

前期 木曜日 2講時 CALL教室 M204. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 米澤 由香子 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 1/3/5/7セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目先進科目-国際教育. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZAC-GLB802E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

【国際共修】Society and Foreign Language Education in Japan (English)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This course aims to provide opportunities for students to learn about the basics of Japanese society through its foreign language education system by group discussion, lectures, and a project. Students are expected to develop a comparative view of the education/learning system and its practice between Japan and other countries/regions. Sessions are held face-to-face and partially online (See the section on “In Addition”).
This course will be conducted in English, and sometimes in Japanese for supplementary use. Students will need to have the operational skills to interact and discuss in English. In case of using Japanese, translation should be carried out by students for mutual support.


学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

After completion of this course, students are expected to:
- describe distinctive characteristics of schools in Japan and their educational/learning environments.
- build their own views by critical comparison of differences and similarities in societal and educational environments between Japan and other countries/regions.
- acquire skills to reconstruct their own ideas by reflecting their thoughts and listening actively to peers’ views.

- 日本の学校の特徴やその教育・学習環境について説明できる。
- 日本と他国/地域の社会環境、教育環境の違いや共通点を批判的に比較し、自身の見解をもつことができる。
- 自身の見解を省察したり他者の意見を傾聴することで、自身の考えを再構築する力を獲得する。

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

This course consists of group discussion, dialogue, lectures, and group work. Through these works, students will learn the basic education system of Japan and other countries/regions, its characteristics, trends and challenges, and will create suggestions for better foreign language education for society by a group project. Related materials are provided prior to the sessions so that students can actively participate in discussions. The course basically uses the second period (10:30 am-12:00 pm) of Thursdays, JST. However, in collaborative learning with primary and secondary school students, time before and after normal class hours is used. The schedule and contents are subject to change.

Week 1-2: Introduction and group discussion
<Collaborative learning>
Week 4-6: Preparation and school visit to a junior/senior high school in Sendai
Week 10-11: Preparation and online exchange with primary school students in Japan
* In order to coordinate schedules with students in primary and secondary schools, we will use a part of lunch time for the Week 5 and 6, and the first and second periods for the Week 11. Therefore, students who are free in the first period on Thursday may be asked to join in at that time.
<Learn from practice>
Week 9: Guest speaker
<Group project>
Week 3: Kick-off session
Week 7-8: Mid-term review
Week 12-14: Preparation and final presentation
Week 15: Reflection of the course

Note: The schedule is subject to change.


Week 1-2: 導入とグループディスカッション
Week 4-6: 準備と仙台市内中学・高等学校訪問
Week 10-11: 準備と日本の小学校児童とのオンライン学習交流
Week 9: ゲストスピーカーから学ぶ
Week 3: キックオフセッション
Week 7-8: 中間レビュー
Week 12-14: 準備と最終発表
Week 15:コース全体での学習の振り返り

注: 予定は変更になることがあります。

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Emphasis is put on your proactive participation in learning. Assessment of students’ performance will be determined as follows:

1. Attendance and participation: 30%
Attendance of all sessions, contribution to the learning of all students by active participation in discussions, and performance in weekly assignments (reflective journals) are evaluated. Class attendance will be recorded. Absence, late arrival, and early leave affects the assessment. Two late arrivals or early leave (20 minutes or more) on classes will be equal to one absence. If a student wishes to be excused from a class due to unavoidable reasons, such as illness or a family emergency, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor well in advance of the start of classes by email. Students who miss a class should contact the instructor by email to get the assignment of the session.

2. Group Project: 30%
Students will participate in a project regarding the education system and society that is discussed, constructed and developed through the course activities. The process of collaborative learning and presentation performance will be evaluated. Students should use presentation software (e.g. Powerpoint) and other materials/devices as needed for the presentation. The instructor will provide more guideline regarding the presentation format at sessions.

3. Participation for collaborative learning with school students: 20%
The schedule includes a school visit and an online collaborative session with students in primary and secondary schools. Careful preparation and active participation in the collaborative exchanges will be included in the assessment.

4. Final report: 20%
Students will write a reflective paper on your own work in this course. Specific topics will be provided in class. Students are expected to include findings, insights and other material from your study of this course, and to use appropriate citations.
Details of the format of the report will be provided in class. The final report must be submitted by the specified date. No late submission will be accepted for any reason.

Grades for the course will be assigned as follows:
AA: Excellent (90-100 points)
A: Good (80-89 points)
B: Fair (70-79 points)
C: Passing (60-69 points)
D: Fail (59 points and below)


1. 出席と学習への参加:30%

2. グループまたはペアプロジェクト:30%

3. 小中高等学校児童生徒との協同学習への積極的参加:20%

4. 最終レポート:20%

AA: 特に優秀 (90-100点)
A: 優秀 (80-89点)
B: 良好 (70-79点)
C: 可 (60-69点)
D: 不可または履修放棄 (59点以下)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References


    A reading list will be provided at the first session.
    Other basic references:
    NIER- National Institute for Educational Policy Research (n.d.) Education in Japan.

    国立教育政策研究所(n.d.)Education in Japan.

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    According to the content of each session, about 4 hours of preparation and revision per week is expected. Work for group project is expected to be carried out mainly outside class time. Details of preparation and review will be provided in each session.


    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    Yes. Please bring your own computer with you even for face-to-face classes.

    その他/In Addition

    - The number of students for this course is set at 30. If the application exceeds the capacity, the selection will be conducted. If you wish to take this course, please check the details on Classroom beforehand.
    - This course consists of face-to-face and partially synchronous online sessions. You will be informed of how each lesson will be conducted, generally by the week before the session.
    - Students who completed and earned credits for the course will be provided predetermined points of TGL Program.
    - This course uses Google Classroom as a learning management system.
    - The university has a responsibility to promote academic integrity. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for the appropriate citation of sources and for respecting other’s academic endeavours. Any misrepresentation or plagiarism will be paramount to dismissal of any credit for this course.

    ・この科目では、学習プラットフォームとしてGoogle Classroomを使用します。
    ・本学には研究公正(academic integrity)を促進する責任があります。学生は、自身の学習成果物を完成・表現するにあたり、誠実であること、出典を適切に引用すること、そして他者の学問上の努力を尊重することに対し責任をもつことが求められます。虚偽の記述や盗用が認められた場合、本科目の単位は取得できません。

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認