

前期 水曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA402. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 林 雅子 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 1/3/5/7セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目先進科目-国際教育. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZAC-GLB806B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 2カ国語以上.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Connecting the World via XR and the Metaverse(Japanese/English)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

The purpose of this class is threefold.
To deepen the knowledge and understanding of the students by introducing their own cultures to each other through the "Metaverse".
To introduce their culture with a greater sense of reality, immersion, and realism by utilizing "XR technology".
Students will learn how to compare their own culture with that of other countries, and develop an attitude of interest in and respect for other cultures.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

(1) Deepen knowledge and understanding of one's own culture and cross-cultural understanding through collaborative learning with students in Japan and abroad (Knowledge and Understanding).
(2) Enhance collaboration skills in international cooperative study and presentation skills using XR technology (Skills and Techniques).
(3) To deepen students' willingness to learn about and respect other cultures (Attitude and Interest).

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

【授業内容】Class Contents
1)〈知識・理解〉 <Knowledge / Understanding>
2)〈技能・技術〉 <Skills / Technology>
3)〈態度・関心〉<Attitude / Interest>

The content of this class is "Introduction to Japanese culture" and "Introduction to the culture of the country of the overseas students".
(1) <Knowledge / Understanding>
This class is designed to introduce Japanese culture to students from overseas and students in Japan (international students and Japanese students) through "Metaverse".
What kind of Japanese culture is known outside of Japan?
What kind of Japanese culture do overseas students want to know about?
By collaboratively researching, presenting, and discussing these topics, students from overseas and students from Japan will deepen their knowledge and understanding of their own culture by reexamining their own culture from the perspective of students from other countries. In addition, by collaboratively introducing the cultures of other countries to each other, students aim to deepen their cross-cultural knowledge and understanding.
(2) <Skills / Technology>
Have you ever experienced virtual reality (VR) or Metaverse?
In this class, students will interact in the "Metaverse (virtual space)" to enhance their presentation skills to effectively introduce their own and other cultures.
(3) <Attitude / Interest>
The culture that you want to introduce is not necessarily the culture that the other person wants to know.
The culture that Japanese people tend to introduce are tea ceremony and Kabuki. However, popular themes that attract foreign students are "club activities" and "cultural festivals”. These are commonplace for us Japanese, but can we properly explain the characteristics of Japanese culture to overseas students and international students when they ask us questions?
 By taking an interest in, conducting active research, and introducing Japanese culture that overseas students want to know about, and other cultures that they want to introduce, students will develop deep intercultural understanding and respect for their own culture as well as other cultures and cultivate an ethical viewpoint to be active in the international community as a global human resource in the future.

【授業方法】 Class Method
This class will utilize the XR Metaverse for group work, group presentations, group discussions, and whole-class discussion.

We will use VRChat as the platform for Metaverse.
Students will enter the Metaverse World using a head-mounted display (HMD).
Groups will create Metaverse worlds for the presentation.

【進度予定】Progress Schedule
第1回 ガイダンスとディスカッション
第2回 グループディスカッション
第3回 文化紹介プレゼンテーションのためのテーマ決定・グループ決定
第15回 授業の振り返りとまとめ

1st Guidance and Discussion
Culture of your country you would like to introduce
2nd Group Discussion
Japanese and other cultures you would like to know about
3rd Theme and group selection for cultural introduction presentation
Group work for cultural introduction presentation
Cultural introduction and exchange of opinions from the viewpoints of domestic, international, and overseas students
15th Review and summary of the class
*The schedule is subject to change depending on the number of students.

Classes will be taught in both Japanese and English. Slides will be written in both languages and explained in English. English group, mixed Japanese-English group, and Japanese group will be formed according to the wishes of both Japanese and international students.
Japanese language proficiency of about N5 level (JLPT) and English language proficiency of about A2 are required.

【授業実施形態】Class format
This class will be conducted both in person and online, but face-to-face participation is recommended.
Since this class will be attended by overseas students from cooperating schools around the world, Discord will also be used.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Participation and self-assessment (40%), reports (30%), presentations (30%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References


    【TOHOKU University Researcher in Focus】Vol.017 メタバースで世界をつなぐ ―VR技術を活用した国際共修授業―

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    Students are required to study outside of class hours to prepare for group presentations. Students are expected to study 2-4 hours per week outside of class hours.
    If you have any questions about assignments or how to participate in classes, please contact us by e-mail or other means.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    This class will utilize VRChat, the world's largest metaverse platform; a Windows PC or Android device is required to use VRChat. If you do not have these devices, please consult with us after the first guidance.
    You do not need to purchase a head-mounted display for use in class as we will provide one.
    During group work with overseas students from cooperating schools around the world, each student will need a headset or headphones with a microphone to reduce noise. Please bring one every time you attend the class. An inexpensive one is adequate.

    その他/In Addition

    4月10日の第一回授業までにGoogle Classroomにアップされているアンケート1に回答し、初回授業にかならず教室で参加してください。授業後のリフレクション・アンケート2を基に人数を30名程度に選出し、Google Classroomでお知らせします。
    Class size is limited to approximately 30 students, including international students.
    There will be an equal ratio of Japanese students, international students, and overseas students.
    Please answer the Questionnaire 1 uploaded on Google Classroom before the first class on April 10, and be sure to attend the first class in the classroom. The number of students will be selected to be about 30 based on the post-class Reflection Questionnaire 2, and the resuls will be announced on Google Classroom.
    This course is eligible for TGL points and is part of the TGL2 "International Liberal Studies Subprogram”.
    This course is open to students from all fields of science and humanities, and is recommended for undergraduate and graduate students in their sophomore year and above.

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