
2050 件ヒット (0.062秒):

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      札野 順  

    ※本講義は集中講義です。Google Classroom用のクラスコードは、開講時期にお知らせします。

    科目の目的・概要:科学技術は、新しい「価値」を生み、社会と環境に正負両面で大きな影響を与える。「価値」を創出する技術を実践する「行為者」である技術者は、社会の「安全・健康・福利」を最優先することが求められている。本科目では、技術者がその職務を遂行する上で、必要な「新しい時代の倫理」について考察する。これからの技術者に求められる倫理的な能力は、事故や不祥事を起こさないための「予防倫理」だけではなく、人類が直面する課題の解決を含む人と社会のwell-beingへの貢献を目指す「志向倫理」であることについて論考する。加えて、技術者が直面する可能性のある種々の倫理的問題を、具体的な事例を通して検討する。また、それらの問題を分析し、倫理的に推論する方法について学ぶ。これらの学習を踏まえ、21世紀の技術者に求められ倫理的な資質・能力について考察する。 加えて、研究を行う上で重視すべき価値についても検討し、「責任ある研究活動(Respo nsible Conduct of Research)」の実践を目指す。








    ※This is an intensive course. The class code for Google Classroom will be provided at the start of the course.

    Educational Objectives and outline of the course: Science and engineering create new "values" and have tremendous impacts on society and the environment, both positively and negatively. Engineers who practice engineering works that create the values are "agents" and they are required to give top priority to the "safety, health, and welfare" of society. In this course, we will consider the "ethics of a new era" necessary for engineers to carry out their duties. The ethical abilities required of engineers in the future shoud be not only in the mode of "preventive ethics" aiming for preventing accidents and scandals, but also in the mode of "aspirational ethics" in order to contribute to the well-being of people and society, In addition, we will consider various ethical issues that engineers may face in their practice by using and analyzing real-world cases. You will also learn how to analyze those issues and make ethical reasoning. Based on these studies, we will consider the ethical attributes and abilities required of engineers in the 21st century. In addition, we will consider the values ​​that should be emphasized in conducting research and aim to practice "Responsible Conduct of Research".

    Achievement goal: By succusessfully completeing this course, the students should be able to:

    1) Deescribe the attributes and abilities required for future engineers in relation to their own identities.

    2) Explain the values that engineers should share.

    3) Use the Seven-Step Guide, an ethical decision-making method.

    4) Eexplain what engineers in the 21st century should do in relation to their own "well-being".

    5) Explain what "responsible conducts of research" are by giving concrete examples.

    6) Explain the impact of science and technology on society and the environment, both positively and negatively.

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      金井 浩, 安藤 晃  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。











    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Object and Overview of the Class

    The students should consider the duties and responsibilities observed as members of a society supported by science and technology and as engineers involved in engineering.

    The various technologies and products provided by engineering are indispensable to our society, and at the same time, in some cases, they can cause harm to many people.

    The students will learn how to be ethical when you are asked to make decisions in various situations, and acquire the necessary graoundings to make ethical value judgments.

    2. Goals of Study

    The main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) To have the ethics necessary to be an engineer when pioneering new science and technology.

    (2) To understand the values that engineers should share and be able to conduct responsible research activities.

    (3) To understand that science and technology have both positive and negative aspects, and to have ability to make ethical decisions.

    (4) To have the willing to seek their own "well-being" and the development of society as a member of the engineering professionals in the 21st century.

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      金井 浩, 安藤 晃  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。











    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Object and Overview of the Class

    The students should consider the duties and responsibilities observed as members of a society supported by science and technology and as engineers involved in engineering.

    The various technologies and products provided by engineering are indispensable to our society, and at the same time, in some cases, they can cause harm to many people.

    The students will learn how to be ethical when you are asked to make decisions in various situations, and acquire the necessary graoundings to make ethical value judgments.

    2. Goals of Study

    The main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) To have the ethics necessary to be an engineer when pioneering new science and technology.

    (2) To understand the values that engineers should share and be able to conduct responsible research activities.

    (3) To understand that science and technology have both positive and negative aspects, and to have ability to make ethical decisions.

    (4) To have the willing to seek their own "well-being" and the development of society as a member of the engineering professionals in the 21st century.

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      大場 恭子, 高橋 信  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード: 6tyd73x


    Google Classroom Class Code: 6tyd73x

    The aim is to understand and acquire the ethical abilities that people who want to realize a better society should possess through "engineering," which aims at practical application or sophistication based on basic science. Through learning case studies in lectures, students will learn why they have been pointed out for their lack of ethics, or why their actions have been evaluated for their high ethics. After recognizing the "difficulty in making decisions" in , learn the foundation to think about what it is to be an engineer in one's own society in the midst of increasingly diverse and complex values in the future.

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      須藤 祐司  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。









     1. 技術的解決の結果が、社会や自然に与える影響の範囲と大きさを理解できる

     2. 技術者として意思決定の際に、セブンステップガイド法などを用いて判断できる

     3. リスクマネージメントの基本を理解できる

     4. 技術者として倫理規定に基づいた判断ができる

     5. 製造物に対する技術者の責任の基本的概念を理解できる

     6. 組織の中のエンジニアとしてすべきことを考えることができる

     7. 技術者として知的財産権(特に特許権と著作権)の必要性を説明できる

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    * In this class, we will use Classroom to provide lecture files and to submit reports, as necessary.

    * This class will be held face-to-face.

    * This class will be opened on 9/5 and 9/6 (1st - 4th period).

    Class outline

    With the advance of engineering, the influence of the judgment of engineers makes a big impact on society and the environment. In this lecture, you will learn the basic knowledge of engineering ethics that engineers, science and technology researchers and organizations should have, and you will understand that it is necessary to propose and implement solutions as engineers. You will also learn about the value (judgment) for choosing that solution.


    1. Understand the extent and magnitude of the effects of technical solutions on society and nature

    2. Make decisions using the Seven Step Guide method when making decisions as an engineer

    3. Understand the basics of risk management

    4. As a technician, make decisions based on ethical rules

    5. Understand the basic concept of the responsibility of engineers for products

    6. Think about what to do as an engineer in your organization

    7. Explain the necessity of intellectual property rights (particularly patents and copyrights) as an engineer

  •   工学倫理(建築・社会環境工学科) / Engineering Ethics  
      MAS SAMANEZ ERIC, 大竹 雄  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    クラス コード: hktt7eu

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Science and technology are essential for human society. Therefore, they significantly affect the global environment and human activities. Engineering ethics is critical for civil engineers. In this class, students learn various cases of engineering ethics to recognize the importance of responsibility in improving the safety, health, and welfare of human beings and preserving the global environment. Moreover, students learn knowledge and skills of information disclosure and compliance with laws and contracts.

    Class code: hktt7eu

  •   情報倫理学  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


  •   倫理思想概論 / Western Ethical Thought (General Lecture)  
      村山 達也  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  



    These lectures will provide an introduction to ethics. Topics covered will include normative ethics, metaethics, happiness and the meaning of life; contemporary debates on justice; relation between morality and religion.

  •   研究倫理・社会的責任論  
      倉永 英里奈  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course will educate students on what is fair research activity. In addition, this course will explain the responsibilities that researchers should fulfill to society in the midst of various social problems such as environmental issues and the global situation, citing specific examples. In addition, this course will provide students with an understanding of the social responsibilities that research institutions, companies, and governments should take on, as well as the responsibilities that human resources with knowledge of life sciences should fulfill as members of society.

  •   建築職能論 / Architectural Profession  
      本江 正茂, 木皿 泉  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    Many professions are involved in the realization of architectural forms. Nowadays, when social environment is changing rapidly, these are entwined in various and complex ways increasingly, and their existence and mutual relationships are difficult to understand not only for the general public, but also for individual professionals.

    In these lectures, I will explain the basic vocational and professional classes involved in architecture by introduce examples, as well as the ethical obligations they face. Students will come to understand and deepen their outlook on future expectations regarding the roles and characteristics of architecture in society, from the individual to the whole.

    It also purposes to make it possible to remember what you learned in the lecture when you need to make ethical judgments in your business.


    I provide an overview of the transformation of architectural professions, with particular focus on architects and builders. From there, I describe the roles and relationships of various parties involved in a mixture of architectural production settings, including purchasers, engineers, and constructors.

    In the second half, I clarify the legal, ethical, and educational challenges that architects are called on to face, and explain architectural profession in terms of expectations that range from reconstruction to community revitalization.

    (Goals and Objectives)

    1. To become familiar with the transformations and history of the architectural community from the modern through the contemporary period, and to learn about the different professions and their prospects for the future.

    2. To become familiar with the social and public function of architecture, and to learn about the roles, responsibilities, and ethical obligations of professionals involved with architecture.

    3. To become familiar with the expectations and challenges architecture entails, and to learn about the possibilities for architectural professionals to carry on and help to create social values anew in the contemporary era.
