
子供と家族のための看護支援方法の実際 Practical nursing support methods for children and families

毎週水曜日 13:00-14:30 Wednesday, 13:00-14:30. 単位数/Credit(s): 4. 授業代表教員/Director: 塩飽 仁. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 2セメ:2024年10月2日(水)-2025年1月22日(水) Semester #2:October 2 2024 - January 22 2025 3セメ:2024年4月17日(水)-2024年7月31日(水) Semester #3:April 17 2024- July 31 2024. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject


Practical nursing support methods for children and families


教授 塩飽 仁,助教 入江 亘,助手 菅原明子
Prof. Hitoshi Shiwaku, Asst. Prof. Wataru Irie, Research Assistant Sugahara Akiko


Health Science B, 3F, Room No.314

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Students will learn about the advanced nursing care provided at medical institutions, educational institutions, and related organizations for children and families with complex and difficult-to-solve nursing problems, and the people surrounding them. In addition, through reading case reports and research papers related to supporting children and families, students will develop a nursing perspective that provides psychological and social support for children and families.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study

1) 様々な局面における子供と家族の健康課題を認識し,実際的な看護支援技法を理解する。
2) 事例報告,研究論文等の文献を読み解き,子供と家族を心理・社会的に支援する看護について理解する。

1) Students will recognize the health issues of children and families in various situations and understand practical nursing support methods.
2) Students will read case reports, research papers, and other literature to understand nursing that provides psychological and social support for children and families.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class


第4回:スーパービジョン1 小児看護外来事例の家族支援の技法と評価[プレゼンテーション,討論]
第8回:スーパービジョン2 小児看護外来事例の子供への援助方法と評価[プレゼンテーション,討論]

第16回:スーパービジョン4 小児保健・社会保健福祉制度・医療ソーシャルワークのまとめ[プレゼンテーション,討論]

1.「Child Psychiatric Nursing」の講読および「Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing」など国内外の最新の子供と家族の精神保健看護にかかわる研究論文や子供と家族のケースレポートを収集・講読・討議し,あわせて研究の妥当性・信頼性・倫理性およびその臨床的な意義について学習を深める(8回)(塩飽,入江,菅原)。
第17回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読①[講読,討論]
第18回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読②[講読,討論]
第19回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読③[講読,討論]
第20回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読④[講読,討論]
第21回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読⑤[講読,討論]
第22回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読⑥[講読,討論]
第23回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読⑦[講読,討論]
第24回:「Child Psychiatric Nursing」,和文・英文ジャーナル講読⑧[講読,討論]


This class will be held in the 2nd and 3rd semesters.
First-year students should take the course in the second semester, and second-year students should take the course in the third semester.

2nd semester (1st year)
The following exercises will be performed in class. The training will focus on fieldwork and supervision at the pediatric nursing outpatient department of Tohoku University Hospital Pediatrics.
[Methods of pediatric nursing support] (Shiwaku, Irie, Sugahara)
Through fieldwork, students will understand the perspective of viewing child and family issues, assessment, use of support resources within the facility, nursing support methods (practical, consultation, coordination, ethical coordination, education, etc.), and the practice of evaluation. (8 times).
#1 Orientation 1 [Lecture]
#2 Attending family support for pediatric nursing outpatient cases ① [Fieldwork]
#3 Attending family support for pediatric nursing outpatient cases ② [Fieldwork]
#4 Supervision 1: Methods and evaluation of family support in pediatric nursing outpatient cases [Presentation, Discussion]
#5 Attending support for children in pediatric nursing outpatient cases ① [Fieldwork]
#6 Attending support for children in pediatric nursing outpatient cases ② [Fieldwork]
#7 Attending support for children in pediatric nursing outpatient cases ③ [Fieldwork]
#8 Supervision 2: Support methods and evaluation for children in pediatric nursing outpatient cases [Presentation, Discussion]
*Method 1: Students attend the practical activities of CNS in child health nursing, instructors and medical staff and describe fieldwork notes.
Method 2: Based on fieldwork notes, students will each make one presentation on support for families and children regarding the content of Method 1, and receive supervision.

[Child health/medical environment/system] (Shiwaku, Irie, Sugahara)
Through lectures and fieldwork, students learn about social trends surrounding children and families, policies and activities that correspond to these, social health and welfare systems related to pediatric medical care, and medical care, welfare, education, etc. both inside and outside facilities related to children and families. Students learn about the actual consultation/coordination of experts and their collaboration (8 sessions).
# 9 Orientation 2 [Lecture]
#10 Trends and issues in child health in Japan, policy 1 [Lecture, Presentation, Discussion]
#11 Trends and issues in child health in Japan, policy 2 [Lecture, Presentation, Discussion]
#12 Social health and welfare systems related to pediatric medical care [Lecture, Presentation, Discussion]
#13 Status of medical care, welfare, education, etc. inside and outside facilities related to children and families [Lecture, Discussion]
#14 Attending consultation and coordination with medical social workers at Tohoku University Hospital Regional Medical Collaboration Center ① [Fieldwork]
#15 Attending consultation and coordination with medical social workers at Tohoku University Hospital Regional Medical Collaboration Center ② [Fieldwork]
#16 Supervision 4: Summary of child health, social health welfare system, and medical social work [Presentation, Discussion]
*Method 3: Students attend consultations with medical social workers for cases seen at pediatric outpatient clinics and describe fieldwork notes.
Method 4: Students make a presentation on the content of 3 based on their fieldwork notes and receive supervision.

3rd semester (2nd year)
[Child psychiatric nursing]
Practice on the following contents. The first half of each class is spent reading research papers, and the second half is training on basic mental care skills (15 times).
1. Students collect, read, and discuss the latest domestic and international research papers and child and family case reports related to child and family mental health nursing, such as "Child Psychiatric Nursing" and "Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing." and deepen their learning about the validity, reliability, ethics, and clinical significance of research (8 sessions) (Shiwaku, Irie, Sugahara).
#17“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ① [Reading, Discussion]
#18“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ② [Reading, Discussion]
#19“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ③ [Reading, Discussion]
#20“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ④ [Reading, Discussion]
#21“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ⑤ [Reading, Discussion]
#22“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ⑥ [Reading, Discussion]
#23“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ⑦ [Reading, Discussion]
#24“Child Psychiatric Nursing”, Japanese/English journal reading ⑧ [Reading, Discussion]

2. Conducting training on basic mental care skills using the "Psychotherapy Practice Book" (8 times) (Shiwaku).
#25“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ① [Reading, Discussion]
#26“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ② [Reading, Discussion]
#27“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ③ [Reading, Discussion]
#28“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ④ [Reading, Discussion]
#29“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ⑤ [Reading, Discussion]
#30“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ⑥ [Reading, Discussion]
#31“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ⑦ [Reading, Discussion]
#32“Psychotherapy Practice Book” ⑧ [Reading, Discussion]

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Grades will be evaluated as a combined 2nd and 3rd semester as 4 credits.
The course contents of [Methods of pediatric nursing support] and [Child health/medical environment/systems] are each equivalent to 1 credit, and [Child Psychiatric Nursing] is equivalent to 2 credits.
Grades will be comprehensively evaluated based on your efforts on assignments (25%), participation in discussions (50%), and reports (25%).
※ % indicates the distribution of performance evaluation.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • Child Psychiatric Nursing, Patricia Clunn, Mosby Year Book (1991) ISBN/ISSN: 9780801603631 資料種別:参考書
  • Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Wiley ISBN/ISSN: 17446171 資料種別:参考書
  • サイコセラピー練習帳, 丸田俊彦, 岩崎学術出版社 (1986) ISBN/ISSN: 9784753386048 資料種別:参考書
  • 精神看護エクスペール 12巻 こどもの精神看護, 坂田三允ほか, 中山書店 (2005) ISBN/ISSN: 9784521602516 資料種別:参考書
  • 読んで学べるADHDのペアレントトレーニング, Whitham,C.:中田洋二郎ほか訳, 明石書店 (2002) ISBN/ISSN: 9784750315522 資料種別:参考書
  • 病気の子供の心理・社会的支援入門, 谷川弘治ほか, ナカニシヤ出版 (2009) ISBN/ISSN: 9784779502897 資料種別:参考書
  • キャリーオーバーと成育医療, 松下竹次,駒松仁子, へるす出版 (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9784892696305 資料種別:参考書
  • 改訂版 小児看護の日常的な臨床場面での倫理的課題に関する指針, 日本小児看護学会, 日本小児看護学会 (2022) 資料種別:参考書
  • 子供を対象とする看護研究に関する倫理指針, 日本小児看護学会, 日本小児看護学会 (2015) 資料種別:参考書

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


The session time is limited and therefore self-directed learning is important. Students are required to prepare and review for each class.

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