
916 件ヒット (0.033秒):

  •   中東・アフリカ社会文化論Ⅱ  
      矢久保 典良  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    This course will discuss analytical methods for studying modern and contemporary Chinese history through the analysis of periodicals and newspapers. Therefore, this course will focus on Islam and Muslims in modern and contemporary China. First, we will provide an overview of modern and contemporary China and Chinese Islam. We will then present examples of Chinese Muslim studies using periodicals and journals. Throughout, we will attempt to examine specific issues through readings, exercises, and discussion of materials on specific topics.

  •   中国政治論  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  





     This lecture focuses on the process of nation-state building in modern China. It will examine the transformation of the character of modern Chinese nationalism and analyze the political structure of the Chinese communist regime.

  •   中国語学演習 /  
      張 佩茹  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    This course aims to improve students’ ability in reading Chinese and approaching linguistic research questions about modern Mandarin Chinese. Also, students are required to find a certain topic related to the articles we read in class and write a report accordingly in the end of the semester. In the end of this course, students will gain knowledge about modern Chinese linguistics and learn how to apply some of the basic research techniques when writing a report.

  •   中国文学基礎講読 / Chinese Literature (Introductory Reading)  
      矢田 尚子  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  



    【Course Objectives】

    This course aims to further improve the students' ability to read contemporary Chinese texts.

    【Course Synopsis】

    In this course, students read essays or short stories written in modern Chinese. Through reading, students review basic Chinese grammar, deepen knowledge about Chinese culture, and improve Chinese pronunciation. In every class, students are required to read aloud and translate the text into Japanese, therefore sufficient preparation is important.

  •   中国思想概論 / Chinese Thought (General Lecture)  
      齋藤 智寛  
      後期 火曜日 1講時  


    This course provides an overview of the history of Chinese thought from the 7th century onward through the 20th century. Beginning with the Sui and Tang dynasties, which saw the revival of Confucian thought after the rise of Buddhism and Daoism, and continuing through the early modern period, with Zhu Zi School, Yang Ming School, and philology of Qing dynasty as the high peaks, to modern and contemporary thought, in which contact with Western thought led to a reorganization of tradition, will be explained using Japanese translations of original texts as material.

  •   東洋古代中世史特論Ⅰ / Ancient and Medieval History in Asia(Advanced Lecture)I  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    In pre-modern East Asia, the Chinese Dynasty established distinctive orders such as the tributary system and the feudal system with neighboring countries, and ruled over ethnic groups in their territories. In the first half of this course, we will review studies on the order of Chinese dynasties in the pre-modern period. In the second half, we will focus on Qin-Han period, specifically examine the relationships that the Chinese dynasties formed with the neighboring countries and peoples.

  •   東北アジア地域研究入門  
      高倉 浩樹、石井 弓  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC200  


    The purpose of this course is to comprehensively understand the nature, history, culture, and modern times of the Japanese archipelago and its adjoining regions of Russia, China, Mongolia, and the Korean Peninsula. There are various disciplines to approach the modern world, such as economics and political science. Area studies is one of them, and it is characterized by an empirical understanding of diversity using an interdisciplinary approach. Targeting a specific wide area, we aim to comprehend the complexity of modern politics, economy, and society based on the natural and historical and cultural background. It is necessary to acquire methodological perspectives based on existing disciplines, but on top of that, it is important to integrate more than one disciplinary knowledge. Northeast Asia is a vast area that is closely related to Japan and at the same time has vastly different characteristics. By deepening our understanding of this region, we will be able to seize clues for conflicts, conflicts, and exchanges between nations, ethnicities, and other groups not only within the region but also in today's global society.

  •   アジア経済論特殊講義  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 経済学部第23演習室  


    The Object of this class is to provide an overview of modern Chinese economy, focusing on several topics. Basic analytical tools related to the topics are also introduced.

  •   中国語文化論研究演習Ⅱ / Chinese Culture (Advanced Seminar) Ⅱ  
      張 佩茹  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    This course aims to improve students’ ability in reading Chinese and approaching linguistic research questions about modern Mandarin Chinese. Also, students are required to find a certain topic related to the articles we read in class and write a report accordingly in the end of the semester. In the end of this course, students will gain knowledge about modern Chinese linguistics and learn how to apply some of the basic research techniques when writing a report.

  •   中国語文化論研究演習Ⅰ / Chinese Culture (Advanced Seminar) I  
      張 佩茹  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    This course aims to improve students’ ability in reading Chinese and approaching linguistic research questions about modern Mandarin Chinese. Also, students are required to find a certain topic related to the articles we read in class and write a report accordingly in the end of the semester. In the end of this course, students will gain knowledge about modern Chinese linguistics and learn how to apply some of the basic research techniques when writing a report.
