
1527 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   プレゼミ  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC407  



     This seminar aims to deepen the understanding of issues in modern Japanese society based on a long-term and complex perspective. Specifically, students first learn about "employment" .This course will also focus on Japan's economy between the 1990s and the 2010s, a period called as "The lost thirty years", as well as overviewing the economic, demographic and social issues that Japan may face in the future.

    The course aims to further improve the students’ ability to do economic research and to develop higher-level skills in finding answers as well as creation of hypothesis.

  •   プレゼミ  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスC407  



    This course will focus on Japan's economy between the 1990s and the 2010s, a period called as "The lost thirty years", as well as overviewing the economic, demographic and social issues that Japan may face in the future.

    The course aims to further improve the students’ ability to do economic research and to develop higher-level skills in finding answers as well as creation of hypothesis.

  •   【トピックス経済史・経営史】展開Ⅰ  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 経済学部第2講義室  


    The object of this class is to present the historical system of Japanese employment from the Tokugawa period to the modern period. All of contents are prepared for students in the level of academic research program.

  •   【トピックスリテラシー】外国書講読(英)  
      後期 水曜日 2講時 経済学部第23演習室  


    In recent years, as social interest in gender equality has increased, research on women's labor, life course, and empowerment has rapidly progressed in economic history research. The purpose of this class is to expose you to new trends in economic history research by reading the original texts of representative works and recent papers on women's labor and gender inequality in economic history.

  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      末松 千秋  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course introduces students to Japanese corporate culture with the history of changes in employment practices. The classes will cover the Japanese Style Management, Bubble Economy, and the Lost 20 Years. How did Japanese companies develop their management style? Why were Japanese manufacturers regarded as the strongest? What caused the Bubble Economy? Why did they have to give up the practices once thought to be essential? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the role of employment practices to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to possess the knowledge of Japanese employment practices and to understand the rationales for changes in the practices for the past 20 years.

    The graduate students are to take leading roles in the group discussions with undergraduate students and international students, which will help them strengthen the administrative ability and the leadership.



  •   多文化PBL  
      渡部 留美  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC203  



    In this class, students will learn mainly about Japanese fermented foods and Sendai miso, and discuss the overseas expansion of Sendai miso. In the first part, students will introduce each other about fermented Japanese and international cuisines and seasonings. In the latter part, students will gain knowledge about Sendai miso through lectures by guest speakers and factory tours, and make suggestions on how to develop recipes and market Sendai miso to promote it to people in the countries and regions where the international students taking the course are from.

    In this class, domestic and international students study together in Japanese. By interacting with students from various backgrounds, students will acquire communication and collaboration skills.

  •   歴史学  
      寺山 恭輔  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC202  


    Even though almost two years have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, the war shows no signs of coming to an end. Russia (the Russian Federation), a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is a country with important military and political roles in the international community. To better understand Russia today, however, one has to understand the nation's past. This course aims to provide an overview of the history of Russia over the past 100 years, including the history of its three States -- Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation. This lecture includes topics as follows. The Russo-Japanese War, World War Ⅰ, Russian Revolution of 1917 and the collapse of Russian Empire, the birth of the Soviet Union and reorganization of statehood in the socialist principles by Lenin, Stalin, the emergence of Great Power after the Great Patriotic War, the Cold War, Perestroika by Gorbachev and the demise of Soviet Union, Putin’s long-term reign in the twenty-first century etc.

  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      末松 千秋  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course introduces students to Japanese corporate culture with the history of changes in employment practices. The classes will cover the Japanese Style Management, Bubble Economy, and the Lost 20 Years. How did Japanese companies develop their management style? Why were Japanese manufacturers regarded as the strongest? What caused the Bubble Economy? Why did they have to give up the practices once thought to be essential? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the role of employment practices to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to possess the knowledge of Japanese employment practices and to understand the rationales for changes in the practices for the past 20 years.

    The graduate students are to take leading roles in the group discussions with undergraduate students and international students, which will help them strengthen the administrative ability and the leadership.



  •   国際教養特定課題  
      末松 千秋  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  

    This course introduces students to Japanese corporate culture with the history of changes in employment practices. The classes will cover the Japanese Style Management, Bubble Economy, and the Lost 20 Years. How did Japanese companies develop their management style? Why were Japanese manufacturers regarded as the strongest? What caused the Bubble Economy? Why did they have to give up the practices once thought to be essential? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the role of employment practices to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to possess the knowledge of Japanese employment practices and to understand the rationales for changes in the practices for the past 20 years.


  •   グローバル学習  
      宿利 由希子  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC302  



    "I want to make people laugh, but it's too difficult." "Everyone else is laughing, but I don't find it funny."... Are these difficulties related to "fun" due to personal preference, language ability, or socio-cultural background? In this class, Japanese and international students will think about the Japanese language and culture using funny talks, and learn about the diversity and commonalities between Japan and other countries of "fun" through comparing with other cultures and translation activities. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)
