
2222 件ヒット (0.041秒):

  •   ロジカル・ライティング~説得力のあるレポートの組み立て方~  
      佐藤 智子、西塚 孝平  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC304  










    This class is to learn the basics of academic writing in a practical way.

    This is designed for students who have already mastered the introductory level of academic writing as outlined in "The Academic Writing Handbook for Tohoku University Students”.

    You will have the opportunity to further improve their ability to perceive, analyze, discuss, and express things in a "logical" manner.

    This class is intended for the following students.

    ・ Students who want to improve the quality of their papers but feel limited in their ability to do so on their own.

    ・ Those who have a desire to be able to write persuasively, but do not know how.

    ・ Those who find it difficult to speak logically as well as write.

    ・ Those who are not good at getting back on track and summarizing when the discussion makes a digression.

    ・ Those who feel difficult to logically construct their opinions.

    Students will learn the basics of logic, discuss them with other students, write them individually while thinking deeply about them, and experience the process of peer reviewing them.

    In this way, students will repeat the practice of thinking collaboratively and structuring their own opinions logically.

  •   アカデミック・ライティング / Academic Writing  
      羅 漢  

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    ・250~400 wordsの英語の文章を無理なく書ける。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    Engineers and researchers need the ability to disseminate the value of their technology and research internationally, and to follow the trends of technology and research around the world. To develop communication skills, it is necessary to write logically structured articles. This is an important skill that is common to Japanese and English, and is a basic skill required for training in each department from the third year onwards and for graduation research in the fourth year.

    In this lecture, we will learn what constitutes a logically structured article by analyzing good examples of writing, and we will practice summarizing and writing opinions by deciphering Japanese/English materials from various fields.


    ・Students should be able to understand and practice sentence structure and the role and order of each paragraph and sentence.

    ・Sstudents should be able to summarize the contents of long articles into logically structured sentences of 400-800 words.

    ・Students should be able to write sentences of 250-400 words in English without difficulty.

  •   学問論演習  
      西塚 孝平  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC306  







    この演習では、教育を研究するとはどのような営みなのかを実際に体験してもらい、教育という捉えどころのない複雑な社会的実践に向き合います。受講生は、単なる学習者ではなく、学校教育(国内の幼稚園~大学を想定)の本質を探求しようとする1人の教育学研究者とみなされます。皆さんの経験を振り返り、先行研究を批判的に解釈し、各自の興味・関心に基づきながら「深い問い」を立て、実験・調査に取り組み、論理的に分析・考察し、「意味のある結論」を導き、成果を報告するという自律的な探究学習(open inquiry)を進めるなかで、「よい教育」とは何なのかを考えていきましょう。


    The objectives of this exercise are listed as follows:

    (1) Experiencing basic research methods on school education and understanding the meaning of education as a research subject.

    (2) Acquiring basic academic skills in social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as the subject.

    (3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and acquiring this technique.

    (4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about what good education is.

    School education faces several challenges. Daily reforms are being made while dealing with rigorous conflicting interests. However, in reality, “good education” is “hard to attain.” Why do numerous improvement measures and studies not yield excellent results?

    In this class, students will experience the nature of studying education and confront its elusive and complex social practice. You will be considered not only a learner but also an educational researcher who explores the nature of school education (i.e., from kindergarten through university in Japan). In the course of an open inquiry, you will reflect on your experiences, critically interpret previous research, construct a “thoughtful question” based on your own interests, conduct experiments and surveys, logically analyze and discuss the results, draw “meaningful conclusions,” and report your findings. In this way, we will realize the meaning of “good education.”

    The objective is not to acquire specialized knowledge about education. It is not necessary to acquire knowledge of a specific field from the beginning of the class. The experience of exploring how educational researchers conduct their research will help you in your learning and future academic activities in various fields.

  •   学び合いの理論と技法~ファシリテーション基礎演習~  
      西塚 孝平  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA204  







    This class offers an opportunity to experience basic liberal arts education and to think about the nature of social learning and the meaning of learning at the university. In addition, participants will practice the techniques of “cooperative learning” that can be actually used so that you can effectively learn from each other through dialogue and discussion.

    It is not possible to have a good “cooperative learning” simply by gathering several students. In order to learn effectively, it is necessary to have the role of "facilitation" (= designing a place for learning, encouraging the building of trust, drawing dialogue and discussion, and organizing logics). The person who plays this role is commonly called a "facilitator". Facilitators are not only professors and special staff. Best of all, learning the facilitation skills will help you to deepen your own thoughts and broaden your ideas. Through this program, you will acquire practical facilitation knowledge and skills.

  •   教育の方法と技術  
      佐藤 淳  
      後期集中 その他 連講 その他  


    In this lecture, we will introduce the knowledge acquisition process from the presented information and the teaching methods that promote its application as basic theories on teaching methods and techniques.In particular, it focuses on the aspects of knowledge that the learner has before teaching, and explains the formation of prior recognition and the nature of thinking.Then, we will discuss the ideal teaching method and specific learning support techniques based on those facts while introducing a wealth of examples.Through these, we aim to make it possible for students to understand the characteristics and pre-conditions of learners, create effective teaching materials, and provide more essential and appropriate learning guidance.

  •   Academic Skills in Nursing I  
      宮下 光令  
      4月11日(木)~7月25日(木) / 13th April-27th July  
      毎週木曜日 10:30~12:00 / Thursday 10:30~12:00  


    Understand and acquire the fundamental skills for conducting nursing research through lectures and exercises.

  •   工学教育院特別講義(英語で学ぶ理工学) / Special lectures (English for Science and Engineering Students)  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部HPにて確認すること。




    内容の習得: 科学と工学の基本概念を理解し、批判的思考と分析力を養う。

    語学力の向上: 科学的な語彙やアカデミックな表現に重点を置きながら、英語運用能力(listening, speaking, reading, writing)を向上させる。優れたアカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学び、理工学分野で興味のあるトピックについてプレゼンテーションを行う。

    This Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course in Science and Engineering is designed to enhance students' language proficiency while exploring key concepts in the fields of science and engineering. The course is conducted in English with Japanese language support and provides students with the opportunity to develop their academic English language and presentation skills in conjunction with acquiring scientific knowledge.

    Some of the classes will also include a guest science or engineering professor.

    Content Mastery: Gain an understanding of some fundamental concepts in science and engineering, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. 

    Language Proficiency: Develop and improve student’s English language skills, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on scientific vocabulary and academic language. In this course, students will also learn the fundamentals of good academic writing and give a presentation on a topic within science and engineering that interests them.

    学修の 到達目標 /Goal of Study


    1) 重要な概念を分類し、定義する。

    2) 手順や実験を説明する。

    3) 科学的現象に関する原因と結果を説明する。

    4) 数字、公式、測定法を理解する。

    5) 学習した内容に基づいて意見を述べ、アイデアを共有する。

    6) アカデミックな内容のリスニングとライティングを上達させる。

    7) 科学・工学に関連したテーマでプレゼンテーションを行う。

    8) アカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学ぶ。

    Students will learn both spoken and written academic English to be able to:

    1) Classify and define key concepts.

    2) Describe procedures and experiments.

    3) Explain cause and effect related to scientific phenomena.

    4) Understand numbers, formulae, and measurements.

    5) Give opinions and share ideas based on the content learned.

    6) Improve their listening and writing of academic content.

    7) Give a presentation on a topic related to science and engineering

    8) Learn the basics of academic writing

  •   都市・建築デザイン研修A / Bachelor Thesis A in Architectual Design  
      建築・社会環境工学科 担当教員  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。










    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Design Research A and B are provided continuously through the 7th and 8th semesters. The following three types will be offered.

    Type I: Work on a dissertation through Design Research A and B

    Type II: Work on both a dissertation and a design project through Design Reserch A and B

    Type III: Work on a desgin project through Design Research A and B

    Research goals and methods

    Type I: Each student aims for completing a dissertation throughout a year under the guidance of his/her supervisor. The appropiate qualities on logical consistency, originality, etc are required. The final product is submitted as a dissertation. Oral presentation is also made for review.

    Type II: Each student aims for completing both a dissertation and a design project throughout a year under his/her supervisor. Their dissertations are reviewed in the middle of the year, and only the students who pass the review can start their design projects. The students who did not pass the review must change their research type from II to I, and continue their dissertations in the rest of the year.

    Type III: Each student aims for completing a design project throughout a year under the guidance of his/her supervisor. A wide range of design skills such as sociality of problem setting, ability to build a logic leading to final design, etc are required. The final product is submitted as drawings, documents and models. Oral presentation is also made for review.

  •   日本語G  
      齋藤 麻恵子  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC401  



    Eligibility: B2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N1 in the JLPT). Through practical assignments, students will comprehensively develop various writing skills necessary to university studies, research, and student life.

  •   社会保障法演習  
      嵩 さやか  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  




     資料の配布等は、対面で配布のほか、Google Classroom を利用します(クラスコード:4vnkwpa)。

    In this seminar, participants are required to give some presentations on social security law and discuss with the other students. The aim of this seminar is to understand actual questions around social security systems and enhance the abilities of logical thinking and presentation.
