
1208 件ヒット (0.042秒):

  •   比較文化論各論 / Comparative Culture (Special Lecture)  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    This lecture course is a continuation of the course in the Spring semester but is open to all students. It is intended to introduce basic concepts and approaches for intercultural research by reviewing some important English keywords for researching for broad cultural studies in the humanities. By “cultural studies” we mean broadly any approach used in the School of Arts and Letters for studying forms of knowledge. Every week, the class will look at a particular word that describes a concept, object or topic of relevance and consider its implications and applications to undergraduate studies. To do so, students will be asked to read in advance each week a short text of some kind (usually in photocopy form or as an online source, and sometimes video material as well as writing) which will be explained in class by lecture and group discussion. By the end of the course, students will be asked to do some group work during class in the form of a class survey of a group presentation to each other on material arising from the course.

    本講義は春学期に引き続き開講するものであるが、全学生を対象とする。人文科学における広範なカルチュラル・スタディーズを研究するための重要な英語キーワードを確認しながら、異文化間研究のための基本的な概念やアプローチを紹介することを目的としています。 ここでいう「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」とは、文学部で用いられる、知識の形式を研究するためのあらゆるアプローチを広く意味します。このクラスでは毎週、関連性のある概念、対象、トピックを表す特定の単語を取り上げ、その意味合いと学部での研究への応用について考えます。そのために、受講生は毎週、何らかの短いテキスト(通常はコピーやオンライン資料、時には文章だけでなく映像資料も)を事前に読んでくるように指示され、授業では講義とグループ・ディスカッションによって説明される。コースの終わりには、授業中にグループワークをしてもらい、コースで学んだことについてクラスでアンケートをとり、グループで発表してもらいます。

  •   比較文化論各論 / Comparative Culture (Special Lecture)  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    This course is intended to introduce basic concepts and approaches for intercultural research by reviewing some important English keywords for researching for broad cultural studies in the humanities. By “cultural studies” we mean broadly any approach used in the School of Arts and Letters for studying forms of knowledge. Every week, the class will look at a particular word that describes a concept, object or topic of relevance and consider its implications and applications to undergraduate studies. To do so, students will be asked to read in advance each week a short text of some kind (usually in photocopy form or as an online source, and sometimes video material as well as writing) which will be explained in class by lecture and group discussion. By the end of the course, students will be asked to do some group work during class in the form of a class survey of a group presentation to each other on material arising from the course.

    本講座は、人文科学における幅広い文化研究を行うための重要な英語キーワードを概観しながら、異文化間研究のための基本的な概念やアプローチを紹介することを目的としています。 ここでいう「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」とは、広く文学部で用いられる、知の形態を研究するためのあらゆるアプローチを意味します。このクラスでは毎週、関連性のある概念、対象、トピックを表す特定の単語を取り上げ、その意味合いと学部での研究への応用について考えます。そのために、受講生は毎週、何らかの短いテキスト(通常はコピーやオンライン資料、時には文章だけでなく映像資料も)を事前に読んでくるように指示され、授業では講義とグループ・ディスカッションによって説明される。コースの終わりには、授業中にグループワークをしてもらい、コースで学んだことについてクラスでアンケートをとり、グループで発表してもらいます。

  •   グローバル特定課題  
      山本 喜久江  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA405  

    The purpose of this course is for students to learn about Japanese communication behaviors and culture, using a comparative approach with other cultures. You are also expected to learn through your own experiences--very interactive and practical.

    You will also learn intercultural communication mechanism and get to practice communication cross-culturally.

    Through the peer teaching discussion in the beginning of each class, you will learn about the other cultures of your peers as well as Japanese values, and your own culture.

    This course will basically cover the chapters that are not covered in spring, and aims at deepening the understanding of the spring course, and it is not mandatory to take the spring course.

    It is taught in English and some Japanese.






  •   英文学研究演習Ⅰ / English Literature (Advanced Seminar)I  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  

    John Milton (1608-1674) is one of the most influential, and controversial, poets in the English language, whose work has influenced many famous world of English and Literature, and continues to provoke readers today. This course will read a selection of his major poetical works, including his early lyric poetry collected in Poems (1645), and excerpts from his masterpiece, the epic poem, Paradise Lost (1667). We will study the literary and historical background of the seventeenth century, including his use of literary genres, the influence of religious belief on his work, and ideas of cultural and political conflict during his lifetime , and also consider some of the historical reception of his work.

    ジョン・ミルトン(1608-1674)は、英語において最も影響力があり、物議を醸した詩人の一人で、その作品は多くの有名な英文学界に影響を与え、今日も読者を挑発し続けている。このコースでは、『詩集』(1645年)に収められた初期の抒情詩や、代表作である叙事詩『失楽園』(1667年)からの抜粋など、彼の主要な詩作品の一部を読み解く。 また、17世紀という時代の文学的・歴史的背景として、彼の文学ジャンルの使い方、彼の作品に与えた宗教的信仰の影響、生前の文化的・政治的対立の考え方などを学び、彼の作品の歴史的受容についても考察する。

  •   多文化PBL  
      新見 有紀子  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC301  


    This course is held in cooperation with the SENDAI Young Entrepreneurs Group (SENDAI YEG), an organization of young entrepreneurs from local companies in Sendai. This course is an international collaborative course; international students and domestic students collaboratively learn through a group project. Students will visit a local company in Sendai, conduct research, and present solutions for a problem of the company. This class aims to be beneficial not only for students and local companies, but also the Sendai community through discussions and group work by international and domestic students that use their diverse perspectives. Through this course, students will be able to have a better understanding of business in Sendai, and to develop employability by enhancing professional competencies such as communication and problem-solving skills. Domestic students can improve their English language skills and cross-cultural competency. International students can gain an understanding of Japanese business culture and Sendai's local companies.

    The language used in this course will be primarily plain English, supplemented by Japanese.

  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      中野 遼子  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 その他  

    In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work, group discussion and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei (professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers, and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and you will gain real experiences in intercultural communication, considering ways to resolve problems. During the spring semester students will focus on problems in intercultural relationships that can be compared with our own personal networks. At the end of the class this will be demonstrated in performances. In the process of creating a performance students will think comprehensively about skills for communication.

         Students who participate in this class as graduate students are expected to acquire the ability to design intercultural communication as a facilitator by observing communication in the classroom at a meta-level and facilitating interactions among participants in group work and workshops.



  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      中野 遼子  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 その他  

    In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work, group discussion and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei (professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers, and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and you will gain real experiences in intercultural communication, considering ways to resolve problems. During the spring semester students will focus on problems in intercultural relationships that can be compared with our own personal networks. At the end of the class this will be demonstrated in performances. In the process of creating a performance students will think comprehensively about skills for communication.

         Students who participate in this class as graduate students are expected to acquire the ability to design intercultural communication as a facilitator by observing communication in the classroom at a meta-level and facilitating interactions among participants in group work and workshops.



  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      中野 遼子  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    In this class students will develop an understanding of intercultural communication studies and through group work, group discussion and workshops recognize the complications and difficulties that arise in communication. Theatrical workshops by Rengyo sensei (professional writer, director, actor) and other guest speakers, and tasks of creating performances and discussions with classmates will be given in the class, and you will gain real experiences in intercultural communication, considering ways to resolve problems. During the spring/summer (1st) semester students will focus on problems in intercultural relationships that can be compared with our own personal networks. At the end of the class this will be demonstrated in performances. In the process of creating a performance students will think comprehensively about skills for communication.


  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      佐藤 勢紀子  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  


    Students will gain a multifaceted understanding of Japanese culture through exchanging opinions on Japanese language usage and communication styles with international students while explore the ways to promote smooth multicultural communication.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      林 雅子  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA402  





    The purpose of this class is threefold.

    To deepen the knowledge and understanding of the students by introducing their own cultures to each other through the "Metaverse".

    To introduce their culture with a greater sense of reality, immersion, and realism by utilizing "XR technology".

    Students will learn how to compare their own culture with that of other countries, and develop an attitude of interest in and respect for other cultures.
