
816 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   中国政治演習Ⅰ  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    This seminar will examine the history of America's strategical posture towards Asia. The class will be taught in Japanese.

  •   中国政治演習Ⅱ  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  



    This seminar will examine the national security strategy of China.

  •   中国政治論文演習  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


      This seminar provides undergraduate level students an opportunity to develop basic skills to conduct archival research and write academic papers dealing with Chinese politics.

  •   中国政治論  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  





     This lecture focuses on the process of nation-state building in modern China. It will examine the transformation of the character of modern Chinese nationalism and analyze the political structure of the Chinese communist regime.

  •   欧米国際関係史Ⅱ  
      池田 亮  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    This class aims to analyse how and why the Cold War occurred, developed and ended. The Cold War was not merely US-Soviet conflicts over power and ideologies. It was rather what interactions between various actors brought about, and therefore greatly determined how the contemporary world has been shaped. This class is aimed at showing and developing new interpretations of the Cold War.

  •   国際教育演習  
      米澤 彰純  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course is designed to provide insight and analysis into the global context of universities in Japan and around the world. Universities and higher education play an essential role in contemporary knowledge-based societies. At the same time, the characteristics of contemporary universities are inextricably linked to their historical contexts, to issues of access and equity, and to mobility in terms of brain gain/drain and brain circulation. This course will cover the following topics: (1) historical origins and current trends in higher education, (2) access, diversity, equity, inclusion, and funding in higher education, (3) the knowledge economy and higher education, and (4) international dimensions of higher education. Across these themes, participants are expected to examine the role and value of universities in Japan and the world from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Doctoral-level studies on the nature of universities as academic and professional education and research with deep insight coupled with clear analysis are expected.

    このコースは、日本および世界の大学のグローバルな状況についての洞察と分析を提供することを目的としています。現代の知識基盤社会において、大学と高等教育は不可欠な役割を果たしています。同時に、現代の大学の特徴は、その歴史的背景、アクセスや公平性の問題、頭脳の獲得・流出や頭脳の循環といったモビリティと表裏一体の関係にあります。このコースでは、以下のトピックを取り上げます: (1)高等教育の歴史的起源と現在の傾向、(2)高等教育におけるアクセス、多様性、公正、包摂、財政、(3)知識経済と高等教育、(4)高等教育の国際的次元。これらのテーマを通して、参加者は学際的・横断的なアプローチから、日本および世界における大学の役割と価値を考察することが求められます。学術・専門教育・研究としての大学の在り方について、深い洞察と明確な分析を伴った博士レベルの研究が求められます。

  •   国際教育演習  
      米澤 彰純  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course is designed to provide insight and analysis into the global context of universities in Japan and around the world. Universities and higher education play an essential role in contemporary knowledge-based societies. At the same time, the characteristics of contemporary universities are inextricably linked to their historical contexts, to issues of access and equity, and to mobility in terms of brain gain/drain and brain circulation. This course will cover the following topics: (1) historical origins and current trends in higher education, (2) access, diversity, equity, inclusion, and funding in higher education, (3) the knowledge economy and higher education, and (4) international dimensions of higher education. Across these themes, participants are expected to examine the role and value of universities in Japan and the world from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches. Master level studies on the nature of universities as academic and professional education and research with deep insight coupled with clear analysis are expected.

    このコースは、日本および世界の大学のグローバルな状況についての洞察と分析を提供することを目的としています。現代の知識基盤社会において、大学と高等教育は不可欠な役割を果たしています。同時に、現代の大学の特徴は、その歴史的背景、アクセスや公平性の問題、頭脳の獲得・流出や頭脳の循環といったモビリティと表裏一体の関係にあります。このコースでは、以下のトピックを取り上げます: (1)高等教育の歴史的起源と現在の傾向、(2)高等教育におけるアクセス、多様性、公正、包摂、財政、(3)知識経済と高等教育、(4)高等教育の国際的次元。これらのテーマを通して、参加者は学際的・横断的なアプローチから、日本および世界における大学の役割と価値を考察することが求められます。学術・専門教育・研究としての大学の在り方について、深い洞察と明確な分析を伴った修士レベルの研究が求められます。

  •   倫理思想概論 / Western Ethical Thought (General Lecture)  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  




     Ethics is not the study of being a 'good person'. The purpose of ethics is to study how human actions are justified and to study the diversity of morality. In this lecture, you will be exposed to the diversity of ethics among people today and learn about the theory and background of basic ethical ideas.

     Although there is a wide variety of ethical thought around the world, this lecture will focus on theories frequently used in the West. Unfortunately, it is difficult to cover all of them, and we cannot mention ethics from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, etc. However, we will study Western ethical thought as a first step towards a study of ethic.

     This lecture will involve case studies. I will also cover sensitive topics, so please be sure to check the content and make a careful decision before taking the course.

  •   アジア思想文化論Ⅱ  
      朱 琳  
      後期 木曜日 5講時  


    In this lecture, I shall focus once again on journalists and writers in the Meiji Era and the Taisho Era. The objective is to cast in sharp relief one aspect of journalists and writers who lived in turbulent times. This involves clarifying how they wrote critically of the situation at that time of domestic politics and foreign policy, or how they stood fast in their position of making political commentaries amidst the realities and tense conflict of awareness of those times.

  •   歴史学  
      朱 琳  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC301  




