and concepts of administrative law in Japan. The following topics are covered: characteristics of administrative law, sources of administrative law, and various forms of administrative programs. It also explains the general administrative law system. You are required to read the cases and statutes in advance of lectures.
