
4410 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   ナラティヴを考える  
      森本 浩一  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC101  

    近年、カタカナ書きの「ナラティヴ」という語をよく見かけるようになった。日本語にすれば「物語」だが、ストーリーとは少し違って「語ること」に焦点があたる言い回しである。何かを語る、つまり言語的・概念的に理解するというのは、しかし、現実か虚構かを問わず、私たちが世界内の出来事の連鎖について考えるときの基礎的な実践様式である。私たちは「物語」的な形式を通じて、フィクションだけではなく、現実そのものを作り出している、とも言われる。それはどういうことなのだろうか。この授業では、今日的なテーマであるナラティヴについて、多角的に考えてゆきたい。授業の前半では主にナラティヴの現実形成的な役割・効果について考え、後半ではナラティヴの表現様式に注目しながら、私たちになじみ深い「フィクションの物語」(文学、映画、マンガ等)に焦点をあてる。実際に自分でフィクションの言説を分析するレポートを書き、議論する機会も設けたいと考えている。/In recent years, the word "narrative" has become more common. In Japanese, it is translated as "monogatari," but it is different from story, because it contains the purpose of "telling." Telling about something, that is, understanding something conceptually with language, is the human's essential practice, in which the things and events are thought in the world, whether real or fictional. So it is said sometimes, that we create not only fiction but reality itself through the "narrative" form. What does that mean? In this class, I would like to think about this contemporary theme from double angles. First we consider the reality-forming functions of narrative, and subsequently the "fictional narrative" that are familiar to us (literature, movies, manga, etc.) . Then we'll focus on the way, how the narrative reveal the narrated world depending on its media. There will also be an opportunity for participants to write and discuss their own reports analyzing fictional discourse.

  •   学問論演習  
      森本 浩一  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC203  

    フィクションの物語を読んだり見たりするのは、私たちにとって大きな楽しみです。しかしそこで自分が実際のところ何をいかに経験しているのかを反省し言語化するのは、結構難しい。この演習では、批評的なテキストを書く訓練を行います。自分の主観的な感覚や思考を言語化するスキルは、研究論文を書く上での基本となるものです。教師の支援を受けながらお互いの批評についてディスカッションする中で、作品の形式・内容のどのような点に焦点をあてるか、また物語経験を表現するための言葉をどう選ぶか、などを学ぶことができるでしょう。前期にカレント・トピックス科目「ナラティヴを考える」を受講していることが望ましいですが、必須ではありません。 /We enjoy various types of fictional narrative in everyday life. But we have few opportunities to introspect and verbalize, how and what we actually experience in the process of reading or watching narrative. The aim of this seminar is to help students improve the ability to write the critical text. This ability to verbalize one's own subjective feelings and thoughts should be fundamental to writing a research essay. Through their own critique writing and discussion they will investigate by themselves, on which aspects of the form (medium) and the content they should focus and by which words the recipient's experience can be more appropriately described and expressed. Teacher will guide the discussion by commentary and short lecture.It is desirable to have taken the Current Topics Course "About narrative" in the first semester, but it is not required.

  •   フランス文化学特論Ⅱ / French Culture(Advanced Lecture)II  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course delves into narratology, a literary theory that scrutinizes the structure and narrative functions within a story. Drawing upon Gérard Genette's treatise, we will explore key concepts and dissect how stories are constructed by examining specific literary works. Students will acquire the necessary methodology to scrutinize the subject matter and content of literary pieces through a comprehensive analysis of narrative forms.

  •   フランス文学各論Ⅲ / French Literature (Special Lecture)III  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course delves into narratology, a literary theory that scrutinizes the structure and narrative functions within a story. Drawing upon Gérard Genette's treatise, we will explore key concepts and dissect how stories are constructed by examining specific literary works. Students will acquire the necessary methodology to scrutinize the subject matter and content of literary pieces through a comprehensive analysis of narrative forms.

  •   現代日本学概論Ⅰ / Innovative Japanese Studies (General Lecture) I  
      茂木 謙之介  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course covers the basic method of Inovative Japanese Stuidies.In this course, students will understand methods through, tinking about "media","represenation" and "discourse" as keywords.

  •   社会学各論 / Sociology (Special Lecture)  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course discusses a sociological study that can be called "Discursive sociology". "Discourse sociology" refers both to the methods used to conduct sociological research using interview data and observations obtained as a result of qualitative research, and to the findings obtained from these methods. We often fit the data obtained through qualitative research into a theory or proposition. However it is not sociological research works and the insights obtained sometimes are fault. Therefore, we can only describe the subject sociologically by looking at the data from a sociological perspective and clarifying the phenomena observed in the data from a sociological perspective. In this class, we will discuss the "basic ideas of analysis" focusing on language and "specific methods of analysis" based on these ideas, which are necessary to be taken into account in this process. This is a central task for qualitative research, which does not consider reality as a manifestation of sociological theory or sociological propositions, but rather starts from reality to establish sociological thinking.

  •   社会学特論Ⅱ / Sociology(Advanced Lecture)II  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course discusses a sociological study that can be called "Discursive sociology". "Discourse sociology" refers both to the methods used to conduct sociological research using interview data and observations obtained as a result of qualitative research, and to the findings obtained from these methods. We often fit the data obtained through qualitative research into a theory or proposition. However it is not sociological research works and the insights obtained sometimes are fault. Therefore, we can only describe the subject sociologically by looking at the data from a sociological perspective and clarifying the phenomena observed in the data from a sociological perspective. In this class, we will discuss the "basic ideas of analysis" focusing on language and "specific methods of analysis" based on these ideas, which are necessary to be taken into account in this process. This is a central task for qualitative research, which does not consider reality as a manifestation of sociological theory or sociological propositions, but rather starts from reality to establish sociological thinking.

  •   物語メディア論  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



  •   哲学  
      森本 浩一  
      2セメ:文系 工農/4セメ:理(地)工農  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA307  

    人間はことばを用いて「世界がどうなっているのか」について考え、またその考えたことを他者と共有する動物である。というよりも、ことばをやりとりすることを通じて、はじめて私たちの「世界」というようなものが開けてくる。人間はどのようにしてことばを手に入れたのか、ことば自体はどんな要素や規則から成っているのか、それが指示する対象(物や出来事)との関係はどうなっているのかなど、ことばに関する様々な問いかけが、古代以来なされ続けてきた。この授業では、ヨーロッパ思想の歴史を追いながら、ことばに対するそうした問いかけの幾つかのトピックに焦点をあてる。特に、古代のレトリックや現代の語用論に注目し、コミュニケーションの観点から言語を考えることの重要性について考えたい。 /Humans are animals that use language to think about "what the world is like" and to share such thoughts with others. Rather, it is through the language exchange that our "world" reveals itself to us. Since ancient times, various questions have been asked concerning language, such as how humans acquired language, what elements and rules does the language consist of, and how it relates to the objects (things and events) to which it is directed. In this class, while tracing the history of Western thought, we will focus on some of the topics of such questions about language. In particular, we will pay special attention to ancient rhetoric and modern pragmatics from the perspective of communication.

  •   人文社会科学研究Ⅱ / Advanced Study of Humanities and Social Sciences II  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course aims to help the students develop their language skills and acquire a better understanding of contemporary Japanese popular culture through comparative reading of Japanese texts and their English translations. The reading list consists of general audience and specialized publications by Japanese cultural critics and media scholars. Comparative reading will allow students to expand their vocabulary, get acquainted with common translation techniques and patterns, and get used to reading Anglophone publications. For English-speaking students, it is an opportunity to improve their skills in reading and translating Japanese texts.
