
5688 件ヒット (0.049秒):

  •   情報と人間・社会  
      山内 保典  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC203  




    In this class, you will discuss academic integrity using examples of dilemmas that you may face in your learning and research activities. You will propose ideas for creating a good learning and research environment.

  •   学問論演習  
      西塚 孝平  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC306  







    この演習では、教育を研究するとはどのような営みなのかを実際に体験してもらい、教育という捉えどころのない複雑な社会的実践に向き合います。受講生は、単なる学習者ではなく、学校教育(国内の幼稚園~大学を想定)の本質を探求しようとする1人の教育学研究者とみなされます。皆さんの経験を振り返り、先行研究を批判的に解釈し、各自の興味・関心に基づきながら「深い問い」を立て、実験・調査に取り組み、論理的に分析・考察し、「意味のある結論」を導き、成果を報告するという自律的な探究学習(open inquiry)を進めるなかで、「よい教育」とは何なのかを考えていきましょう。


    The objectives of this exercise are listed as follows:

    (1) Experiencing basic research methods on school education and understanding the meaning of education as a research subject.

    (2) Acquiring basic academic skills in social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as the subject.

    (3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and acquiring this technique.

    (4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about what good education is.

    School education faces several challenges. Daily reforms are being made while dealing with rigorous conflicting interests. However, in reality, “good education” is “hard to attain.” Why do numerous improvement measures and studies not yield excellent results?

    In this class, students will experience the nature of studying education and confront its elusive and complex social practice. You will be considered not only a learner but also an educational researcher who explores the nature of school education (i.e., from kindergarten through university in Japan). In the course of an open inquiry, you will reflect on your experiences, critically interpret previous research, construct a “thoughtful question” based on your own interests, conduct experiments and surveys, logically analyze and discuss the results, draw “meaningful conclusions,” and report your findings. In this way, we will realize the meaning of “good education.”

    The objective is not to acquire specialized knowledge about education. It is not necessary to acquire knowledge of a specific field from the beginning of the class. The experience of exploring how educational researchers conduct their research will help you in your learning and future academic activities in various fields.

  •   倫理学研究演習Ⅳ / Ethics (Advanced Seminar IV)  
      村山 達也  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    We will read Martha Nussbaum's Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, and discuss the significance of studying the humanities primarily from an ethical (not "ethical") perspective.

  •   倫理思想演習 / Western Ethical Thought (Seminar)  
      村山 達也  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    We will read Martha Nussbaum's Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, and discuss the significance of studying the humanities primarily from an ethical (not "ethical") perspective.

  •   事例研究(情報システム設計)  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 / 前期 火曜日 4講時  


     In this course, each student investigates, examines, and discusses the case studies of advanced efforts to construct information systems and the case studies of failed attempts to construct information systems. Through these activities, students will learn how the contents learned in the lecture on information system design are used in the actual development of information systems, and learn the relationship between the knowledge of information system design and the actual development of information systems.

  •   研究倫理・社会的責任論  
      倉永 英里奈  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course will educate students on what is fair research activity. In addition, this course will explain the responsibilities that researchers should fulfill to society in the midst of various social problems such as environmental issues and the global situation, citing specific examples. In addition, this course will provide students with an understanding of the social responsibilities that research institutions, companies, and governments should take on, as well as the responsibilities that human resources with knowledge of life sciences should fulfill as members of society.

  •   博士リテラシーの基礎  
      安藤 晃、工藤 成史  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 その他 / 後期 火曜日 2講時 その他  


    In this course, Ph.D. literacy is viewed as a comprehensive ability to survive as a doctor (as a researcher and as a person). At its core is the ability to conduct research (research capability). This includes the ability to come up with ideas and use logic. The research capability is refined mainly through daily life in the laboratory. And most of them can be used across disciplines. This course will start with an awareness of this fact. Further, there are some additional qualities and capabilities that you will need after you obtain your degree, irrespective of whether you go into academia or business. They are those that involve people-to-people relationships. The first ones are the ability to communicate with the people close to you and the management skills to execute projects. In the main part of this course, we aim to raise the level of these qualities and capabilities. It also aims to arouse your awareness of issues ranging from personal to global and to provide an opportunity for students in different fields to build new human networks.

  •   人文社会科学総合 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      阿部 恒之, 辻本 昌弘, 原 塑, 小泉 政利, 坂井 信之, 中西 太郎, 浜田 宏  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    In this course, the theoretical basis of research ethics and integrity, as well as ethical problems typical of various research fields of humanities and social sciences are discussed.

  •   博士リテラシーの基礎  
      安藤 晃、工藤 成史  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 その他 / 前期 火曜日 2講時 その他  


    In this course, Ph.D. literacy is viewed as a comprehensive ability to survive as a doctor (as a researcher and as a person). At its core is the ability to conduct research (research capability). This includes the ability to come up with ideas and use logic. The research capability is refined mainly through daily life in the laboratory. And most of them can be used across disciplines. This course will start with an awareness of this fact. Further, there are some additional qualities and capabilities that you will need after you obtain your degree, irrespective of whether you go into academia or business. They are those that involve people-to-people relationships. The first ones are the ability to communicate with the people close to you and the management skills to execute projects. In the main part of this course, we aim to raise the level of these qualities and capabilities. It also aims to arouse your awareness of issues ranging from personal to global and to provide an opportunity for students in different fields to build new human networks.

  •   看護における倫理的課題と意思決定  
      朝倉 京子  
      毎週月曜日 19:40~21:10  

