

通年集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 倉永 英里奈. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: BAL-BIO502B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語及び英語/ Japanese and English.

授業題目/Class Subject

/ Lecture on Research Ethics and Social Responsibility

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This course will educate students on what is fair research activity. In addition, this course will explain the responsibilities that researchers should fulfill to society in the midst of various social problems such as environmental issues and the global situation, citing specific examples. In addition, this course will provide students with an understanding of the social responsibilities that research institutions, companies, and governments should take on, as well as the responsibilities that human resources with knowledge of life sciences should fulfill as members of society.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

Understand the significance and responsibility of sharing the results of fair research activities. To understand the impact of major global environmental issues on human society and to consider what aspects are necessary for their resolution. In addition, students will gain an understanding of the current situation and issues for the future regarding how various stakeholders in society such as corporations, local governments, and international organizations should face and respond to these issues.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

 講師 倉永 英里奈 教授(生命科学研究科)
1. "Research Ethics"
 Lecturer: Professor Erina Kuranaga (Graduate School of Life Sciences) and Dr. Mika Toya (Waseda University) (only for English)

この講義受講後に、一般財団法人公正研究推進協会(APRIN)が提供する、研究倫理教育eラーニング「APRIN eラーニングプログラム (CITI Japan)」を受講すること。
After attending this lecture, students are required to take the "APRIN e-Learning Program (CITI Japan)", an e-learning program for research ethics education provided by the Association for the Promotion of Fair Research (APRIN).
How to take the course and the lecture will be explained in the lecture.

講師 初山 高仁 先生(東北大学理学部非常勤講師)
2. "Social Responsibility Theory" 
 Lecturer: Dr. Takahito Hatsuyama (Part time lecturer of Tohoku University)

Students will learn about social responsibility mainly through concrete examples from the history of science.
(1) What is the social responsibility of biological scientists?
Teiri Nakamura, a historian of biology, once discussed what the social responsibility of biological scientists is. Based on his view, the characteristics of the social responsibility of biological scientists are explained.

(2)Is the use of authority justified? :From the case of Semmelweis’s research of postpartum fever
Many doctors rejected the method of prevention of postpartum fever advocated by Semmelweis. This section describes this case as the fact that authorities rejected the truth.

(3) What is the accountability of scientists? :From the case of Pasteur’s researches of vaccination
Pasteur invented anthrax vaccines for livestock and rabies vaccines for humans. The accountability questioned in the process for the use of vaccines is explained by this case.

(4) What is the corporate’s and government’s social responsibility? :From the case of Minamata disease
Minamata disease is a social disaster that occurred because the government approved the activities of a company that prioritized profit. Therefore, the environment was neglected. Through this case, the social responsibility of corporation and government is explained.

/For details, contact the office of the Educational Affairs section, Graduate School of Life Sciences (022-217-5706、lif-kyom*grp.tohoku.ac.jp)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

/ Presentations and class participation will be evaluated.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

/ References are handed out at every class.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

時間外学習により「APRIN eラーニングプログラム (CITI Japan)を受講すること。
/ Students have to take the APRIN e-learning program (CITI Japan).


online: see google classroom

その他・備考/In Addition・Note

Place of report submission: google classroom
提出締め切り:後日お知らせします。/ The deadline for submitting reports submitted is undecided

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