
3380 件ヒット (0.039秒):

  •   経済と社会  
      大西 敢二郎  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB203  


    The purpose of this lecture is to deepnen understanding of functions of financial institutions (especially, banks), and to acquire knowledge of the role of the Financial Services Agency that regulates and supervises them. In particular, we would like to examine the challenges and future prospects for the banking industry, while curently it has faced low interest rates, a declining population and changes of client business activities.

  •   金融行政Ⅱ  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is to deepen understanding of indirect finance, which is the borrowing of funds from banks and other financial institutions by companies and countries that need funds, and to acquire knowledge of the role of the Financial Services Agency, etc., which regulates and supervises banks, and the recent direction of financial administration.In particular, we would like to examine the challenges and future prospects for the banking industry as it faces low interest rates, a declining population, and other changes in its business environment.

  •   金融行政Ⅰ  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is to deepen understanding of direct finance, in which companies and countries issue corporate bonds, stocks, and public bonds to raise necessary funds directly from lenders through securities markets,and to acquire knowledge of the roles of the Financial Services Agency and others that regulate and supervise such markets and market participants.

    In particular, we would like to examine the challenges and prospects for households' financial asset management, which is less profitable than in the U.S. and Europe.

  •   事例研究(金融行政)  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    The purpose of this lecture is to examine the future of regional finance.

    To this end, we will examine the efforts of specific regional financial institutions and other financial institutions under severe business conditions from the perspective of what kind of business models they are trying to establish to ensure their soundness and play a role in the region.

  •   財務行政  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is to examine how money flows in the public sector through observation of the administration conducted by the Ministry of Finance. In particular, we would like to understand the fiscal situation in Japan, which is becoming increasingly serious due to the declining birthrate and aging population, and the efforts being made to restore fiscal soundness. Furthermore, we would like to think about what will happen to a country with a budget deficit, which is rare in the world, and a low interest rate, which is also rare.

  •   英文外書講読b  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    The aim of this lecture is to read the publications/reports on the recent economic and financial issues published by the international organizations and US/EU administrations. And students will understand these issues and insights. Please note that this lecture does not teach "English" itself.

  •   監査3  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  


    The audit of financial statements can be divided into two categories: “General remarks” and “Procedure methodology” (Audit Procedure Methodology / Reporting). In this lecture, I will mainly deal with practical issues related to the general “General remarks”, and will organize and discuss issues on each theme. The purpose of this lecture is to effectively achieve understanding the basic concept and understanding the purpose of the system through the presentation of items to be considered through self-learning and group discussion.

  •   監査論特論  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 会計大学院講義室A  

    本講義では、監査の最も基本的な概念および理論、日本を中心とする諸制度を説明する。本講義を通じて、学生は、(1) 企業社会における多層的なモニタリングの仕組み、(2) 監査の歴史的発展の経緯、(3) 関連する法律、基準・規則、(4) 監査の重要概念、および(5) GAASに反映されている現代の監査アプローチを理解することができる。講義内容は、公認会計士および監査法人が実施する外部監査に焦点をあてるが、内部監査人による内部監査と監査役による監査役監査の概要も講義内容としてカバーする。

    The course provides fundamental knowledge on auditing. Through the course, students will understand as follows: (1) the multidimensional monitoring system in business society, (2) the historical development of auditing, (3) the applicable laws, standards, and rules, (4) the key concepts in auditing, and (5) the contemporary auditing approach reflected in current GAAS. The focus is basically on a financial statement audit conducted by CPAs and audit firms, but the course also covers audits within the companies conducted by internal auditors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (Kansayaku).

  •   金融論  
      SO KUBOTA  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 / 後期 木曜日 2講時 経済学部第1講義室  


    This lecture provides basic knowledge of the current financial market and skills for analyzing the behavior of households, firms, and financial institutions. You will be financially literate to survive in this tough society after graduating from Tohoku University. I will put much emphasis on the programming exercise using real-world financial data. For students interested more in theoretical analysis, I recommend next year's lecture by Professor Asano.

  •   監査1  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  

    本講義では、監査の最も基本的な概念および理論、日本を中心とする諸制度を説明する。本講義を通じて、学生は、(1) 企業社会における多層的なモニタリングの仕組み、(2) 監査の歴史的発展の経緯、(3) 関連する法律、基準・規則、(4) 監査の重要概念、および(5) GAASに反映されている現代の監査アプローチを理解することができる。講義内容は、公認会計士および監査法人が実施する外部監査に焦点をあてるが、内部監査人による内部監査と監査役による監査役監査の概要も講義内容としてカバーする。

    The course provides fundamental knowledge on auditing. Through the course, students will understand as follows: (1) the multidimensional monitoring system in business society, (2) the historical development of auditing, (3) the applicable laws, standards, and rules, (4) the key concepts in auditing, and (5) the contemporary auditing approach reflected in current GAAS. The focus is basically on a financial statement audit conducted by CPAs and audit firms, but the course also covers audits within the companies conducted by internal auditors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (Kansayaku).
