

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 矢久保 典良. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-ARS616J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class Subject

Modern and Contemporary China and Islam:An Introduction to Historical Research Using Periodicals, Newspapers, etc.

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This course will discuss analytical methods for studying modern and contemporary Chinese history through the analysis of periodicals and newspapers. Therefore, this course will focus on Islam and Muslims in modern and contemporary China. First, we will provide an overview of modern and contemporary China and Chinese Islam. We will then present examples of Chinese Muslim studies using periodicals and journals. Throughout, we will attempt to examine specific issues through readings, exercises, and discussion of materials on specific topics.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

This course will provide an understanding of the analytical methodology of historiography through the analysis of periodicals, newspapers, etc., using studies of modern and contemporary China and Chinese Islam as case studies. Students will aim to apply the perspectives and viewpoints gained in this course to their own research as much as possible.

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画


第1回 オリエンテーション、イントロダクション
Orientation and Introduction

第2回 概説1:中国のイスラームと「統一された多民族国家」現代中国
General view1:Islam and Hui Muslims in Contemporary China

第3回 概説2:歴史のなかの中国のイスラーム:伝来から清代まで
General view2:Pre-modern Hui Muslims from the time when Islam came to China to the Qing Dynasty

第4回 概説3:近代中国のなかでのイスラーム:清末から中華人民共和国まで
General view3:Hui-Muslims in modern and contemporary China-from the end of the Qing until now

第5回 討論1

第6回 研究史・研究視角1:日本における近現代中国ムスリム研究とその展開
History and perspectives of research1:A research history on Hui Muslims Studies in Japan

第7回 研究史・研究視角2:中国イスラーム研究に関する史料・資料と研究の方法論-雑誌・定期刊行物を中心に
History and perspectives of research2:Historical materials and research methodologies of study on Hui-Muslims in modern and contemporary China

第8回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例1:近代中国におけるムスリムとその社会①(講義)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals1:Hui Muslim Society in Modern China①Lecture

第9回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例1:近代中国におけるムスリムとその社会②(演習)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals1:Hui Muslim Society in Modern China②Seminar

第10回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例2:日中戦争時期の中国ムスリム団体①(講義)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals2:Chinese Muslim Associations during the Sino-Japanese War①Lecture

第11回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例2:日中戦争時期の中国ムスリム団体②(演習)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals2:Chinese Muslim Associations during the Sino-Japanese War②Seminar

第12回 討論2・ミニテスト
Discussion 2 and short test

第13回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例3:中国ムスリム団体の「戦後構想」①(講義)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals3:The "Postwar Vision" of the Chinese Muslim Association①Lecture

第14回 定期刊行物や雑誌を用いた中国ムスリム研究の事例3:中国ムスリム団体の「戦後構想」②(演習)
Presenting case studies of Hui Muslim studies through periodicals and journals3:The "Postwar Vision" of the Chinese Muslim Association②Seminar

第15回 まとめ:総括と全体討論
A conclusion and a general overview with discussions
試験 最終レポートの提出をもってこれにかえます。

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Class assignments & Contribution to the class discussion (60%).A research paper (40%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

References will be designated in the course.
・YAKUBO Noriyoshi, Japanese Research on Chinese Muslims in Modern and Contemporary History : A review of the Last Twenty Years and Future Prospects for the Field , Asian Research Trends New Series , No.14(2019), THE TOYO BUNKO, 2020年3月, 55-91頁。

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

Students are required to prepare for related sources and materials for each class.

その他/In addition


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