
健康な家族と健康障害を有する家族のメンタルヘルス Mental health of healthy families and families with health disorders

毎週火曜日  14:40-16:10 Every Tuesday  14:40-16:10. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 塩飽 仁. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 後期/the second semester. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Mental health of healthy families and families with health disorders


吉井 初美 Hatsumi Yoshii,塩飽 仁 Hitoshi Shiwaku


第4演習室  4th laboratory, School of Health Sciences building A, 3F

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

Students can consider mental health support for healthy families and families with health disorders.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study

Students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to provide support to healthy families and families with family members with various health disorders.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

*第1回目 家族のメンタルヘルスと家族看護に関する基礎的知識(吉井)[講義]
 第2回目 統合失調症と家族(吉井)[講義,討論]
 第3回目 うつ病と家族(吉井)[講義,討論]
 第4回目 認知症と家族(吉井)[講義,討論]
 第5回目 アディクションと家族(吉井)[講義,討論]
*第6回目 周産期の家族のメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
*第7回目 精神障害をもつ親の子供のメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
 第8回目 急性期・慢性期・終末期にある人とその家族のメンタルヘルス(吉井)[講義,討論]
*第9回目 がん患者の家族のメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
*第10回目 緩和ケアにおけるメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
*第11回目 10代の子供とその家族のメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
*第12回目 子育て中の親のメンタルヘルス(塩飽)[講義,討論]
*第13回目 働く家族のメンタルヘルス(吉井)[講義,討論]
 第14回目 成人期以降の家族へのケア;心理療法(吉井)[プレゼンテーション,討論]
 第15回目 子供と家族へのケア;心理療法(塩飽)[プレゼンテーション,討論]
※ *の授業は子供がいる家族について扱い,小児看護専門看護師教育課程の【小児・家族の成長・発達/健康生活に関する科目】の1単位相当の内容である。

*# 1 Basic knowledge about family mental health and family nursing (Yoshii) [Lecture]
# 2 Schizophrenia and Family (Yoshii) [Lecture, Discussion]
# 3 Depression and Family (Yoshii) [Lecture, Discussion]
# 4 Dementia and Family (Yoshii) [Lecture, Discussion]
# 5 Addiction and Family (Yoshii) [Lecture, Discussion]
*# 6 Perinatal family mental health (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
*# 7 Mental health of children of parents with mental disorders (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
# 8 Mental health of people in the acute, chronic, and terminal stages and their families (Yoshii) [Lecture, discussion]
*# 9 Mental health of families of cancer patients (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
*#10 Mental health in palliative care (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
*#11 Mental health of teenagers and their families (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
*#12 Mental health of parents raising children (Shiwaku) [Lecture, discussion]
*#13 Mental health of working families (Yoshii) [Lecture, discussion]
#14 Care for families after adulthood; Psychotherapy (Yoshii) [Presentation, discussion]
#15 Care for children and families; Psychotherapy (Shiwaku) [Presentation, discussion]
※ Classes marked with "*" deal with families with children and are part of the educational curriculum for Certified Nurse Specialist(CNS) in child health nursing.

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Grades will be evaluated as a batch of 15 sessions as 2 credits.
Of these, classes marked "*" for families with children are equivalent to 1 credit.
Grades will be comprehensively evaluated based on your efforts on assignments (25%), participation in discussions (50%), and reports (25%).
※ % indicates the distribution of performance evaluation.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    なし None

    その他・備考/In Addition・Notes


    Please consult with the instructor before enrolling in the course.
    Text and reference; None

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