
2269 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   文化理解  
      上原 聡  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    /Using Japanese songs as source materials, international and Japanese students will think about the Japanese language and culture, exchange their impressions and opinions, write essays, sing songs together, and make group presentations of the songs they choose. Students will study the characteristics of Japanese culture and points of commonality with the international students' home countries/regions while learning about diversity in values and world-views. [Japanese is used in class]

  •   多文化PBL  
      三島 敦子  
      前期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA106  


    This subject is being held jointly with the Japanese Language Program for International

    Students. The language of instruction will be Japanese. International and Japanese students

    will cooperatively investigate what conditions are like for Japanese people who study and work

    in the international students' home countries/regions, then give presentations and hold group

    discussions on their findings. By analyzing the differences between their own and other

    cultures, both the Japanese and international students will come into contact with diverse ways

    of thinking, learn more about their own cultures, and foster tolerance for different ideas. Japanese students are required to speak in Japanese that is easy for international students to understand.

  •   多文化PBL  
      三島 敦子  
      後期 金曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA306  


    This subject is being held jointly with the Japanese Language Program for International

    Students. The language of instruction will be Japanese. International and Japanese students

    will cooperatively investigate what conditions are like for Japanese people who study and work

    in the international students' home countries/regions, then give presentations and hold group

    discussions on their findings. By analyzing the differences between their own and other

    cultures, both the Japanese and international students will come into contact with diverse ways

    of thinking, learn more about their own cultures, and foster tolerance for different ideas. Japanese students are required to speak in Japanese that is easy for international students to understand.

  •   グローバル学習  
      宿利 由希子  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC302  



    "I want to make people laugh, but it's too difficult." "Everyone else is laughing, but I don't find it funny."... Are these difficulties related to "fun" due to personal preference, language ability, or socio-cultural background? In this class, Japanese and international students will think about the Japanese language and culture using funny talks, and learn about the diversity and commonalities between Japan and other countries of "fun" through comparing with other cultures and translation activities. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      佐藤 勢紀子  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  


    Students will gain a multifaceted understanding of Japanese culture through exchanging opinions on Japanese language usage and communication styles with international students while explore the ways to promote smooth multicultural communication.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      林 雅子  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA402  





    The purpose of this class is threefold.

    To deepen the knowledge and understanding of the students by introducing their own cultures to each other through the "Metaverse".

    To introduce their culture with a greater sense of reality, immersion, and realism by utilizing "XR technology".

    Students will learn how to compare their own culture with that of other countries, and develop an attitude of interest in and respect for other cultures.

  •   文化理解  
      上原 聡  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC204  


    /International and Japanese students will consider the characteristics in structure and usage of the Japanese language sometimes in comparison with international students' native languages. We will address grammatical patterns that are difficult for non-native Japanese learners to grasp and use correctly, and discuss how to explain them clearly with the Japanese students. The international students will discuss how Japanese is different from or similar to their native languages, and deepen their understanding of its structure and cultural background.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      宿利 由希子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  

    「彼女はにっこりした」「彼女は微笑を浮かべた」…このような表現から、どんな女性をイメージするだろう。「にっこりする」「微笑を浮かべる」は英語ではどちらも “smile” だが、日本語母語話者は“smile” する、異なる人物をイメージすることがある。また、日本語母語話者は、このような表現と人のイメージの関係を(時に操作的に)利用して情報伝達をしている。この授業では、日本語母語話者学生と外国人留学生がことばの「操作性」を材料に日本語や日本文化について考え、他言語との違いや共通点を学び、また協働作業を行う。


    What kind of woman do you imagine from such expressions as "kanojo ha nikkori sita” or “kanojo ha bishou wo ukabeta” (both mean “she smiled")? "Nikkori suru" and "bishou wo ukaberu" are synonyms for the English word "smile.” From expressions indicating the same action, native Japanese speakers may imagine different images of the person. And they use this relationship between representation and personhood to convey information, sometimes manipulatively. In this class, Japanese and international students will think about Japanese language and culture, and

    learn the differences and commonalities between Japanese and other languages through collaborative work using such “manipulability” of language as a material. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)

  •   文化理解  
      森川 多聞  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA402  


    Japanese and international students will exchange opinions and cooperate on projects to gain an understanding of modern Japanese history and culture from a variety of perspectives. The class also aims to provide students with an understanding of the differences in historical and cultural backgrounds that create various values/worldviews and diverse intercultural communication skills.


    This class will be conducted in Japanese. B2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N1 in the JLPT).

    Learning Objectives

  •   多文化特定課題  
      林 雅子  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA401  





    ・Students from overseas and students from Japan introduce their own cultures to each other through ‘Metaverse’.

    ・Students will introduce not only aspects of their culture they want to introduce, but also aspects their classmates want to know about.

    ・Students will gain a perspective of their own culture from the viewpoint of other cultures, as well as an attitude of interest in and respect for other cultures.
