

後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC306. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 西塚 孝平 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 2セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-学問論. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFA-NAA102J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Research on School Education: What Is “Good Education”?

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class



この演習では、教育を研究するとはどのような営みなのかを実際に体験してもらい、教育という捉えどころのない複雑な社会的実践に向き合います。受講生は、単なる学習者ではなく、学校教育(国内の幼稚園~大学を想定)の本質を探求しようとする1人の教育学研究者とみなされます。皆さんの経験を振り返り、先行研究を批判的に解釈し、各自の興味・関心に基づきながら「深い問い」を立て、実験・調査に取り組み、論理的に分析・考察し、「意味のある結論」を導き、成果を報告するという自律的な探究学習(open inquiry)を進めるなかで、「よい教育」とは何なのかを考えていきましょう。


The objectives of this exercise are listed as follows:
(1) Experiencing basic research methods on school education and understanding the meaning of education as a research subject.
(2) Acquiring basic academic skills in social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as the subject.
(3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and acquiring this technique.
(4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about what good education is.

School education faces several challenges. Daily reforms are being made while dealing with rigorous conflicting interests. However, in reality, “good education” is “hard to attain.” Why do numerous improvement measures and studies not yield excellent results?

In this class, students will experience the nature of studying education and confront its elusive and complex social practice. You will be considered not only a learner but also an educational researcher who explores the nature of school education (i.e., from kindergarten through university in Japan). In the course of an open inquiry, you will reflect on your experiences, critically interpret previous research, construct a “thoughtful question” based on your own interests, conduct experiments and surveys, logically analyze and discuss the results, draw “meaningful conclusions,” and report your findings. In this way, we will realize the meaning of “good education.”

The objective is not to acquire specialized knowledge about education. It is not necessary to acquire knowledge of a specific field from the beginning of the class. The experience of exploring how educational researchers conduct their research will help you in your learning and future academic activities in various fields.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


(1) Experiencing the basic methods of research on school education and explaining its meaning of education as a research subject.
(2) Acquiring and performing basic academic skills in the social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as a subject.
(3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and practicing this technique.
(4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about good education.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class


第1回(10月7日)  オリエンテーション
第2回(10月14日) 調べ学習:情報を収集しよう
第3回(10月21日) クリティカル・リーディング:論文を読んでみよう
第4回(10月28日) 教育学のリサーチメソッド①:研究の方法を知ろう
第5回(11月11日) 教育学研究者の苦悩:「よい研究とは何か?」を考えよう
第6回(11月18日) 問いのデザイン:良質な問いを設定しよう
第7回(11月25日) 教育学のリサーチメソッド②:データ収集・分析の準備をしよう
第8回(12月2日)  アカデミック・インテグリティ:研究倫理申請書を作成してみよう
第9回(12月9日)  中間まとめ
第10回(12月16日) アカデミック・ライティング①
第11回(1月6日)  データ分析:実験・調査結果を整理しよう
第12回(1月20日) アカデミック・ライティング②
第13回(1月27日) プレゼンテーション入門:「よいプレゼンテーションとは何か?」を考えよう
第14回(1月29日) プレゼンテーション練習:準備と予行練習
第15回(2月3日) プレゼンテーション演習:成果発表&授業全体の振り返り


In this class, the instructor will not give a lecture on knowledge but will proceed based on students’ knowledge and activities.
Group work will be included in each session to build discussion skills, but not to the extent that it is overly burdensome. The themes of each session are as follows:

1st (Oct. 7) Orientation
2nd (Oct. 14) Research: Gathering information
3rd (Oct. 21) Critical Reading: Reading academic articles
4th (Oct. 28) Research Methods in Education (1): Learning about research methods
5th (Nov. 11) The Struggle of Educational Researchers: What is good research?
6th (Nov. 18) Question Design: Let’s set a good question
7th (Nov. 25) Research Methods in Education (2): Preparing for data collection and analysis
8th (Dec. 2) Academic Integrity: Filling out an application form for research ethics
9th (Dec. 9) Mid-term Summary
10th (Dec. 16) Academic Writing (1)
*The class will be cancelled (Dec. 23)
11th (Jan. 6) Data Analysis: Organizing the results of experiments and surveys
12th (Jan. 20) Academic Writing (2)
13th (Jan. 27) Introduction to Presentations: What is a good presentation?
14th (Jan. 29) Presentation Practice: Preparation and rehearsal
15th (Feb. 3) Presentation Exercise: Final presentation and review of the class as a whole

*The progress of the class may be adjusted according to your activities and needs.
*In the classroom, the class will be conducted face-to-face, but there is a possibility that some online classes will be organized depending on the situation.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method



Weekly preparation assignment (20%)
Weekly review assignment (20%)
Presentation assignment (20%)
Final academic report assignment (20%)
Final reflection report assignment (20%)

*The details of each assignment will be explained during the orientation.
*The rubric (assessment criteria) for each assignment will be shared in advance.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


    *You are expected to complete homework assignments (preparation and review) because they will be used in the class.
    *Review assignments are assigned to each class based on the day’s class content.
    *You are asked to prepare for the next class by watching a preparation video shown after the class.
    *The instructor will assess your learning by holding consultation meetings and reading sessions as needed (participation is optional).
    *Depending on your desired theme, you may be required to conduct data collection activities off campus, such as by visiting school sites for fieldwork or conducting interviews (consultations required).

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    【必要】基本的に授業中に資料配布はせず、Google Classroom内で共有します。資料や提出した宿題を見ながら活動を進めたり、Googleドキュメントで話し合いの議事録を取ったりするため、初回授業を含め毎週パソコンを持参してください。

    [Yes] Materials will not be distributed in the class but will be shared via Google Classroom. You are expected to bring a computer to class every week, including the first class, to view the materials and homework assignments, and to participate in class discussions using Google Docs.

    その他/In Addition

    ・本演習で利用する学習支援システムはGoogle Classroomです。

    *The learning support system used for this class is Google Classroom.
    *There is no need to purchase textbooks or reference books because various materials used in the class are shared on a case-by-case basis.
    *You are expected to have more opportunities to check books and browse libraries; hence, it is recommended that you use the library’s stack guidance and confirm how to make photocopies of documents beforehand.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認