
3083 件ヒット (0.029秒):

  •   インクルージョン社会  
      妙木 忍  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC206  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the development of research on gender in Japan. It also aims to analyze Japanese society from a gender perspective, and to examine Japan’s position in the international community. The topics addressed will include family, labor, education, law, politics, tourism, disasters, and care work. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, the course will help students explore how we can take independent action to create a society that is easy to live in and where everybody respects each other’s way of life.

  •   現代日本社会論Ⅱ  
      妙木 忍  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 CALL教室 M301  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the development of gender studies and research in Japan. It also aims to analyze Japanese society from the perspective of gender. Through reading papers, lectures, and discussion, the course will handle topics such as education, labor, family, and care work. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.

  •   社会学各論 / Sociology (Special Lecture)  
      妙木 忍  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the history of feminism and interpret the Housewife Controversy, part of Japan’s heritage of thought. It also aims to analyze social mechanisms such as why the controversy revolved around women despite also concerning men and wider society, and why controversy regarding women’s choice of life course continues even as the era and talking points change. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.

  •   社会学特論Ⅲ / Sociology(Advanced Lecture)III  
      妙木 忍  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the history of feminism and interpret the Housewife Controversy, part of Japan’s heritage of thought. It also aims to analyze social mechanisms such as why the controversy revolved around women despite also concerning men and wider society, and why controversy regarding women’s choice of life course continues even as the era and talking points change. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.

  •   SDGsにみるグローバルガバナンスと持続可能な開発  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期集中 その他 連講 川北キャンパスA403  

    この講座の目的は、社会科学のさまざまな理論を駆使して、グローバルガバナンスと持続可能な開発への理解を深めることにある。とくにSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals持続可能な開発目標)に関心を向けながら、これらへの理解を深めることにある。SDGsとは国連が掲げるグローバルな目標であり、これの中心的な要素が「グローバルガバナンス」「持続可能な開発」といったテーマにほかならない。これらのテーマは、市場経済、社会福祉、地球環境、平和・安全保障などの問題と密接に関連している。この講座では、政治学や国際関係論のコンセプトや理論をつかって、これらの問題を捉えていく。

    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of global governance and sustainable development by using various theories of the social sciences. In particular, the aim is to gain such knowledge while paying special attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — the goals for the global community set by the United Nations. The central elements of the SDGs include global governance and sustainable development, and the latter two notions are associated with issues such as the market economy, social welfare, the global environment, peace and security. This course sheds light on various aspects of these issues by utilizing analytical concepts and theories used in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

  •   政治学  
      河村 和徳  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    Demand for political reform is increasing in Japan. Even in global society, the year two thousand twenty four is an election year. Elections will be held in Taiwan, the United States, Russia, South Korea, Indonesia, and other countries. As interest in politics increases both domestically and internationally, our goal is to acquire an understanding of political phenomena and the ability to analyze them. In this lecture, we will also focus on changes in the composition of politics, political processes, and power relations in the digital age, and our goal is to acquire concepts, theories, and practical strategies to read and understand politics in the digital age.

  •   特講)ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.


  •   特講)ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅰ  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第1講義室  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.

    ・Knowledge of inbound tourism is useful for business opportunities and regional development, not only for people considering employment in the tourism, transportation, and service industries, but also for those seeking employment in the finance, government, and manufacturing industries.

  •   倫理学特論Ⅱ / Ethics (Advanced Lecture II)  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



    In applied ethics, we must examine "how we should act" while learning not only theory but also the reality of the field where ethical conflicts are arising. This course highlights one of the most controversial topics of our time, gender/sexuality, and promotes ethical reflection while studying the historical context and social structure behind social conflicts. The course will not only focus on knowledge of ethics in the narrow sense, but will also refer to findings from sociology, psychology, history and other disciplines.

    This lecture will be based on case studies. I will also deal with sensitive topics, so please be sure to check the content and make a careful decision before attending the course.

  •   文化と社会の探求  
      中村 渉  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA405  




    1.Introduce and summarize parts of books/papers about Japanese society (and Japanese

      culture and history, which are behind Japanese society) written by Japanese authors.

    2.Critically discuss the validity of the claims made by those books and papers from the

      perspectives of Japanese living in the 21st century and international students.

    3.The language used in this class is Japanese.
