
2197 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   国際教養PBL  
      澤邉 裕子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    This course is designed for both domestic and international students who like books and children. The aims of this course is to promote 1) students' understanding of both themselves and others, 2) acquisition of international liberal arts, and 3) finding contemporary issues on the theme of books, thorough

    discussions with classmates who have different cultural backgrounds. In addition, planning and holding book-related events for children in the world enable students to acquire collaborative, problem-solving, creativity, and communication skills. International students: International students can registrate this course if you are at level 4 of the Tohoku University Japanese Language Course (Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 pass level, completion of the first half of the intermediate level) Extracurricular activities will be also required.

  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      末松 和子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 その他  

    Collaborative projects by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The theme of this semester is "Owarai," the Japanese comedy. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   グローバルPBL  
      末松 和子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA401  

    Collaborative projects on "comedy" by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      末松 和子  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 その他  

    Collaborative projects by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The theme of this semester is "Owarai," the Japanese comedy. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   グローバルPBL  
      末松 和子  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA307  

    Collaborative projects on "comedy" by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   教育原理  
      大迫 章史  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA102  





  •   多文化PBL  
      小嶋 緑  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC304  

    In this PBL course, groups of Japanese and international students will be provided with opportunities to conduct research and give proposals on promotion of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) on university campus. Students will deepen their understanding of minorities in Japanese society and Tohoku University's policy of promoting DEI, and conduct their own research projects to identify problems through interviews, surveys and literature reviews, and propose how we can promote DEI campuses. This class incorporates intercultural co-learning methods where students from different backgrounds will collaborate on the projects.


  •   多文化PBL  
      末松 和子  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M204  


    This class provides both international and domestic students with opportunities to learn from each other through thematic discussions and collaborative projects. Interactions among students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are embraced in this class. The class will be conducted in Japanese, but English can be used as supplement.

  •   キャリア関連学習  
      早坂 昌彦  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC101  

    This class aims to provide students with a systematic and practical introduction to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, which they will need to design their own careers, regardless of which department they are in or whether they start their own business or not.

    The lectures are intended to proceed interactively based on the methodology of experiential learning, and will be conducted in English.

    This class is supported by the Sumitomo Corporation Group, and practitioners and experts in various fields will be invited to speak as guests throughout the course, with the intention of enhancing the learning effect.




  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      バックレイ 厚子  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC102  


    Through collaborative learning between Japanese and foreign students, you will discover some unique aspects of Japanese language and culture from a contrastive point of view. By actively participating in discussions on the theme of how Japanese culture is reflected in the language with students from diverse cultural backgrounds, you will deepen your understanding of Japanese language and culture, and develop an appreciation of other cultures. Through student-led active learning, you will gain collaborative skills. In principle, Japanese is used in class; however, the use of English is allowed as a lingua franca.
