
208 件ヒット (0.026秒):

  •   子供と家族のための専門的な看護実践トレーニング Training on advanced practical nursing for children and their families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月9日(月)-2025年1月28日(火) April 9 2024 - January 28 2025  
      月曜日 10:30-16:10・火曜日 13:00-16:10 Monday, 10:30-16:10・Tuesday, 13:00-16:10  


    In this course, students will integrate knowledge and skills of Child Health Nursing-Lecture Ⅰ/Ⅱ, Child Health Nursing Seminar Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ, Mental Health for Family, Community Health Care System Nursing:Concept & TheoriesⅠ, Child Health Nursing Practice Ⅰ, common subject, and understand the advanced practical nursing for children and their families.

  •   子供の疾病の診断および治療に関する診療トレーニングとケアの視点 Clinical training and care perspectives regarding the diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月9日(火)-2024年7月16日(火) April 9 2024 - July 16 2024  
      毎週火曜日 8:50-12:00 Tuesday, 8:50-12:00  


    The purpose of this class is to provide advanced and specialized nursing care for children with complex and difficult-to-solve health problems, their families, and the people surrounding them. And the aim is to learn through practical training about treatments and the perspectives of care based on them.

  •   看護実践におけるコンサルテーションの理論と実際 Theories and practice of consultation in nursing practice  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年10月2日(水)-2025年1月15日(水) October 2 2024 - January 15 2024  
      毎週水曜日 10:30-12:00 Wednesday, 10:30-12:00  


    Consultation in nursing practice involves a consultant who is an expert in a particular field of nursing receiving advice on practical issues from care providers or non-specialist consultants who do not have sufficient experience in the matter. To improve the knowledge and skills of consultants, it is necessary to provide lateral support to enhance their knowledge and skills. To understand this, students will learn basic knowledge and techniques of consultation. At the same time, students will study geriatric/home healthcare nursing, psychiatric nursing, and pediatric nursing as cases, learn about the specificities of consultation in each area and the approaches that correspond to them, and develop the ability to utilize them.

  •   子供と家族のための看護支援方法の実際 Practical nursing support methods for children and families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2セメ:2024年10月2日(水)-2025年1月22日(水) Semester #2:October 2 2024 - January 22 2025 3セメ:2024年4月17日(水)-2024年7月31日(水) Semester #3:April 17 2024- July 31 2024  
      毎週水曜日 13:00-14:30 Wednesday, 13:00-14:30  


    Students will learn about the advanced nursing care provided at medical institutions, educational institutions, and related organizations for children and families with complex and difficult-to-solve nursing problems, and the people surrounding them. In addition, through reading case reports and research papers related to supporting children and families, students will develop a nursing perspective that provides psychological and social support for children and families.

  •   小児看護学実習(4年)  
      塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子  
      前期集中 その他 連講  








    1.Summary of Class

    Practice nursing for children and families based on the knowledge, theory, and skills you have learned.

    Experience the process of nursing diagnosis and nursing care for children.


    1) Understand the stages of child growth and development, and learn the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for nursing care suited to each stage of growth and development.

    2) Learn about the effects of health problems on children and families.

    3)Acquire the ability to practice evidence-based nursing through understanding children with illness and disability and integrating knowledge and skills

    4) Learn about the characteristics of pediatric nursing and the role and responsibilities of nurses in multidisciplinary healthcare team.

  •   子供と家族のアセスメントと援助の視点の拡張 Expansion of the perspective of assessment and care for children and their families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年10月3日(木)-2025年1月22日(木) October 3 2024 - January 22 2025  
      毎週木曜日 13:00-14:30 Thursday, 13:00-14:30  


    Students will be able to respond to situations based on ethical and clinical judgments for children and families at various health levels and learn assessment methods and practical support methods for advanced nursing practice by reading research papers and other materials that form the basis of advanced and specialized nursing practice.

  •   健康な家族と健康障害を有する家族のメンタルヘルス Mental health of healthy families and families with health disorders  
      塩飽 仁  
      後期/the second semester  
      毎週火曜日 14:40-16:10 Every Tuesday 14:40-16:10  


    Students can consider mental health support for healthy families and families with health disorders.

  •   小児看護学実習(3年)  
      塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子  
      通年集中 その他 連講  








    1.Summary of Class

    Practice nursing for children and families based on the knowledge, theory, and skills you have learned.

    Experience the process of nursing diagnosis and nursing care for children.


    1) Understand the stages of child growth and development, and learn the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for nursing care suited to each stage of growth and development.

    2) Learn about the effects of health problems on children and families.

    3)Acquire the ability to practice evidence-based nursing through understanding children with illness and disability and integrating knowledge and skills

    4) Learn about the characteristics of pediatric nursing and the role and responsibilities of nurses in multidisciplinary healthcare team.

  •   家族機能の維持・向上をめざす新たな支援方法の開発と検証 Development and validation of methods to support families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月12日(金)- 2024年7月26日(金) April 12 2024 - July 26 2024  
      毎週金曜日 18:00-19:30 Friday, 18:00-19:30  





    Students will learn about the development and validation of theory to support families.

  •   子供と家族のためのメンタルケアの方法 Mental care methods for children and families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月9日(火)-2024年7月16日(火) April 9 2024 - July 16 2024  
      毎週火曜日 8:50-10:20 Tuesday, 8:50-10:20  


    In this course, students will learn about the ethics, assessment, care, and evaluation methods necessary for mental care for children and families, and develop clinical nursing practical skills related to pediatric psychiatric nursing.
