
5129 件ヒット (0.032秒):

  •   文化と社会の探求  
      小島 奈々恵  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA203  

    Students will deepen their understanding of oneself and others through discussions with others with different backgrounds. Better interpersonal relationships will be built by trying to understand each other, and at the same time, we will discuss ways to discuss, stress coping methods, mental and physical health, etc.


  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      小島 奈々恵  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA202  


    Students will deepen their understanding of oneself and others through discussions with others with different backgrounds. Better interpersonal relationships will be built by trying to understand each other, and at the same time, we will discuss ways to discuss, stress coping methods, mental and physical health, etc.

  •   学生生活概論  
      池田 忠義、中島 正雄、他  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB104  


    During your student life, you will face different kinds of crises and troubles. Learning how to cope and prevent these crises and troubles will be important. In this class, basics of student life, education, career, and relationships will be introduced.

  •   臨床コミュニケーション学  
      富岡 佳久  
      後期集中 その他 その他  



    Through dialogue with patients / consumers and other occupations, acquire the fundamental ability to understand the psychology, position, and environment of the other person and to build trust. In the class, surveys, role play/presentations, and discussions are conducted by small groups together with lectures

  •   精神看護学  
      吉井 初美, 坂井 舞, 中西 三春  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 木曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  




    4. 精神疾患の診断、症状、病理、治療の知識を習得する。

    5. 対象を生物・心理・社会的側面から全人的に理解し、健康回復に向けたコミュニケーション技術および援助技術を修得する。

    To understand the subjects and characteristics of Psychiatric Nursing

    To learn the structure and functions of mind, the relationship between mental health level and disability.

    To acknowledge the histories of mental health welfare, psychiatric nursing, and Mental Health Act.

    To acquire knowledge about symptoms, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of mental disorders.

    To understand subjects through a whole-patient approach in biological/psychological/social aspects.

    To learn communication and support skills to empower subjects to recovery.

  •   心理学  
      村椿 智彦  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB202  


    In this lecture, students will learn about the mind and health from the perspective of psychosomatic and behavioral medicine, and deepen their understanding of stress management. Psychosomatic medicine and behavioral medicine are new area of medicine. They explore the relationship between mind and body. Psychosomatic medicine and behavioral medicine are developing in the world. It is important to know the present knowledge of mind based on bodily function.

  •   多文化PBL  
      虫明 美喜、虫明 元  
      後期 水曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    In international relations, it is important to communicate with people of multicultural backgrounds in a non-discriminatory manner. In the Corona disaster, various issues have been highlighted in the current culture, such as the challenges of isolation and loneliness, and the fragmentation of communities. Theatrical methods have accumulated expertise in building human relationships with people across language and cultural barriers. However, there are few opportunities to acquire such cross-disciplinary skills in university education. In this course, students will work on practical issues while incorporating findings on personality traits and human science to understand the diversity of people. Specifically, I would like to work with students on issues of building rich relationships and living in harmony with people, while practicing group work that incorporates theatrical techniques, in face-to-face settings.

  •   社会心理学概論(社会・集団・家族心理学) / Social,Group and Family Psychology (General Lecture)  
      荒井 崇史  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this course is to deepen the knowledge of basic topics in social psychology (social cognition, attitudes, interpersonal relationships and interpersonal behaviors, group interactions, family functions, etc.). In class, basic knowledge of each topic and the modern research will be introduced in the form of lectures.

  •   展開学問論  
      山内 保典  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  



    この授業は、高年次教養教育科目に位置づけられ、時間割や教室の枠を越えた「枠外授業」として設計されています。主として、オンラインでの非同期ワーク(オンデマンド動画の視聴+オンラインホワイトボード等を使用したワーク)を行い、その成果について数回のオンライン・リアルタイムで議論します。学習支援システムとは、Google Classroomを使用します。ただし必要に応じて、時間と場所について調整し、対面で授業を実施する可能性もあります。

    In this class, we will engage in three types of 'Miseru' work, progressing together with students from different fields. Through this process, you will deeply reflect on your own learning and career, weaving the story of 'you' that is neither anyone else nor artificial intelligence, but uniquely yours, encompassing both your past and future.

    The purpose of this class is to provide opportunities for self-understanding and career formation, making your university experience more meaningful. It aims to help you develop self-understanding and self-expression skills by facing the question, 'What do you learn in university, and how will this learning be useful in your next career?' along with others. These skills will be valuable for your future career and academic research.

    Primarily, it involves asynchronous online work (such as watching on-demand videos and working with online whiteboards), followed by several online real-time discussions about the outcomes. Google Classroom will be used as the learning support system. However, there is also a possibility of conducting face-to-face classes as needed, with adjustments made for time and location."

  •   国際教養PBL  
      髙松 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. Your active participation in the classroom is expected.

