
158 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   フィジカルアセスメント / Physical assessment  
      宮下 光令  
      2024年10月2日(水)~2025年1月30日(木) From Wednesday, October 2, 2024, to Thursday, January 30, 2025  
      毎週水曜日または木曜日の16:20~17:50または18:00~19:30 Every Wednesday or Thursday, From 16:20 to 17:50 or from 18:00 to 19:30  


    In this course, to perform clinical reasoning on subjects with complex health problems, students will integratedly learn physical assessment in multidisciplinary feild and aquire new knowledge and perspectives.

  •   がん看護専門看護学実習III / Oncology Nursing Practice Ⅲ  
      宮下 光令  
      3セメスター / 3 semester  
      後日連絡 / To be announced  


    Clinical practice for palliative care nursing in various clinical settings.

  •   医療教育論  
      宮下 光令  
      10月3日(木)~1月16日(木) / 3rd October-16th January  
      毎週木曜 16:20~17:50 / Thursday 16:20~17:50  


    Learn about the roles and activities of cerficied nurse specialist in hospitals and other settings, and obtain suggestions for individual practice.

  •   緩和ケア看護学特論II / Palliative Nursing Ⅱ  
      宮下 光令  
      10月7日(月)~2月3日(月) / 7th October-3rd February  
      毎週月曜日 16:20~17:50 / Monday 16:20-17:50  


    In this course, students will understand advanced knowledge of palliative nursing. This course cover nursing for palliative care for patients with anti-cancer treatment, complementary and alternative medicine, prognosis, care for family members, bereavement care, home palliative care, role of oncology certified nurse specialist and research in palliative care.

  •   子供と家族のための看護支援方法の実際 Practical nursing support methods for children and families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2セメ:2024年10月2日(水)-2025年1月22日(水) Semester #2:October 2 2024 - January 22 2025 3セメ:2024年4月17日(水)-2024年7月31日(水) Semester #3:April 17 2024- July 31 2024  
      毎週水曜日 13:00-14:30 Wednesday, 13:00-14:30  


    Students will learn about the advanced nursing care provided at medical institutions, educational institutions, and related organizations for children and families with complex and difficult-to-solve nursing problems, and the people surrounding them. In addition, through reading case reports and research papers related to supporting children and families, students will develop a nursing perspective that provides psychological and social support for children and families.

  •   精神専門看護学実習Ⅳ Mental Health Nursing PracticeⅣ 専攻分野専門科目領域における直接ケア実習 Practice training of direct care at areas of expertise designated by the department  
      吉井 初美  
      2025年6月9日(月)~6月20日(金) From Monday, 9 June 2025 to Friday, 20 June 2025  
      10日間(うち2日は学内演習)8:00-5:00 Ten days (including two days of practice at the university), 8 / 00am-5 / 00pm  








    Students will accomplish comprehensive learning of knowledge and skills that contribute to advanced nursing practice integrating care and cure, through planning, implementation, evaluation, and revision of direct nursing care plan based on scientific evidence and review, to provide necessary care for patients and families who are subject to psychiatric emergency and/or acute nursing care. Students will also reflect full learned skills of symptom evaluation and assessment approaches by applying multiple theories, and full learned support techniques which are specialized for emergency and/or acute care, to nursing care plan for deterioration prevention, maintenance, and improvement of the person’s physical and mental health condition. Then students will implement advanced nursing practice while protecting the person’s human rights and support for decision making.

  •   緩和ケア看護学特論I / Palliative Nursing I  
      宮下 光令  
      4月8日(月)~8月5日(月) / 8th April-5th August  
      毎週月曜日 16:20~17:50 / Monday 16:20-17:50  


    In this course, students will understand basic knowledge of palliative nursing. This course cover nursing for pain, physical symptoms, psychiatric symptoms, social and spiritual problems, and ethical issues in the end-of-life care for cancer patients.

  •   子供の疾病の診断および治療に関する診療トレーニングとケアの視点 Clinical training and care perspectives regarding the diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月9日(火)-2024年7月16日(火) April 9 2024 - July 16 2024  
      毎週火曜日 8:50-12:00 Tuesday, 8:50-12:00  


    The purpose of this class is to provide advanced and specialized nursing care for children with complex and difficult-to-solve health problems, their families, and the people surrounding them. And the aim is to learn through practical training about treatments and the perspectives of care based on them.

  •   新生児・乳児看護学  
      吉田 美香子, 川尻 舞衣子, 武石 陽子, 保健学科教員  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 保健学科第1講義室  


    To Understand the characteristics of neonatal period as infants adapt from intrauterine to extrauterine life, and the transition process from neonates to infants, and then to consider nursing care for both children and its caregivers.

  •   臨床薬理学/Clinical Pharmacology  
      今谷 晃  
      1セメスター(ただし、レポートの締切は1月末とする)/1st semester (The deadline for the report is end of January.)  
      e-learning on demand 東北大学病院希少がん・難治がんカンファレンス/Conference: Case Study concerning Therapy for Rare and Intractable Cancer  

    臨床現場では様々な薬物が用いられている。そこで、緊急応急措置、症状緩和、慢性疾患に対して必要な薬剤を中心に、薬剤の基本的な薬理機序を理解する。薬剤使用の判断、投薬後の患者モニタリング、患者の服薬管理能力の向上を図るための知識・能力を身につけ、医療専門職としてチーム医療が実践できるようにする。/The aim of this course is to understand the basic mechanism of pharmacological action for patient assessment and monitoring in the nursing care.
