
3953 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   会社法Ⅱ  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  



    【The course assumes that participants have already taken “Corporate Law I”.】

    The main topics of this lecture will be the following: incorporation, accounting, M&A, organizational restructuring, dissolution and liquidation. In this context, it is necessary to understand the full picture of practice, not only in terms of hard law and court cases, but also in light of recent soft law trends.

  •   法人税法1  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  



    Corporation Tax Law presupposes profit calculation in corporate accounting and sets various rules and adjustments as corporate income calculation rules for the purpose of proper and fair taxation, which greatly affects accounting practice.

    This course is designed to learn about the basics of Corporation Tax Law, and I will lecture on the framework of the Law and on the meaning and contents of important items in income calculation and on the key points of the calculation process.

  •   商法総論・商行為法  
      後期 水曜日 1講時  




    【The course assumes that participants have already taken “Corporate Law I”, “Contract Law”, and “Property Rights Law”.】

    As a system that regulates the transaction activities of business organizations, etc., Commercial Code has a different color from Civil Code, as it is required to improve the transaction efficiency and maintain the transaction security. On the other hand, due to the rapid changes in the domestic and international trade environment, the Commercial Code has become a skeleton and the special commercial laws have become bloated, and there is a movement to recompile the Commercial Code.

    The purpose of this lecture is to examine the characteristics of merchants and commercial practices in light of the above issues, and to clarify the rationality and irrationality of the current Commercial Code.

  •   企業法2  
      前期 月曜日 5講時  


    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' understanding of corporate law, including,“Incorporation",“Financing",“Reorganization",“Amendment of Articles of corpotation",“Disslution and Liquidation," and “Equity Companies".

  •   商法演習Ⅶ  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 法学部演習室3番  


     株主第一主義の原点は、50年前に米国の経済学者Milton FriedmanがThe New York Timesに発表した論稿と言われている。しかし、(1)Milton Friedmanの見解はどのような前提要件の下で正しいのか、(2)この50年間の経済情勢の変化に応じてどのような調整を行うべきか、といった論点が浮上している。


    The debate between shareholderism and stakeholderism, i.e. whether the purpose of a company’s existence should be limited to maximizing shareholder value and how much consideration should be given to the interests of other stakeholders, has become one of the most important central issues in corporate governance reform around the world in recent years.

     The origin of the shareholder-first principle is said to be an article published in the New York Times 50 years ago by the American economist Milton Friedman. However, discussions to date have raised questions such as (1) under what preconditions is Milton Friedman's view correct?, and (2) what adjustments should be made in response to changes in economic conditions over the past 50 years.

    Based on our understanding of the current state of the debate in other countries, this seminar will examine the state of the discussion in Japan.

  •   会社法Ⅰ  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  


    This course teaches corporate law. Main topics are corporate governance, stocks and finance. Each lecuture is based on discussion between a teacher and students.

  •   知的財産法演習Ⅲ  
      松岡 徹  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


     This course aims to help each student to deepen his or her understanding of Patent Law through analysis of famous cases and papers related to some fundamental issues of Patent Law.

  •   事例研究(法人税法)  
      後期 木曜日 5講時  


    This course is based on the study of judicial precedents that have high significance in the interpretation and application of corporation tax law. The purpose is to:① Understand the specific interpretation and application relationship of the important provisions of the Corporation Tax Law,② Understand the corporation tax law in relation to other tax laws and other areas such as civil and commercial law, and think about how to interpret and apply it.③ Experience presentations and discussions, improve explanation and thinking skills.

  •   事例研究(企業法)  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this course is to learn about accounting irregularities and corporate takeovers by listed companies, including their modus operandi, causes, and countermeasures, to recognize the importance of appropriate information disclosure for listed companies, and to deepen understanding of related systems and regulations such as the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and Certified Public Accountants Act through such incidents. The purpose of this course is to deepen students' understanding of the Companies Act, Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Certified Public Accountants Act and other related systems and regulations.

  •   知的財産法演習Ⅱ  
      松岡 徹  
      前期 月曜日 5講時 法学部演習室2番  


     This course aims to help each student to deepen his or her understanding of Patent Law through analysis of famous cases and papers related to some fundamental issues of Patent Law.
