
3056 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   建築世界遺産学 / The World's Architectural Heritage  
      飛ヶ谷 潤一郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    資料や連絡はGoogle Classroomに掲載し、講義は Google Meetによるオンラインで行う。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    This is a seminar style course intended to allow students to have in-depth discussion between themselves so that they can acquire abundant knowledge about World Heritage architecture and identify a research issue.

    Lecture materials and communications are posted on Google Classroom and lectures are conducted online via Google Meet.

    Classcode: u7q6uca

  •   近・現代建築史 / History of Modern Architecture  
      五十嵐 太郎, 飛ヶ谷 潤一郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course provides an overview of the history of modern architecture, from 18th Century Neo-Classicism to the present, to help students learn about famous architectural works and city planning in Europe and Japan.

  •   西洋建築史 / History of European Architecture  
      五十嵐 太郎, 飛ヶ谷 潤一郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The course will explain the History of Western Architecture; Greek and Rome in Ancient times; Romanesque and Gothic in the Middle Ages; Renaissance and Baroque in the Early Modern Period; Modernism and Postmodern in Modern Times. The lecture aims to enable students to understand each architectural style and its characteristics.

  •   建築史学 / History of Architecture  
      野村 俊一  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ





    ・ スライドと配付資料を適宜活用した演習形式で進める。

    ・ 配付資料の配布および諸々通知は事前にGoogle classroomで行う。

    ・ 配付資料データを開くパスは事前授業時あるいはGoogle classroomで連絡する。

    ・ 配付資料は必ず事前に印刷をしておくこと。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Architectural history examines the form and technique of architecture and the design, function, and background of society and culture. Even taking a Buddhist temple as an example, there is a wide range of questions to be answered, including not only the pillars and beams that make up the space but also the statues of Buddha that are dedicated inside the temple, the rituals that take place inside the temple, the paintings that solemnize the surroundings, the Buddhist philosophy that encompasses the entire temple, and the politics and intentions of the monks and Buddhist priests who run the temple. In a sense, it is no exaggeration to say that architectural history is an academic system for recognizing and interpreting various images of the world through architecture. So, what is the method of doing so?

    This lecture will examine the methodology of architectural historiography and the framework of the world image surrounding architecture, taking up previous research papers.

    Class code of Google Classroom:afqef6p

    ・The lecture will be conducted in a lecture format using slides and handouts.

    ・The distribution of handouts and notifications will be made via Google Classroom in advance. The class code is " ".

    ・The pass to open the handout data will be announced during the advanced class or Google classroom.

    ・Please, make sure to print out the handouts in advance.

  •   建築ITコミュニケーションデザイン論 / Architectural IT communication Design  
      本江 正茂  





    Google Hangouts Meet または ZOOM を使用する。接続先 URL は Google Classroom で通知する。

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    Concerning about architecture, information, technology and communication as an integrated matter of design.

    Most of architectural space like office, school and library were used to carry out the exchange of information mainly. However, the relation between architectural space and information has changed significantly because of the innovation of information technology in recent years. It is necessary to review the interaction of both fundamentally to consider about design of space and information in the future. Design about space and information needs to be considered not separately but comprehensively.

    We will take a perspective through theories and case studies of space and information designs in this lecture by enlarging the field of vision in not only the technology, but also the fields such as sociology, art, philosophy, and cognitive science. In particular, showing about various IT communication designs in these days with technologies supporting them, and discuss how they had an influence on architectural and urban space and changed and spread out their possibility in the ubiquitous computing society.

    The purpose of this lecture is making a foundation of ability for design development in the times when information and space are fused. In addition, we get knowledge and basic theories of communication in the field of urban and architectural design.

    Use Google Hangouts Meet or ZOOM. The URL to connect to is notified in Google Classroom.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

  •   建築・社会環境工学演習(DG) / Exercises in Civil Engineering and Architecture  
      荒木 笙子, 姥浦 道生, 小野田 泰明, 窪田 亜矢, 佃 悠, 本江 正茂  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    都市・建築学専攻で学ぶBuilt Environmentに関する分析(Analysis)、計画(Planning)、設計(Design)の各分野の演習課題を通じて空間をサーベイする能力と組み立てる能力の基礎的トレーニングを行うことを目的とする。

    Google Meetを使用。接続先URLはGoogle Classroomで通知。クラスコード vdf4dcp

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The aim of this course is to help students acquire the construction skills and surveying skills for spaces through exercises in each field of analysis, planning and design for built environments learned in the Department of Architecture and Building Science.

    This Class will use "Google Meet". The URL is notified by "Google Classroom". The class code is "vdf4dcp”.

  •   都市・建築設計Ⅰ / Urban and Architectural Design I  
      窪田 亜矢, 五十嵐 太郎, 今泉 絵里花, 佃 悠, 本江 正茂, 藤野 高志, 市川 紘司, 小野田 泰明, 村尾 修  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ





    オンラインの場合はGoogle Meet、ZoomもしくはMicrosoft Teamsを使用。実施方法、接続先URLはGoogle Classroomで通知。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    While the urban and architectural theories in each course are for analysis and awareness, it is necessary to engage with existing cities and architecture through practice. In this class, students are expected to work individually or in groups to make new proposals through concrete designs to the present state of urban and architectural design.

    This Class will use "Google Meet" or "Microsoft Teams” or “Zoom". The URL is notified by "Google Classroom".

  •   日本建築史 / History of Japanese Architecture  
      野村 俊一  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。





    ・ スライドと配付資料を適宜活用した講義形式で進める。

    ・ 配付資料の配布および諸々通知は事前にGoogle classroomで行う。

    ・ 配付資料データを開くパスは事前授業時あるいはGoogle classroomで連絡する。

    ・ 配付資料は必ず事前に印刷をしておくこと。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This lecture aims to understand the history of Japanese architecture from various viewpoints.

    The primary goal of this lecture is to review Japanese architecture from Ancient Times to the Modern age from various viewpoints such as design, technique, idea, and social background based on a cultural relation with East Asia.

    ・The lecture will be conducted in a lecture format using slides and handouts.

    ・The distribution of handouts and notifications will be made via Google Classroom in advance.

    ・The pass to open the handout data will be announced during the advanced class or at Google Classroom.

    ・Please, make sure to print out the handouts in advance.

  •   建築デザイン論 / Architecture Design  
      五十嵐 太郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Contemporary architectural design is affected by various phenomena. This lecture will set specific theme related to culture or society ,then analyze method and meaning of design from interdisciplinary viewpoint. The theme will be changed in each semester.

  •   工学教育院特別講義(トップリーダー特別講義M) / Special lectures (Top Leaders Special Lecture)  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Students will learn from top leaders active in various fields so as to become talented persons who realize a sustainable society by coping with global issues and create a truly-affluent, mature society under the circumstances of declining birth rate and aging society. The lecture fosters the students's mettle and eagerness to become world top leaders and support Japan in the future as pillars of the country by identifying and understanding problems and situations of the world, having a strong awareness of problems, and having a wide perspective and a long-term view.
