
建築史学 / History of Architecture

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 野村 俊一. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語.


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https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

Architectural history examines the form and technique of architecture and the design, function, and background of society and culture. Even taking a Buddhist temple as an example, there is a wide range of questions to be answered, including not only the pillars and beams that make up the space but also the statues of Buddha that are dedicated inside the temple, the rituals that take place inside the temple, the paintings that solemnize the surroundings, the Buddhist philosophy that encompasses the entire temple, and the politics and intentions of the monks and Buddhist priests who run the temple. In a sense, it is no exaggeration to say that architectural history is an academic system for recognizing and interpreting various images of the world through architecture. So, what is the method of doing so?
This lecture will examine the methodology of architectural historiography and the framework of the world image surrounding architecture, taking up previous research papers.

Class code of Google Classroom:afqef6p

・The lecture will be conducted in a lecture format using slides and handouts.
・The distribution of handouts and notifications will be made via Google Classroom in advance. The class code is " ".
・The pass to open the handout data will be announced during the advanced class or Google classroom.
・Please, make sure to print out the handouts in advance.




It is desirable that you have an interest in art history and Japanese history.


第1回 ガイダンス――建築史学の方法論
第2回 史料の批判
第3回 形式と様式
第4回 構造と意匠
第5回 部分と全体
第6回 制作と受容
第7回 生産と組織
第8回 儀礼と制度
第9回 交渉と流通
第10回 空間の枠組み
第11回 都市・場所・風景
第12回 歴史の歴史
第13回 復元と復原
第14回 真正性と地域性
第15回 まとめ


Part 1: Guidance: Methodology of Architectural Historiography
Part 2: Critique of Historical Documents
Part 3: Form and Style
Part 4: Structure and Design
Part 5: Part and Whole
Part 6: Production and Reception
Part 7: Production and Organization
Part 8: Rituals and Institutions
Part 9: Negotiation and distribution
Part 10: Framework of Space
Part 11: Cities, Places and Landscapes
Part 12: History of History
Part 13: Restoration and Restoration
Part 14: Authenticity and locality
Part 15: Conclusion




It is recommended that students read the references given or introduced in the lecture.




Judge comprehensively based on the report task, attendance status, participation attitude to the lesson etc.


  • 伝達と変容の日本建築史, 野村俊一, 勉誠出版 (2022) ISBN/ISSN: 4585350012
  • 建築遺産 保存と再生の思考―災害・空間・歴史, 野村俊一・是澤紀子, 東北大学出版会 (2012) ISBN/ISSN: 4861631890



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