

前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB202. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 村椿 智彦 所属:医学系研究科. 対象学部/Object: 1セメ:教理工(6~14組)/3セメ:全(文を除く). 開講期/Term: 1・3セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基幹科目-人文科学. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFH-PSY101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

心と健康 Mind and Health

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


In this lecture, students will learn about the mind and health from the perspective of psychosomatic and behavioral medicine, and deepen their understanding of stress management. Psychosomatic medicine and behavioral medicine are new area of medicine. They explore the relationship between mind and body. Psychosomatic medicine and behavioral medicine are developing in the world. It is important to know the present knowledge of mind based on bodily function.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


・To understand the key points of mind and health.
・To know how psychosocial stress forms diseases from intangible thing to molecular and psychological changes sequentially.
・To understand how to cope with stress and how to keep health.
・To find the medical issues and to search the possible answers to solve the problems.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class


Contents and lecturers are shown below. There is a possibility that schedule may be modified.

01回目 2024/04/09 ストレスと心身の健康総論 General Remarks of Stress, Mind, and Body
02回目 2024/04/16 心のしくみ Mechanism of Mind
03回目 2024/04/23 情動の生成 Generation of Emotion
04回目 2024/04/30 行動の理論 Theory of Behavior
05回目 2024/05/07 心と身体をつなぐ経路 Pathway between the Mind and the Body
06回目 2024/05/14 心理状態の測定方法 How to Measeure Psychological Condition
07回目 2024/05/21 ストレス関連疾患各論・IBS Stress-Related Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
08回目 2024/05/28 ストレス関連疾患各論・摂食障害 Stress-Related Disorders: Eating Disorders
09回目 2024/06/04 ストレス関連疾患各論・肥満 Stress-Related Disorders: Obesity
10回目 2024/06/11 ストレス関連疾患各論・うつ Stress-Related Disorders: Depression
11回目 2024/06/18 ストレス関連疾患各論・不安とPTSD Stress-Related Disorders: Anxiety and PTSD
12回目 2024/06/25 心と身体の健康維持法 Behavior to Keep Mind-Body Health
13回目 2024/07/02 認知行動療法 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
14回目 2024/07/09 マインドフルネス Mindfulness
15回目 2024/07/16 ストレスと心身の健康まとめ Concluding Remarks of Stress, Mind, and Body

授業は全て対面で実施する。授業に関する連絡は、Google Classroomにて実施する。

All classes will be conducted face-to-face. Communication regarding the class will be conducted via Google Classroom.
Students are required to bring a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other device with online access in order to take a mini examination (Google Forms) at the end of each class.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Grades will be evaluated by attendance and mini examinations at the end of lectures.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 内臓感覚 ─ 脳と腸の不思議な関係, 福土審, NHKブックス (2007) ISBN/ISSN: 9784140910931 C1347 資料種別:参考書
  • よくわかる臨床心理学 完全カラー図解, 岩壁茂 監修, ナツメ社 (2020) ISBN/ISSN: 9784816368547 資料種別:参考書
  • カンデル神経科学(第5版), Kandel ER et al./金澤一郎他訳, メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル (2014) ISBN/ISSN: 9784895927710 資料種別:参考書
  • 無意識の脳 自己意識の脳 ─ 身体と情動と感情の神秘, アントニオ・R・ダマシオ, 田中三彦訳., 講談社 (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9784062118781 資料種別:参考書

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


The session time is limited and therefore self-directed learning is important. Students are required to prepare and review for each class.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


Students are required to bring a computer, tablet, smartphone, or other device with online access in order to take a mini examination (Google Forms) at the end of each class.

その他/In Addition


Self-analysis through questionnaires may be incorporated. Grading will be done on a merit system. Questions asked during or after the lecture, a motivated attitude, intellectual curiosity, interest in medicine, reverence for life, and descriptions of original ideas will be highly evaluated.

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