
英文学研究演習Ⅰ / English Literature (Advanced Seminar)I

前期 火曜日 3講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: TINK JAMES MICHA. セメスター: 1学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LGH-LIT620E. 使用言語: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



John Milton: Introduction to the Major Poetry

Course Title (授業題目)



John Milton (1608-1674) is one of the most influential, and controversial, poets in the English language, whose work has influenced many famous world of English and Literature, and continues to provoke readers today. This course will read a selection of his major poetical works, including his early lyric poetry collected in Poems (1645), and excerpts from his masterpiece, the epic poem, Paradise Lost (1667). We will study the literary and historical background of the seventeenth century, including his use of literary genres, the influence of religious belief on his work, and ideas of cultural and political conflict during his lifetime , and also consider some of the historical reception of his work.

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

ジョン・ミルトン(1608-1674)は、英語において最も影響力があり、物議を醸した詩人の一人で、その作品は多くの有名な英文学界に影響を与え、今日も読者を挑発し続けている。このコースでは、『詩集』(1645年)に収められた初期の抒情詩や、代表作である叙事詩『失楽園』(1667年)からの抜粋など、彼の主要な詩作品の一部を読み解く。 また、17世紀という時代の文学的・歴史的背景として、彼の文学ジャンルの使い方、彼の作品に与えた宗教的信仰の影響、生前の文化的・政治的対立の考え方などを学び、彼の作品の歴史的受容についても考察する。


Students will read material in advance each week to discuss in the seminar and will also give presentations. Outcomes include: (1) To read major works of John Milton in the original; (2) To better understand the historical and intellectual context of the material, and seventeenth century literature in general; (3) To consider the status and relevance of Milton for literature in English; (4) To develop skills of discussion and presentation in English though seminar work.

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

学生は毎週、セミナーで議論するための資料を事前に読み、プレゼンテーションも行う。その成果は以下の通り: (1)ジョン・ミルトンの主要作品を原文で読むこと。(2)この作品の歴史的・知的背景、および17世紀文学全般について理解を深めること。(3)英語文学におけるミルトンの地位と関連性を考察する。(4)セミナーワークを通して、英語でのディスカッションとプレゼンテーションのスキルを身につける。


1: Introduction

2: “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”

3:”L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso”

4: “Lycidas”

5: Comus (A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle)

6: Selected sonnets

7: Paradise Lost Book I

8: Paradise Lost Book I (continued)

9: Paradise Lost Book II

10: Paradise Lost II (continued)

11: Paradise Lost Book IV

12: Paradise Lost Book IV (continued)

13: Paradise Lost Book IX

14: Paradise Lost IX (continued)

15: Conclusion

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1: 序論

2: “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”

3:”L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso”

4: “Lycidas”

5: Comus (A Masque Presented at Ludlow Castle)

6: Selected sonnets

7: Paradise Lost Book I

8: Paradise Lost Book I 継続

9: Paradise Lost Book II

10: Paradise Lost II 継続

11: Paradise Lost Book IV

12: Paradise Lost Book IV 継続

13: Paradise Lost Book IX

14: Paradise Lost IX 継続



25% One student presentation during class; 25% written responses during the semester; 50% research paper at end of semester

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

25% 授業中に学生によるプレゼンテーション1回、学期中に回答書25%、学期末にリサーチペーパー50


John Milton, Selected Poems, edited by John Leonard (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2007)


Short reaction comments to Google Classroom
One class presentation
'On final essay


This class will be taught in English.

Students should read some material in advance each week

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