
1006 件ヒット (0.031秒):

  •   健康と医学  
      本間 経康、高瀬 圭  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB103  


    /Health is defined as a state of well-being, encompassing both mental and physical normalcy, having no problems with daily life. Any impairment in this state due to various reasons constitutes illness or disease. The purpose of this class is to provide basic knowledge about maintaining health, understanding the origins of diseases encountered on a daily life, and how to deal with them. Fifteen professors from the School of Medicine present overviews of disease diagnosis and treatment in their respective specialized fields, as well as the latest research findings.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   小児看護学  
      塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 金曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室  


    2.子供の健康に関する動向と保健対策,疾病や障害を持つ子供と健康な子供に共通した日常生活の援助方法について具体的に学ぶ。また,子供のQuality of Life(QOL)を支援する原理となる子供の権利条約について学び,子供の人権擁護の具体的方法について学習する。


    1.This course covers the characteristics of child growth and development to help students understand the child health nursing subject and philosophy with a children's health and illness.

    2.The purpose of this course is to learn about child health, children's quality of life (QOL), and children's illnesses.

    3.The purpose of this course is to learn about principles and methodology of care for children with illness and disability and healthy children.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   心理学  
      吉井 初美  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB104  



    Have you ever heard the term 'cure and care'? In the past, healthcare has been defined as being divided into two categories: cure, where doctors aim to cure illnesses, and care, where nurses and others provide support for recuperation and daily living. However, as the great advances in modern medicine and its limitations have been recognised, the boundaries between the two have blurred and modern medicine has become oriented towards helping patients and their families to live their lives in their own way. People are not free from care from birth (or before birth) until death. This lecture is not about classical psychology, but about the content of care and psychology. Starting with 'What is care', the lecturers from the Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences will relay lectures on care situations that anyone can experience along the developmental stages of a person.

  •   学問論演習  
      江川 新一、他  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 その他  


    Disasters expose many lives to danger and cause extensive health damage. They pose a significant threat to human security, which aims to achieve freedom from fear, freedom from want, and a life with dignity. Disaster risk reduction is the prevention and reduction of these impacts, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, adopted in 2015, emphasized the importance of protecting "health." In this course, we focus on the health consequences for the mind and body in the context of multi-hazards and disasters. We examine preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction related to health, healthcare, and welfare in the face of disasters. Our goal is to consider how to safeguard health (physical, mental, and socio-economic well-being) in the wake of disasters.

  •   応用データ科学  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


  •   成人看護学Ⅰ(慢性期)  
      宮下 光令, 青山 真帆, 升川 研人  
      前期 金曜日 3講時 保健学科第1講義室 / 前期 金曜日 4講時 保健学科第1講義室  


    The object of this course is to gain a multifaceted view of the internal and external environment surrounding people in adulthood, and to develop the ability to practice nursing approaches to the client based on theory and evidence. In more specific, systematically learn the characteristics of chronic health problems and nursing methods for adjusting and rebuilding the lives of people in adulthood in order to rebuild an/or maintain their health.

  •   "基礎医学II Basic Medicine 2"  
      古川 徹  
      5月17日、6月7日、6月14日、6月21日 May 17; June 7; June 14; June 21.  
      5月17日(金):14:00~17:00 6月7日(金): 13:00~16:00 6月14日(金): 8:50~12:00 6月21日(金): 8:50~12:00 Friday, May 17:PM2:00-5:00 Friday, June 7: PM1:00-4:00 Friday, June 14: AM8:50-12:00 Friday, June 21: AM8:50-12:00  


    To learn pathogeneses of human diseases by studying alterations of molecules,structure and functions of cells and organs.
