

前期集中 その他 連講 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 山内 保典 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 5/7セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-学問論. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFA-NAA203J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

メディア授業科目/Media Class Subjects

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Self-Exploration Workshop

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

この授業は、高年次教養教育科目に位置づけられ、時間割や教室の枠を越えた「枠外授業」として設計されています。主として、オンラインでの非同期ワーク(オンデマンド動画の視聴+オンラインホワイトボード等を使用したワーク)を行い、その成果について数回のオンライン・リアルタイムで議論します。学習支援システムとは、Google Classroomを使用します。ただし必要に応じて、時間と場所について調整し、対面で授業を実施する可能性もあります。

In this class, we will engage in three types of 'Miseru' work, progressing together with students from different fields. Through this process, you will deeply reflect on your own learning and career, weaving the story of 'you' that is neither anyone else nor artificial intelligence, but uniquely yours, encompassing both your past and future.
The purpose of this class is to provide opportunities for self-understanding and career formation, making your university experience more meaningful. It aims to help you develop self-understanding and self-expression skills by facing the question, 'What do you learn in university, and how will this learning be useful in your next career?' along with others. These skills will be valuable for your future career and academic research.
Primarily, it involves asynchronous online work (such as watching on-demand videos and working with online whiteboards), followed by several online real-time discussions about the outcomes. Google Classroom will be used as the learning support system. However, there is also a possibility of conducting face-to-face classes as needed, with adjustments made for time and location."

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


Develop the ability to reflect on your own learning and visualize it.
Diagnose your strengths and weaknesses, and leverage them in career formation.
Explore methods to communicate your individuality and learning attractively.
Integrate your past learning and envision your future career path

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

【2回】アイスブレイク(リアルタイムオンライン or 対面)

【5回】グループワーク(リアルタイム or 対面)


【11回】グループワーク(リアルタイム or 対面)

【14回・15回】大発表会(リアルタイム or 対面)


■ Introduction
[Session 1] Guidance (On-Demand)
After watching the guidance video, those wishing to take the course will adjust the schedule for the second session.
[Session 2] Ice Breaker (Real-Time Online or Face-to-Face)

■ 'Show' Work: Self-Understanding
[Session 3 & 4] Individual Work (On-Demand)
After watching the work explanation video, perform the following work. Reflect on your past learning (both curricular and extracurricular) and research, and visualize/map/verbalize the relationships. Analyze how these can be useful for your future career or research and prepare to explain them to others.
[Session 5] Group Work (Real-Time)
Presentation of results and mutual feedback

■ 'Diagnose' Work: Self-Formation
[Session 6 & 7] Individual Work (On-Demand)
After watching the work explanation video, perform the following work. Research various societal demands on students, researchers, and professionals of Tohoku University, and diagnose your strengths and weaknesses in light of these demands. Determine a policy for self-growth through self-diagnosis and dialogue.
[Session 8] Group Work (Real-Time)
Presentation of results and mutual feedback

■ 'Attract' Work: Self-Expression
[Session 9 & 10] Individual Work (On-Demand)
After watching the work explanation video, perform the following work. Refine the words and diagrams used to express your charm (individuality, learning and research experiences, subjects of intellectual curiosity), incorporating the opinions of others.
[Session 11] Group Work (Real-Time)
Feedback on results

■ Comprehensive Work (Equivalent to 4 Sessions)
[Session 12 & 13] Individual Work (On-Demand)
After watching the work explanation video, perform the following work. Integrate the three types of work mentioned above. Connect what you have learned so far with how it will affect your future, and draw your 'future story'.
[Session 14 & 15] Final Presentation (Real-Time)

The content of the classes may change depending on the attendance situation.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method



■ 'Show', 'Diagnose', and 'Attract' Work
Graded Assignments: Each 10 points (Total 30 points)
*Includes points for presentations in group work
Reflection Reports: Each 10 points (Total 30 points)

■ Comprehensive Work
Graded Assignment: 20 points
*Includes points for presentation at the final presentation event
Reflection Report: 20 points

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


    1. Expand the range of experiences in daily life, articulate the learning from these experiences, and consider your career.
    2. As needed, proceed with work, preparation for presentations, reports, etc.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


    その他/In Addition


    Since the interaction between students from different fields is a critical component of the class, it may be canceled depending on the number of students and their specific areas of expertise.
    The dates and times for real-time online (face-to-face) classes will be determined after consultation with the students. Please be sure to respond during the schedule coordination process

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