
206 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   日本文学各論 / Japanese Literature (Special Lecture)  
      仁平 政人  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


    This lecture will examine various aspects of Japanese literature from the late 1940s to the 1960s, including the historical perspective of the Cold War period. The lecture will examine the diverse relationships between literature and the times through readings of texts by Dazai Osamu, Abe Kobo, Mishima Yukio, Oe Kenzaburo, Terayama Shuji, and others, taking into account their social and cultural contexts.

  •   日本文学概論 / Japanese Literature (General Lecture)  
      仁平 政人  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  



    In this lecture, we will analyze a variety of literary works from the Meiji era to the Showa era, with a view to their cultural and social contexts.

  •   日本文学各論 / Japanese Literature (Special Lecture)  
      横溝 博  
      前期 月曜日 2講時  



    We will examine how the "Genji Monogatari" is composed, the problem of establishment, the problem of the volume, and the description of the old commentary on the dissipated volume.

    Furthermore, we will explore what kind of "Genji Monogatari" texts were in circulation from the Heian period to the Middle Ages, using supplementary works such as "Yamaji no Tsuyu" (sequel of The Tale of Genji) and Kumogakure Rokujo (Genji's demise: six chapters). In addition, we will watch "Genji Monogatari Emaki" on DVD.

    Through such verification and thinking, we will think about "what is the Genji story".

  •   英文学・英語学基礎講読Ⅰ / English Literature and Linguistics (Introductory Reading)I  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  

    This course will consider the period of the “Postwar” in British Literature (1945-2000s). We will read a selection of short stories and study them in the literary, historical and cultural context of literature after World War Two. Topics for study will include: the style of the short story; social class and change in post-war Britain; gender and identity; science, technology and the environment; understanding literary history and periodization of the modern. Students should improve skills for reading fiction in English and understanding comparative modern culture.


  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   日本史演習 / Japanese History (Seminar)  
      安達 宏昭  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will read the” Sugiyama Memo” edited by the General Staff Headquarters, which is a central document of the nation during the war, and the” Secret War Diary” by the War Guidance Group of the General Staff Headquarters, and use it together with related historical materials to learn about modern Japanese politics and society. This class is in seminar form, and each time, the reporter selected among students will examine a certain range of biographies and present them. Then students will ask questions and discuss the reporters. Participants deepen their own understanding through questions and discussion with the presenter.

  •   日本近代文学研究演習Ⅰ / Study of Japanese Modern Literature(Advanced Seminar)I  
      仁平 政人  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this exercise is to analyze various novels from the Meiji period to recent years from the viewpoint of the representation of "living things" (especially the literary representation of animals and plants) with a view to various social and cultural contexts.

    Students present the results of their analysis of literary works. We try to read the novel in detail through the discussion based on the presentation.

  •   人文社会科学特別科目 / Humanities and Social Sciences (Special Course)  
      越智 郁乃  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  



    This course is designed to provide doctoral students of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters with a broad range of academic knowledge in the humanities and social sciences. The purpose is to provide students with the broad background necessary to carry out exploratory research as researchers, or to cultivate the bird's-eye view required of highly specialized professionals. In order to achieve these aims, lectures are given in an omnibus format by faculty members from the Department of Japanese Studies, the Department of Global Humanities, and the Department of Integrated Human Sciences in the Graduate School of Arts and Letters.

     This semester, the common theme is "War and Peace". We will discuss it from multiple perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. The lectures will be given in an online format.

  •   言語芸術論Ⅱ  
      間瀬 幸江  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M303  

    戦争、災害、性暴力などさまざま「災い」の暴力を受け心的外傷を得た当事者(以後被災者という)が、災いそのものについて語るのは簡単ではない。被災者は無力化と他者からの離断によって声を奪われる。被災者の孤立した生の記憶媒体として、あるいは彼/彼女の声を受けとめる場として、文学や芸術が存在してきた。この講義では、戯曲『トロイ戦争は起こらない』の通読を縦軸に、被災と語りについての参考文献読解を横軸に、文学作品のなかに被災者の語りを読むための知的基盤を得ることを目指す。/ Victims who have suffered psychological trauma due to various "calamities" such as war, disasters, and sexual violence find it difficult to speak about their experiences. These survivors are silenced by disempowerment and alienation from others. Literature and art have existed as mediums for recording isolated lives of survivors or as spaces to acknowledge their voices. In this lecture, the aim is to gain an intellectual foundation for reading the narratives of survivors within literary works, with a vertical axis of reading through the play "La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (The Trojan War Will Not Take Place)" and a horizontal axis of interpreting reference materials about survivorship and storytelling.

  •   英語文化論特論Ⅰ / English Culture (Advanced Lecture)I  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    文学研究においても注目を集めている「情動 (Affect)」という視点から英国モダニズム文学を再考します。その議論において、言語芸術である文学と視覚芸術である絵画との差異と同一性が浮上してきます。このような観点から、新たな人文学の可能性を探究します。受講生が、文学研究に関して、これまでにない斬新な視野から議論をできるように訓練をします。この講義が準拠する情動理論は米国の理論家であるFredric Jamesonのリアリズム論ですが、この議論は文学テクストにおける「絵画的瞬間」に関して新たな解釈を可能にするものです。これを出発点にして、英国モダニズム期の美術批評家であるRoger Fryのいわゆる「ポスト印象主義(Post-Impressionism)」理論を再解釈しながら、同時代の作家たちであるVirginia Woolf、Katherine Mansfield、Joseph Conradなどのテクストを扱います。また、Sigmund Freudの精神分析にもこの文脈で言及します。情動をめぐるこれらの論点の背後には英国の心霊学研究(psychical research)あるいは金本位制などの歴史的文脈があり、それについても考察します。それと同時に、唯物論(materialism)に関するモダニズム的な意義についてもこの文脈で議論することになるでしょう。このように、本講義は、モダニズム芸術に関して、このような論点から新たな視点を獲得することを目的とします。

    This course is designed to reexamine British modernist literature through the lens of 'affect,' a prominent theme in recent literary studies. This perspective aims to highlight the intriguing distinctions and similarities between literature as a verbal art and painting as a visual art. Students will be guided to explore modernist literature from this innovative viewpoint, encouraging discussions and analyses. The foundation of the course discussions will be Fredric Jameson's argument on realism, an American Marxist theorist. This framework allows for fresh and insightful interpretations of what can be termed 'painterly moments' within literary texts. Building upon this foundation, the course will reassess the concept of 'post-impressionism' proposed by British art critic Roger Fry. Simultaneously, students will delve into modernist works by Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, and Joseph Conrad. The exploration will also incorporate Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis. The course will shed light on British psychical research and the gold standard as historical contexts for the modernist intricacies of 'affect.' Simultaneously, it will contemplate the modernist significance of materialism within these historical contexts. Ultimately, the course aims to provide a novel historical perspective for reevaluating modernist art and literature.
