
6844 件ヒット (0.06秒):

  •   国際教養PBL  
      米澤 由香子  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M204  

    This course aims to provide opportunities for students to learn about the basics of Japanese society through its foreign language education system by group discussion, lectures, and a project. Students are expected to develop a comparative view of the education/learning system and its practice between Japan and other countries/regions. Sessions are held face-to-face and partially online (See the section on “In Addition”).

    This course will be conducted in English, and sometimes in Japanese for supplementary use. Students will need to have the operational skills to interact and discuss in English. In case of using Japanese, translation should be carried out by students for mutual support.



  •   国際教養特定課題  
      渡部 由紀  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA305  

    This course will examine the issues of Japanese universities and their students in the process of globalization, from a variety of perspectives ranging from the individual experience to the role of higher education in the larger Japanese society. Discussions based on relevant readings, lectures, and student presentations will be the platform for this course. In addition to classroom discussion, students will explore one of five selected issues of universities and their students in the globalizing and diversifying society as a group project. This course requires a certain level of English proficiency. TOEFL ITP 530 or higher is desirable.

    本科目では、グローバル化の過程おける日本の大学と学生の問題を、個人の体験から、日本社会における高等教育の役割に至るまで、さまざまな観点から考察します。この科目は、関連する読書、講義、学生のプレゼンテーションに基づいたディスカッションを中心とした授業です。また、学生はグローバル化・多様化する社会における大学とその学生に関する5つの課題のうち1つを取り上げて、グループプロジェクトを行います。この授業はすべて英語で行います。ディスカッションを中心とした授業のため、一定の英語力(TOEFL ITP 530以上が望ましい)が必要です。

  •   多文化教育論概論  
      渡部 由紀  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   キャリア関連学習  
      米澤 由香子  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M204  

    In this course, students will learn the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to create their own careers, by viewing careers as a lifelong process of continuous learning and action. These basic knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary not only for students considering employment after undergraduate study, but also for students who wish to study at graduate school or pursue a research career.

    The course will promote students to: (1) learn from guest speakers with a variety of cultural, educational and professional backgrounds in order to gain knowledge and information that will be useful in shaping their own career perspectives; (2) engage in collaborative learning with other students in order to understand the significance of working together; and (3) review the results of their learning by providing presentations and writing reports in order to reflect the results of their studies, set career goals, and take concrete action. In particular, participating students are facilitated to actively interact with others by speaking and listening to each other, in order to maximize their learning. Guest speakers will include leading global figures from different fields and ways of working.

    This course will be conducted in English. A certain level of skill in interacting and discussing in English is required.




  •   グローバルPBL  
      末松 和子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA401  

    Collaborative projects on "comedy" by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      米澤 由香子  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 その他  

    In this course, students will learn the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to create their own careers, by viewing careers as a lifelong process of continuous learning and action. These basic knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary not only for students considering employment after graduate study, but also for those who wish to pursue a research career.

    The course will promote students to: (1) learn from guest speakers with a variety of cultural, educational and professional backgrounds in order to gain knowledge and information that will be useful in shaping their own career perspectives; (2) engage in collaborative learning with other students in order to understand the significance of working together; and (3) review the results of their learning by providing presentations and writing reports in order to reflect the results of their studies, set career goals, and take concrete action. Students are facilitated to actively interact with others by speaking and listening to each other and lead discussions to form a learning community. 

    Guest speakers will include leading global figures from different fields and ways of working. This course will be conducted in English. A certain level of skill in interacting and discussing in English is required.




  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      米澤 由香子  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 その他  

    In this course, students will learn the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to create their own careers, by viewing careers as a lifelong process of continuous learning and action. These basic knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary not only for students considering employment after graduate study, but also for those who wish to pursue a research career.

    The course will promote students to: (1) learn from guest speakers with a variety of cultural, educational and professional backgrounds in order to gain knowledge and information that will be useful in shaping their own career perspectives; (2) engage in collaborative learning with other students in order to understand the significance of working together; and (3) review the results of their learning by providing presentations and writing reports in order to reflect the results of their studies, set career goals, and take concrete action. Students are facilitated to actively interact with others by speaking and listening to each other and lead discussions to form a learning community. 

    Guest speakers will include leading global figures from different fields and ways of working. This course will be conducted in English. A certain level of skill in interacting and discussing in English is required.




  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      末松 和子  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 その他  

    Collaborative projects by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The theme of this semester is "Owarai," the Japanese comedy. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   グローバル・コミュニケーション協働演習  
      末松 和子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 その他  

    Collaborative projects by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The theme of this semester is "Owarai," the Japanese comedy. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   多文化PBL  
      末松 和子  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M204  


    This class provides both international and domestic students with opportunities to learn from each other through thematic discussions and collaborative projects. Interactions among students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are embraced in this class. The class will be conducted in Japanese, but English can be used as supplement.
