

前期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 共通基盤科目. 学期/Term: 前期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 日本語 Japanese.



授業題目/Class Subject

Information Ethics




Information Ethics is one of the applied ethics. Our society has become more convenient and more comfortable by means of information technology. But, at the same time, the rapid change and development of information society has brought many problems in various fields of our daily life. In studying and researching in this graduate school, it is one of the requisite trainings to think carefully about the problems of information society.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The aim of this course is that students think about issues associated with Information Society from many aspects and deepen their own idea and visions about how to solve problems of Information Technology Society for future generations so that they can acquire abundant knowledge and identify a research issue.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

○授業ではGoogleClassroomを利用します(クラスコード 未定)。
 GoogleClassroom is used in this class, Code#: TBD.

Classes will be conducted in an online format (real-time or on-demand).

■ 4月11日(April 11) 内田(Assis. Prof. Uchida)
 A general introduction to this lecture.

■4月18日(April 18) 徳川(Prof. Tokugawa): 情報社会における「声と耳」 “Voice and Ear” in Information Society
 Most studies on information ethics tend to focus on the significance of the increase of opportunity of sending message in our life, and discuss morals in the process of creating contents. In this class, however, we will turn to ourselves as receivers and, through a metaphor of the sensitivity of our ear to others’ voice, re-conceptualize information ethics as an issue of frame of reference or practice of interpretation. Specifically, after a brief re-examination of sociological notions on segmentation of social world and politics of discourse, we will consider the necessity of continual learning for social construction of responsive ear.

■4月25日(April 25) 原(Assoc. Prof. Hara): リスクコミュニケーションにおける感情の役割 The Role of Emotion in Risk Communication
 Risks associated with a technology often cause a severe conflict between experts, who wish to advance the introduction of that technology, and those who are potentially at risk. Because the response of the general public to that risks is sometimes quite emotional, experts tend to recognize the public’s response as exaggerated and irrational. But is it really appropriate to interpret it that way? In this lecture, we consider the role of public’s emotion in risk communication.

■5月9日(May 9) 菅沼(Prof. Suganuma): ネチケット Netiquette
 Netiquette is kind of rules, etiquettes, manners etc. to use network comfortably. In this lecture we consider the social background on which the netiquette is needed, and how and why the netiquette comes to an agreement over. Also, we investigate how to regard the ethics in current networked society, through considering the actual examples of the netiquettes.

■5月16日(May 16) 森(Prof. Mori): ロボットの倫理 Robo-ethics
 「ロボットの倫理」は、「ロボティックス」つまりロボット工学に関する哲学的‐倫理的問題を熟考することを目的とする。そのための手がかりとして、カレル・チャペックの有名な『ロボット』(1920 年)を取り上げる。
 The aim of “Robo-ethics” is to reflect upon the philosophical-ethical questions concerning “Robotics” or robot-engineering. We can find the key to it in the famous drama R.U.R. (1920) written by Karel Capek.

■5月23日(May 23) 直江(Prof. Naoe): 科学技術の倫理 Ethics of Science and Technology
 How to understand the relationship between information technology and human beings has become an increasingly important issue today. This lecture helps students to discuss the possibility of an IoT society that enhances human well-being, based on the notion of "value-sensitive design," a fundamental concept of contemporary philosophy of technology.

■5月30日(May 30) 酒井(Assoc. Prof. Sakai): ブロックチェーン倫理(Blockchain ethics)
 Blockchain (distributed ledger) technology makes it possible to put into practical use a distributed information system that works in cooperation with an unspecified number of participating users only according to a predetermined protocol, without the need for a centralized management entity.
Let us consider the ethical issues that may arise in such a system and how to deal with them.

■6月6日(June 6) 大森(Assoc. Prof. Omori): 論理と倫理 Logic and Ethics
 Logic is one of the disciplines with the longest history, but this does not mean that logic is an old-fashioned discipline. Rather, it deals with (or aims at dealing with) various modern topics. For example, topics in ethics have been actively discussed for quite a while, and connections to computer science are tight. This lecture will take logic as a perspective to connect computer science and ethics, and aims at thinking about ethics in view of logic.

■6月13日(June 13) 内田(Assis. Prof. Uchida): 生命倫理Bioethics
 Recently, a lot of serious biological/medical issues such as euthanasia and cloning are emerging one after another that we should do decision-making based on our own view of living things and human-beings. One of the foundations on which the decision-making relies is "Bioethics". In this lecture, an overview of bioethics is given, which could make the students be aware of existence of the bioethical issues around them and think of them in their own way.

■6月20日(June 20) 和田(Assoc. Prof. Wada): 研究における再現性(reproducibility)から研究倫理を考える Research Reproducibility and Research Ethics
Reproducibility in research means the possibility that the same results can be obtained when an experiment conducted by one researcher is followed up by another researcher using the same method and under the same conditions. Reproducibility is one of the requirements for empirical scientific research, but in recent years, the existence of many research findings whose results cannot be reproduced has become a problem. In this lecture, through the introduction of several case studies, we will consider the importance of reproducibility in empirical research and the research ethics behind it.

■6月27日(June 27) 坂田(Senior Assis. Prof. Sakata):ジャーナリズムの倫理 Ethics of Journalism
Ethics of Journalism is deeply related to the basic principle of democracy. What is the journalism of this era when fake news and false rumors are scattered in SNS? In this lecture, we will consider the problems faced by each person who transmits information in contemporary society, where not only mass media but also ordinary people can directly transmit information, by examining specific cases that may occur in the real world.

■7月4日(July 4)& 7月11日(July 11)金谷(Assoc. Prof. Kanaya): AIと倫理・法律 AI and Ethics/Law
In order to live together humans and AI in harmony, we must solve the legal and ethical issues of how to regulate the behavior of AI. Can AI take responsibility? Can AI make ethical decisions like humans? Will AI be able to make more correct and sensible decisions than humans? We will discuss these issues from the perspective of AI and Ethics/Law.
■7月18日(July 18)& 7月25日(July 25) 松岡(Prof. Matsuoka): 知的財産権  Intellectual Property Right
This course is designed to introduce fundamental aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Right (IPR). Students are expected to deal with information without confusing a legal issue with a moral issue and ethics. An overview of the intellectual property (IP) law system provides students some perspectives on IP management, including acquisition, protection, and utilization of IP.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


・Minute Paper will be required in every class.
・Three assignments are compulsory in the term as a whole. This lecture is divided into three groups of classes and each professor gives the topic of the assignment. You must select one topic in every group of classes.
・Instruction about the topic and word count will be given by each professor. The details will be announced in the first class (Introduction)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

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