
2827 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   日本近代文学研究演習Ⅱ / Study of Japanese Modern Literature(Advanced Seminar)II  
      仁平 政人  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this exercise is to analyze various novels from the Meiji period to recent years from the viewpoint of the representation of "living things" (especially the literary representation of animals and plants) with a view to various social and cultural contexts.

    Students present the results of their analysis of literary works. We try to read the novel in detail through the discussion based on the presentation.

  •   日本近代文学研究演習Ⅰ / Study of Japanese Modern Literature(Advanced Seminar)I  
      仁平 政人  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this exercise is to analyze various novels from the Meiji period to recent years from the viewpoint of the representation of "living things" (especially the literary representation of animals and plants) with a view to various social and cultural contexts.

    Students present the results of their analysis of literary works. We try to read the novel in detail through the discussion based on the presentation.

  •   日本文学演習 / Japanese Literature (Seminar)  
      仁平 政人  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this exercise is to analyze various novels from the Meiji period to recent years from the viewpoint of the representation of "living things" (especially the literary representation of animals and plants) with a view to various social and cultural contexts.

    Students present the results of their analysis of literary works. We try to read the novel in detail through the discussion based on the presentation.

  •   日本文学演習 / Japanese Literature (Seminar)  
      仁平 政人  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this exercise is to analyze various novels from the Meiji period to recent years from the viewpoint of the representation of "living things" (especially the literary representation of animals and plants) with a view to various social and cultural contexts.

    Students present the results of their analysis of literary works. We try to read the novel in detail through the discussion based on the presentation.

  •   日本文学概論 / Japanese Literature (General Lecture)  
      仁平 政人  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  



    In this lecture, we will analyze a variety of literary works from the Meiji era to the Showa era, with a view to their cultural and social contexts.

  •   現代日本学学芸分析研究演習Ⅱ / Japanese Studies Liberal Arts (Research Seminar) II  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Adaptation refers to the process of creating a new work by transferring the original work into a different form. Adaptation in Japan has a long history and has been actively practiced up to the present day. In this class, based on the history of adaptation in Japan, we will discuss adaptation works mainly from the late modern period to the modern period according to the interests of the students. Through the analysis of these works, students will learn about the characteristics of Japanese culture and gain an understanding of the historical backgrounds in which these works were created.

  •   文化と社会の探求  
      虫明 美喜  
      後期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA202  


    We will select and read works, such as novels, essays, and poetry, written in Japanese by Japanese author and translated in English . In class, students will discuss works of "Japanese literature" in the broad sense. In doing so, students will explore the significance of writing in Japanese, as well as what is written there and how.

  •   文学  
      嶋崎 啓、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    In this course, we will approach various literary works across a wide range of regions, languages, periods, and genres, including Japanese literature, Chinese literature, English literature, German literature, and French literature, from the perspective of "comparison" (reading and comparing multiple texts). Through the lectures, students will learn about the characteristics and significance of various literatures and the methods of literary studies.

  •   日本文芸形成論特論Ⅲ / Study of Formation of Japanese Literature(Advanced Lecture)III  
      仁平 政人  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  



    This class will examine various issues in Japanese literature from classical to modern times from the perspective of questioning the boundaries and interrelationships between "poetry and prose" (rhyming text and prose, poetry and narrative, etc.).

    The class will be conducted in the form of exercises, in which students will either (1) report on their own interests or (2) review relevant literature.

  •   文学  
      森本 浩一  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC206  

    かつて多くの学生は、教養的な習慣としてシェイクスピアやドストエフスキーの作品を読んでいました。偉大な文学作品は、いわゆる人間科学以上に「人間とは何か」を教えてくれるからです。しかしもちろん、文学作品は単に教科書として読むべきものではなく、楽しむためのものです。この授業は文学「研究」の入門ではありません。古典的な西洋文学の作品を読んだことのない人に、最初の一歩を踏み出してもらうためのものです。一歩踏み込んでみれば、結構面白いものが見つかり、何かしらの教養も得られるでしょう。文学史の概略に関する導入的な講義とあわせて、重要な4つの作品に焦点をあてます。学生はそれらを実際に(翻訳で)読み、4回レポートを書かなくてはなりません。そのレポートに基づく学生どうしのディスカッションにも参加しなければなりません。作品に関連する映像の鑑賞も行う予定です。もしあなたに「何百年も前に書かれた文学作品を読んだらどんな感じがするのだろう」という好奇心があれば、この授業は多少意義のあるものになるでしょう。/Long ago, reading Shakespeare and Dostoevsky's masterpieces was a cultural habit of many students. For great literature teaches us what it means to be human, no less than so-called human sciences. But of course, literary works should not be read as textbooks, but for enjoyment.This course is not an introduction to literary "research". It is intended as a first step for those who have never read classical works of Western literature. If they take a small step in, they will surely find something interesting and feel somehow educated. Along with an introductory lecture on an overview of literary history, we will focus on four important works. Students have to actually read them (in translation) and write a short report four times. Students must also participate in discussions based on their reports.We also have a time to see the film version of works. If you have a curiosity about what it would be like to read a literary work written hundreds of years ago, this class may be of some benefit.
